Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for participating in the prayer chain. It is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the body. A special thank you to Peggy for the time that they so graciously give to relay prayer needs.
I would like to encourage and remind everyone that the purpose of the prayer chain is to communicate important prayer requests for corporate prayer. We can beinundated with email;I want to remind you of some guidelines for submission of requests:

  1. Our prayer chain is designed for Emmanuel Fellowship and immediate families.
  1. Please use the prayer chain for urgent prayer requests requiring corporate prayer. Financial requests should not be made. Please do not include requests regarding everyday events such as minor household concerns, travel plans, etc.

The church will occasionally use the prayer chain for special requests (such as help with funeral food); but this will be the exception, and will only come from the church office.

  1. Submitted requests should be briefand include only the request, without background, opinions and unnecessary personal information about the situation.Prayer requests are opportunities for the body of believers to corporately find the mind of Christ on a given situation. Keeping in mind that "we do not know how to pray as we should" please offer requests without editorializing, or stating the desired outcome (please pray that ______). Only the Lord knows the outcome that will reap the greatest results for His glory.

Romans 8:26 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;

I know some will want more details than we will generally provide.If this is your situation, please call the person who made the original request.

Please take the initiative to shorten your requests and adhere to these guidelines. I have asked Peggy to screen and edit the requests before she sends them out. I donot ever want our prayer warriors to be so overwhelmed by requests that they donot have time to pray.

As a reminder, there is a prayer meeting every Wednesday at 6:45 pm for you to bring specific and personal requests.
You are loved and appreciated.


Pastor Mike

O:\Prayer Chain\07-01-09 Prayer Chain Guidelines.doc