June 3, 2015
A motion to accept the minutes of May 26, 2015 meeting was made by Rita Solkin, seconded by Claudette Campbell. AIF and carried. There were 22 Chairpersons, 7 Executive and 3 Staff members in attendance.
The annual financial review has been completed. See bulletin board for report.
As part of our charitable designation a financial statement is required to be sent to Canada Revenue Agency. This has been completed and filed for another year.
Total Revenue$3,648.91
A motion was made to accept the financial report of May by Wenke Hogg and seconded by Jeannine Hyndman.
Two thank-you cards were received and read. One from Marg McKee and the other was from the NWSS Green Thumbs Gardeners.
A)Review of Activity Group Fee Policy. - Josie
From time to time it’s a good idea to review some of the operational policies of CHA.
Recently we all had our activity annual elections and we have many new volunteers in the positions of chair, treasurer and secretary.
The Executive has been fielding questions and having discussions with the group in regard to the responsibilities around the collection, tracking and disbursement of funds so we thought it might helpful to review the policies around this topic.
“The Committees are responsible for the disbursement of funds and for ensuring that, after monthly expenses, one-third be retained in the activity group’s bank account with the balance being paid to the Century House Association General Fund. All funds must be used for the betterment of Century House members, their activities and the Centre”.
It is not a requirement to turn over excess funds each month if in your budget you see that you will require these funds for a legitimate expense in your calendar year. So your funds should be deposited and an account kept of all income and expenses. These records must be kept up to date and available for review and at the end of the fiscal year, at the time of elections should be passed on to the new elected Executive.
Some groups have few financial transactions per year. Others have income such as from sale of their group generated products or honorariums for performances.
It will be important for each group to prepare a budget based on their income and expenses. If your executive is new then you can ask for the previous years’ records.
All budgets are estimate and your group can be more complicated depending on the type and number of activities that you participate in.
No individual should keep their group funds in their homes. If necessary, arrangements may be made (with staff)for funds to be kept in office safe, if opening a bank account is not an option.
One of the goals is to keep the activity priced reasonably so that your members do not suffer financial hardship in order to participate.
B) Review of changes for Look What’s Happening brochure - Lesley
Lesley reviewed the list of activity groups that were in attendance at the meeting to confirm that each group’s fees and times were correct.
C) Assistive Listening Device Equipment Order Update - Vance
Everything has been ordered and estimate time of arrival is mid- June.
D)SOLO Banner Update - Elizabeth
The Executive is currently reviewing the pictures that we want on the banners. She showed examples and advised that we were still waiting for more to make sure we have the ones we want. We’ll have more information at the August meeting.
E) Learning Garden Project Update - Barb
There is not too much more to report from the last meeting. We are still waiting for the construction of the boxes and work being done in the area. This has been started today and may take a little over a week to complete. Another meeting will be held soon todecide what we want to plant first.
F) Seniors Festival, October 17, Save the Date - Vance
The Seniors Festival will be at Century House on October 17from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
G) Summer Schedule Reminder - Lesley
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Friday - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Thursday - 9:00am to 9:00pm
Closed Canada Day - July 1, 2015
Closed BC Day - August 3, 2015
Closed Labour Day - September 7
Regular hours resume September 8th.
Association File Retention/Destruction of old files - Barb
Barb explained that it was time to purge old files that were older than 5 years for documents/correspondence and financial files are to be retained for 7 years.
Barb also explained that we still have copies of minutes, past Clarions and other important information in different places, including on the computer.
Barb made a motion to “removed all files that are over 7 years and not kept on the computer.”
Shirley approved as moved and Wenke seconded the motion.
BOOK CLUB - Marion Orser
The group read the book 419 by Will Ferguson and it was an excellent and informative story.
- Casino Royal winners both donated their prices totally $100.00
- We will present bursaries to 4 students at the awards ceremony on June 4th.
Our next committee meeting will be in the fall.
CARPET BOWLERS - Jeannine Hyndman
We play every Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00 am. It is fun, good exercise and most of all meet a great group. Give it a try. Three free games or come and watch.We love to teach.
CENTURY HOUSE ARTISTS Drop-In - Barbara Hilstad
Artists... Classes finished for the summer? Come and join us. Bring your current art project to work on every Thursday afternoon.
CENTURY HOUSE ARTISTS (Classes) - Susan Tamkin
Classes are finishing and we arepreparing for two upcoming displays. Arts in Action - Cultural Crawl - August 8 and 9 and a display at the Arts Council, Queen’s Park Gallery, August 18 to September 11 “opening reception August 23 2:00 to 4:00pm.” You are all welcome.
DANCERS - Ruth Deeks
There were 5 Sundays in May; the Mother’s Day and Victoria Day dances had very good attendance.
FITNESS AND FUN - Barbara Merrett
Final meeting for Strawberry Tea is this Thursday, June11 to count final number.
