CERTIFICATE IN ADVANCED ENGLISH 4 (Cambridge University Press)



Pg 1/ What I wear to work

Diverse(adj)= different,various, diversity(n)- syn.variety

To deem(v)= to think, to believe, to be of the opinion of

e.g. ‘I deem that the second option is better.’

Outfit(n)= clothes one wears

e.g ‘ I can’t go to work in this outfit.’

Satchel(n)= a bag used to carry books

To impact on(v)= to affect, to have an effect on

To goggle(v)= to laugh in a silly way

To eavesdrop(v)= to listen to somebody’s conversation on purpose

Unnerving= that, which upsets you, enervates you

To contribute to(v)= to lead to,to help with

Barriers(n)= limits

e.g. ‘This plane can break the sound barrier.

Also: language barrier= not speaking a language, which stops you from communicating with people

Colleagues= people who do the same job e.g. teachers

Frame of mind= mood one is in e.g. ‘ I’m not in the right frame of mind for this kind of work’

To associate one thing with another= to connect things (in one’s mind)

e.g. ‘ I always associate Christmas with receiving and giving gifts’.

Pg. 8 Mrs Mintar

To be misled=to make mistakes, to be wrong

(see usage in the text)

Wiry=thin, flexible, muscular

Vigor=strength, force, power

Thong=a string of leather

Pendant=a piece of jewelry hanging from one’s neck


Dreary=boring, uninteresting

Assumption=hypothesis, supposition, presumption

Col. To make an assumption

Pg. 9 The Polo Shirt

Scruffy=untidy in appearance


e.g “He speaks sloppy English”

to transcend=to exceed

e.g “the athlete transcended himself and did more than was possible”

Rebellion=revolution (v)=to rebel against sb

Pivotal=being of considerable importance

e.g good studying habits are pivotal to passing an exam

Pg. 10 The Modern Adventurer

Summit=top of, the crest/peak of

Candour=honesty, brilliance


A decade=ten years (a period of)

To abseil from=to come down from, using a rope


To trudge=to walk with heavy, slow steps



Stamina=strength, physical endurance

To generate=to produce

An exploit=an achievement,a feat

Plight=situation one is in (usu. bad)



To slither=to slide

Pg. 12/13 Bridges

To hint at=to imply, to suggest indirectly

Limbo=any in between place or condition

Far-fetched=impossible to imagine

Concept=idea, notion

Shallow=not deep

e.g shallow maters

Boundaries=limits, borders

Region=area, district

Deliberately=on purpose, intentionally


To savour=to taste, to enjoy, to relish

To contradict=to be against, to appose

Ancestors=people we come from, forefathers


To visualize=to predict

Be confined to=be limited to


Pg. 14/15 A Band and its website


Potential=ability to do smt

Approach=method, strategy-way one does smt

To fit in with=to match, go together with

Acclaim(n)=recognition, acknowledgement

Attribute(v) smt to smt else=give reasons for

Integrated into=included in

Overhaul=a complete repair of


Pg 33. The interview

Suburbs=city areas outside the city centre

Competence=ability to do something well

Waywardness=obstinacy, stubbornness

Hilarious=comical, very funny

Pompous=impressive (unnecessarily)

Pg 34 TV criticism

Distinctive=clear, specific


Condescension=politeness towards inferiors


Pg 35 Review of the book Teen TV

Obsolence=the process of becoming old

Relentless=unstoppable, ceaseless


To exploit(v)=to take advantage of

To appeal to= to attract

Inevitable= cannot be avoided, unavoidable

To adjudicate= to act as a judge, to judge

To condemn= to criticize, to reject

Sitcom= a TV comedy

Lifespan= duration of

Page 36 calls from the deep

To monitor= to carefully control

To pinpoint= to specify

To baffle= to confuse, to puzzle

Audible= that which can be heard

To detect= to find, to discover

To luck= to remain hidden in order to attack

Efficient= able to, effective, competent

An array of= a line of


Sprawling= stretching across an area

Remnants = what remains, ruins, remains (n)

Raft= a square piece of wood used for sailing

Consensus= general agreement

To retort= to reply, to answer back

Conviction= idea,belief, a prison sentence

Backlash= public reaction

To dabble in= be an amateur dealing with something

Audacious= daring, bold

Grudgingly= unwillingly, reluctantly

Hitherto= up to now,so far

To purchase= to buy

To conceal= to hide

Resentment= displeasure

Pages 40,41 old friends reunited

Compatible= go well together ( of people, things)

