Sports Council is a sub committee to the UWA Sports and Recreation Association Board.


1. All Sports Council policy shall lapse each year if not specifically re-affirmed by Sports Council Management and Finance Committee or Sports Council General Meeting in accordance with the UWA Sport and Recreation Association Regulations or Constitution.

2. No club affiliated to Sports Council shall become affiliated to an outside body without the consent of Sports Council.

3. There shall be at least two (2) General Meetings of Sports Council in each semester. Refer to UWA Sport and Recreation Association Regulations.

4. The Executive of Sports Council comprising of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and four ordinary members of Sports Council Management Finance Committee will be elected at the October meeting of Sports Council.

5. Uniform University of Western Australia colours

All club uniforms shall be approved by Sports Council. All team's representative of UWA shall as some part of their dress show UWA colours - dark green, royal blue and gold - except where these colours are barred by their Association. As far as possible, dark green shall be the basic of all uniforms.

6. Affiliation with Sports Council

For a Club to become affiliated to Sports Council, the Club must:

(a) submit a constitution to Sports Council at least three weeks prior to the General Meeting;

(b) submit a list of ten student members (minimum), at least three weeks prior to the General Meeting;

(c) register with the Sports Council Executive Committee;

(d) submit a current office bearers form no later than one month after the Club annual elections;

(e) hold an Annual General Meeting which must be advertised on the UWA Sport and Recreation Association's Notice Board;

(f) have a member of the Club present at the Sports Council General Meeting to show cause why the Club should be affiliated to Sports Council:

(g) To remain affiliated with the Sports Council, clubs must maintain and comply with the above procedures.


7. Any member of a Club affiliated to Sports Council shall be entitled to be present as an observer at any meeting of Sports Council provided that the Chair at his/her discretion, may order the exclusion or removal of such person whose behaviour is deemed objectionable to the meeting by the Chairperson and provided further that no observer shall address the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chair.

8. Each member of the Sports Council Management and Finance Committee and each Club affiliated to Sports Council shall receive fourteen days' clear notice of each meeting of the Sports Council provided that no proceedings of Sports Council shall be deemed invalid solely by reason of any person having failed to give due notice of the meeting.

9.1 Each Club affiliated to Sports Council shall send to each meeting of Sports Council one student delegate and one deputy delegate. The student delegate must be an executive member of the Club. If a Club is not represented at a Sports Council General Meeting, it will result in a fine of $50.00 to the Club.

9.2 No person shall be an accredited delegate or deputy delegate for more than one affiliated Sports Club at one time.

9.3 The method of accreditation of delegates and deputy delegates shall be entry of the names on a current office bearers form which shall be lodged at the UWA Recreation and Fitness Centre reception.

9.4 If, for some reason, the delegate or deputy delegate is unable to attend a particular meeting, a temporary delegate may be appointed who shall enjoy the privileges of an accredited delegate for that meeting only.

9.5 The appointment of a temporary delegate shall be in writing lodged with the Secretary of Sports Council, signed by the President, delegate or deputy delegate of the Club stating that the delegate or the deputy delegate cannot attend and naming the person attending as temporary delegate.

9.6 Clubs will not be excused from a fine by sending their apologies. This fine may be rescinded at the discretion of Sports Council Management Finance Committee.

10. The Sports Council may adjourn any meeting or debate to a future sitting.

11. Sports Council may select committees, all of which the President of Sports Council shall be an ex-officio member, as approved by UWA Sport and Recreation Association Board.

12. Removed

13. Only the executive officers (Sports Council Management and Finance Committee) and the immediate past President of Sports Council and the accredited delegate or deputy delegate of each Club affiliated to Sports Council may vote at Sports Council General Meetings.

14. Motions on notice are to be submitted to the Secretary of Sports Council one week prior to the General Meeting of Sports Council.

15. President of Sports Council shall be entitled to chair all committee meetings.


16.1 There shall be a Sports Council Management and Finance Committee (which will be the Executive Committee) will be responsible for the day-to-day management and financial affairs of Sports Council. The Committee shall comprise of Sports Council Executive, four elected delegates, the Executive Director of UWA Sport and Recreation Association and/or the Club Officer (non-voting).

16.2 Sports Council Management Finance Committee shall meet monthly or as the Executive deem fit.

16.3 Specifically the Committee will abide by UWA Sport and Recreation Association's Regulations and University By-laws.

17. Any Club that feels aggrieved by any decision of Sports Council Management Finance Committee shall in writing request the Committee to review such decision.

18. All minutes of Sports Council Management Finance Committee shall be circulated to affiliated Clubs for confirmation at the subsequent General Meeting. The minutes are to be kept in a file to be brought to the General Meeting.

19.1 Sports Council Management Finance Committee shall be authorised to review the minutes, and financial statements of all affiliated Clubs. Notice of two weeks shall be given to the Clubs for them to produce these documents.

19.2 Sports Council Management Finance Committee may direct a Club to submit a list of all equipment and assets.

20. Should a Club fail to comply with the directive of Sports Council Management Finance Committee on two occasions; the Club's account will be frozen. Such a decision shall be re-evaluated at the next General Meeting.


21.1 All Clubs are to submit a detailed budget in March of each year in order that Sports Council Management and Finance Committee may determine an appropriate level of funding for that year.

21.2 The Executive of the Club are to meet with the Sports Council Management and Finance Committee to present the budget. Should a Club fail to attend this meeting, no grants will be provided to that Club for that year.