We are busy planning our Strawberry Tea which will be on Thursday, July 18 at 11:30 am. Tickets are $3.00 andeveryone is welcome. We will have an updated Treasurer’s Report next month when our new Treasurer has taken over.
HAPPY HOUR - Wenke Hogg
We served at Night in Spain and Casino Royale.
KEEP IN TOUCH - Ruth Deeks
A number of cards were sent this month. Regretfully report the passing of several members; Nellie Cavell, Bernard Comat, Judy Williams, Linda Evans and Jessie Smith.
LOW VISION - Barbara Gordon
We had a very enjoyable singalong with the Ukulele group at our yearend party with great food. A new volunteerMargot Dennyhas started and is helping out. We had two new members this month.
MAHJONG - Luna Acedillo
Our newest member is fitting in nicely, gradually gaining more confidence each week.
PICKLEBALL - Josie Muise
No special activities - Just lots of fun!
QUILTERS - Rita Solkin
CH Quilters continue to welcome new members. We are currently working on items for the Cultural Crawl and trying our hand at small art quilts.
Patricia was away for this meeting. Rob Hughes directed the meeting. Guests were Kristin Helgason, Director, Development and Donor Services for the Vancouver Foundation and Allison Jones from Qmunity who shared information about Aging Out Project which concerns culturally competent care for LQBTQ Seniors in Residential Care and Assisted Living.
June 17 - last day of education class
June 24 - pot luck party
Visit homeless shelter in the fall and have them as a guest speaker.
We are keeping busy getting ready for the Arts in Action in August. We also seem too have difficulty keeping up with our crochet sun hat. I keep putting one into the display cabinet and they keep getting sold which is great. We had another commission for a baby sweater and hat with a penguin motif. Several of us are going to make purple hats for the Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome. We are using our own yarn and doing this on our own time. We will also be meeting throughout the summer.
May 14 we went to New Vista Society for a sing out with a good attendance. The residents enjoyed themselves and some sang along which our director encourages to make it more enjoyable for them. We will have our last practice on June 8 and will take a break over the summer. We are doing a sing out at St. Barnabas Church on June 14 at their Sunday service.
UKULELE - Shirley Miller
We have lost an avid ukulele player member of our ukulele circle; Judy Williams will be dearly missed.
The Century House Ukulele Activity Group will be meeting through the summer: Every Thursday morning- 9:30 to 11:30 am and also in Moody Park for the 1st Wednesday of July (July 1) and of August (August 5) at 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Weather permitting. Call Century House for details.
- Bernard Comat passed away in May. He was in his late 80’s.
- Thanks to Laura and Liz for assistance with personnel issue.
May 1North Side Burnaby Lake
May 8Queen Elizabeth Park
May 15 Burnaby Mountain and SFU
May 22Byrne Creek Ravine (scheduled Jericho beach, changed due to Skytrain problems
May 29Middle Arm to Richmond
Attendance and Finance reports were also received from
Bingo, Tuesday Bridge, Canasta, Cribbage, Darts, Wednesday Crafts, Parkinson, Poker, Soapstone, Square Dance, Table Tennis, Wednesday Crafts, Court Whist and Whist.
Josie - A reminder that there are manygood events in the Clarion and encouraged everyone to read it.
The Pickleball groupentered a team in the Trivia event and had a great time.Thanks to Kevin.
Laura - Wish everyone a wonderful summer.
Elizabeth - Health Drop-In welcomed everyone to attend their Strawberry Tea.
Vance - Enjoyed all activity group reports. Have a great July.
Rita has offered to step in for lead position in the health and recreation area for the Seniors Festival.
As part of the New West Pride celebrations, Vance noted that the our Senior Gay Straight Alliance group will be hosting an afternoon Hoedown Danceon August 12 during their regularly scheduled meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend this fun, free event.
He noted this is Lesley’s final Chairperson’s meeting.
Kevin - Reminder of two upcoming celebrations: Celebrate China and Mad Hatters Tea Party.
8 people attended Mystery Cook-off - Great time.
Liz - Thanked Ruth Deeks for all her volunteer work. You are a great representative of a volunteer.
We have 2 new front desk volunteers starting and 3 new cashiers for the Connections Cafe.
We have had twelve new volunteer applications, 6 adults and 6 youth.
Lesley –The annual review of Food Service pricing will be done in Julyany price changes will take effect on September 1.
As our Connection’s Cafe and lounge areas become busier,where possible card players are asked to finish games by 11:30am or continue after 1:00pm. this would be helpful to free up the extra tables over the lunch period.
Reminder that as part of extended City Services you can pay your taxes at the front office. Lesley thanked Susan for her comments about how pleased she was with the convenience of this service.
Best wishes to Ruth Deeks and many thanks for her years of dedication and service to Century House.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.
There is no Chairperson’s meeting in July. The next meeting is scheduled for August 5, 2015 at 10:00 am.
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