To endure= to last

Mutually= involving two sides

To long to(v)= to want something badly

Avid= enthusiastic e.g. an avid reader

Re-ignited= restarted, rekindled

Riotous= rebellious, revolutionary

To drift apart= to lose touch with somebody

Discerning= choosy, selective, careful when choosing

Be disconcerted= be upset about

To renounce= to reject, to drop, to leave

Daunting= terrifying

To entail= to include,to involve, to contain


Page 59 Life in the slow lane

To withstand= to confront,to resist, to face

Circumnavigation= travelling round a place

Skeptical= doubtful

Off spring= child, children

Invariably= as a rule, usually

Page 60 Mr.particular.com

Barbed= thorny, with cutting edges

Defiencies= inadequacies,gaps

Be up to scratch(idiom)= meeting the required standards,expectations

Be eloquent= one who possesses the art of rhetorics,can speak in an excellent way

A bug= a small insect

To foot the bill= to pay the bill

Decent= good enough

Page 61 Walking the world


To neglect= to forget to do, pay no attention to one’s duties or obligations

Teeming=crowded=to teem with =be full of

Aprelude=a prologue to/ a preface to

Propulsion=a push forward

A multitude of=lots of, many of, several, a plethora of


Sufficiently=enough, adequately

Pg. 62/63 The birth of Spider-Man

Brainchild= idea, inspiration, a ‘product’ of one’s mind

Irresistible= impossible to resist, or to fight

Compulsive= unable to stop oneself from doing something eg. compulsive eater

Profoundly= deeply

Saviour= one who saves others e.g. ‘Jesus is our saviour’

Contemporaries= people who live at the same time

Featuring= showing

To enhance= to improve

Maligned= having a bad reputation

Angst= stress, pressure

Adolescence= teenage

Quintessential= the ultimate

Privy= secret, hidden

To become privy= start to understand somebody’s inner thoughts

Pages 64,65 Recreating sails used on Viking ships

Replica= a copy of, an imitation of

Catch(n)= a problem e.g. ‘There’s a catch here’

To perish= to die, to disappear

Shelter= protection

A breed= a kind of (us for animals)

To saturate= to soak in water

Heather= an evergreen planet

To thrive on= to do very well, to prosper

To shear= to cut a little, to trim

An insight into= an understanding of

To consult= to ask for an expert’s advice

Interpretation= explanation,understanding

Pages 66-67 Electric Guitars

To prompt(v)= to cause something to happen

To lay something aside= to abandon, to give something up

To bash= to strike, to hit heavily

To raid= to attack

To disassemble= to take something to pieces, to take something apart

Notably= in other words, that is to say

Glare= brilliance, brightness

To pander to= to appeal to, to attract

To amass= to gather, to collect, to accumulate

Reverence= respect for(v)= to revere(v)

To resurface= to reappear


Pages 85 Camping in the wild

To retreat= to go back to,to retire to

Sumptuousness= luxury , lavishness

To insulate= to keep one away from

Privilege= advantage

To scar= to do harm to, to damage(figur.)


To fliquer= to tremble (of candles,flames)

Fury= anger,force

Turmoil= the state of being upside down

Rational= logical,reasonable

Imminent= ready to happen,impending

Leap= jump


Pristine= unspoiled,unoccupied, virgin

Haven= a refuge or sanctuary,a shelter

To emerge= to appear

To quadruple= to become four times more

Sediment= a collection of small particles

Grazing= animals eating the green in fields

Bleaching= a surface turning to white

Pages 88-89 Elephant intelligence

To infiltrate= to gain access to,to enter

A herd= a group of animals, a flock

Footage=an amount of film or tape

Mischievousness= ability to do harm to

Perpetrator=the one committing a crime

To trample= to walk heavily upon

Pages 90-91 The Sound of Music

To define= to characterise as


Illustrative= explanatory

Royalties=money one gets from copyrights

Lucrative= profitable

To stimulate=to excite

Bulk= lots of,plenty of

To hurl= to throw something with force

To perceive=be aware of, to understand

Be concerned about= worry about

Pages 92,93 Keeping a Journal

Perspective= view


To undergo changes= to go through changes

Primary= main,chief

Lack of=absence of, shortage of

To foretell= to foresee,to predict

Banal= unimportant,insignificant,trivial

To witness= to see, to be present at

Rough draft=piece of paper used for making quick notes

An endeavour= an effort, an attempt

Aspiration= ambition

Implication= result of

Uncensored= without restriction,limits

To utter= to say

Ruthlessly=without mercy

Irrefutable= undeniable

Schism= an opening between, a chasm

Constant= continuous, steady

Hindsight= looking back in time, reconsidering past events or experiences

Impenetrable= impossible to enter, go through

To undermine= to sabotage, to harm, to damage

Retrospective=looking backwards

Tedious=boring and tiring

Random= depending on chance

To mimic=to copy,to imitate


Cogent= reasonable and convincing

Principally= mainly
