Course Policy Statement: Latin I
Fr. Jacob Hsieh, O.
Period 3ARoom 112
In fulfillment of the School Wide Goals (ESLRs):
In this course, you will be a
- Christ-Centered Person by seeing how Latin has been used in the Church, enriching Catholic Culture and Liturgy
- An Individual of Strong Character by learning how to tackle a challenging language bit by bit and how to discipline oneself in the strong study habits needed to master Latin
- A Genuine Thinker and Decision Maker by seeing how learning Latin is much more than just learning Latin and how Latin affects many areas of study (philosophy, theology, grammar, literature, etc...)
- A Socially Responsible Citizen by learning to help each other study Latin and seeing how Latin has influenced all of Western Civilization
Description of the Course’s Content:
- The basics of Latin grammar
- Introduction to Conversational Latin
- Introduction to Roman and Greek Mythology
- Introduction to Roman and Greek History
- Preparation from the National Latin Exam
This course meets the California State Content Standards. Critical reading of classic Latin texts will train the student to be able to search out and identify the beauty and merit of these texts.
Homework Policy:
- Homework is due when it is collected.
- For unexcused absences, you get a zero.
- For excused absences, come to me after school in room 112 and we will set up a deadline when you can turn in your homework.
- For long-term assignments, the same holds as for short-term assignments.
Written Assignment Policy:
- Handwriting must be neat and legible. If not, the answer will be marked wrong.
- Write in pen only.
Testing Policy:
- There will a possible quiz everyday. Every night, you must study the worksheet handed out for a possible quiz the next day.
- Tests will be about twice every quarter. They will be announced beforehand.
- If you miss a quiz or test, come to me after school in room 112 so that we can set up a time to make it up. If you missed class, you must get the notes and reading materials from another student.
Grading Scale
- I use the absolute point system.
- Quarter Grading:
- Quizzes = 30%
- Tests = 50 %
- Homework = 20%
- Semester Grading
- Total of semester grades = 80%
- Final exam = 20%
Tardy Policy
If you are not in your assigned seat by the bell, you are tardy.
Any copying or cheating will receive a zero.
Extra Credit may be given.
- If you talk in class without raising your hand and being called upon, I reserve the right to give you a teacher’s detention.
- If you fail to complete your homework, you will receive an academic detention. Late work receives half credit. You have until the end of the semester to turn in assignments.
Textbook (Bring this everyday)
Ecce Romani I
Ecce Romani I Workbook
Required materials (Bring these everyday)
- Binder
- Dividers
- Loose-leaf paper
I have read and agree to all of these policies:
Student’s Printed NameSignatureDate
Parent’s Printed NameSignatureDate