21.3 The Club budget is to be submitted on the appropriate forms from the UWA Sports Club Administration Handbook.

21.4 The categories for grant approvals and the qualifications for those categories shall be determined by Sports Council Management Finance Committee.

22.1 All clubs are to claim their grants no later than two weeks before the end of Semester Two.

22.2 Should a Club desire an extension on the grant-claiming period, a request in writing must be submitted before the deadline. Sports Council Management and Finance Committee may approve an extension of the grant-claiming period up until 31st December.

23. No grants shall be made by the Sports Council other than to a Club affiliated to the Sports Council.

24. If a grant is not claimed by the deadline or the deadline applied to a Special Grant has expired, then the grant shall no longer be valid. The Sports Council Management and Finance Committee may approve an extension for special conditions when requested by the club before the deadline of that grant. All unclaimed funds will be returned to the grant source account.

25. All grants shall be made for specific purposes and shall be applied by the Club solely for the purposes for which they were made and shall be subject to such conditions as the Sports Council may impose.

26. Where a grant is made for the purpose of obtaining goods or services, an official UWA Sport and Recreation Association Purchase Order Form for such goods or services shall be issued before ordering, in favour of the Club and the cost thereof charged to Sports Council.

27. Club Records

At any time the Executive of the Sports Council shall have power to inspect the minutes and records of any affiliated club and if not satisfied that the minutes and records are accurate, up to date and a satisfactory record of the activities of the Club, shall recommend to the Sports Council that such Clubs be suspended until such books (in the opinion of the Executive of Sports Council) are satisfactory.

28. (a) Clubs are required to forward a statement to Sports Council Management Finance Committee indicating the number of teams and/or individuals who are registered with the parenting sporting body. Clubs are to forward to the UWA Sport Clubs Officer a monthly statement of membership.

(b) Where Clubs have more than one subscription rate, details must be included in the statement submitted by the Club.

(c) Where a Club is affiliated with a parent body on a team and individual basis, the Sports Council Management Finance Committee shall annually determine whether Club numbers are to be ascertained by reference to team or individual registrations.

29. Statement of membership

To ascertain the number of members of sporting clubs, each club will be required to submit as part of its annual budget submission

30.1 (a) the number of its members who were in the year prior to the current year -

1. Ordinary Members of the Association

2. Associate Members of the Association

3. Junior Members of the Association

(b) If, in the opinion of Sports Council Management and Finance Committee, the total numbers of members provided by a club has been deliberately misleading, the Committee shall, after reasonable investigation, have the power to withhold Sports Council grants to the club. Grants may be reduced by Sports Council Management and Finance Committee if the club does not achieve membership target.

30.2 Each club is to provide a detailed listing of club membership at the end of each month. This listing shall include name, address, telephone number, student number, Sports Card number and date joined. It shall be divided into the following categories:

Ordinary Member UWA Students, UWA Staff, UWA Graduates

Associate Member Other Tertiary Students, Ordinary Members Immediate Family, UWA Sports Club Nominated Persons and UWA College Residents, Other Graduates

Juniors Under 17 years of age

31. Colours-Eligibility
The Sports Council may award Colours to UWA student members of the UWA Sport and Recreation Association on the recommendation of a committee to be known as the 'Awards Committee'. The Sports Council may award Club Letters to non-student members of the University sporting clubs on the recommendation of the Awards Committee.

32. Colours

(a) Colours shall mean and include the awards to be known as Blues and Half Blues and Sports Star Awards.

(b) Any person awarded Colours shall be entitled to receive a Colours plaque.

(c) No person shall possess any Colours plaque unless and until authorised to do so by the Sports Council. Colours ties, scarves and plaques shall be purchased only on the signed order of the President or Secretary of the Sports Council. The President and Secretary of the Sports Council are empowered to give orders for Colours ties, scarves or plaques only to those persons who are registered in the records of the Sports Council as having been awarded Colours.

(d) No Colours award shall be retrospective.

(e) The Sports Council President and Secretary are empowered to purchase an appropriate 'Colours' award for awardees.

33. Awards Committee

The Awards Committee shall consist of the President and Secretary of Sports Council, two student members and two other members who may be student or non-student members. The two student members and two other members who may be student or non-student members must hold a Blue or Half Blue. The Secretary of Sports Council shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Awards Committee. The two student members and two other members shall each be elected for two years, one being elected each year, where practicable. The quorum of the Awards Committee shall consist of the President of Sports Council, together with three other members.

34. Awards Committee - Powers

The Awards Committee shall meet to consider the Colours nominations of clubs or team and shall have the power of referring any nomination back to the clubs concerned for reconsideration. The Awards Committee shall have the power to recommend a Half Blue when a Blue is recommended by the club, but shall not have power to recommend a Blue when a Half Blue is recommended by the club without that nomination having been referred back to the club concerned. The Awards Committee is empowered to call representatives of the sporting clubs and other persons as deemed necessary to its meetings.

The Awards Committee shall consider nominations of clubs for the awards of Blues, Half Blues Club Letters, Champion Club, Club Service and Sports Star of the Year.

35. Awards Committee - Majority Decisions

Any recommendation of the Awards Committee for the award of Colours must be carried by at least two thirds majority of members present.

36. Sports Council Powers regarding Awards Committee

The Sports Council may refer any recommendation of the Awards Committee back to that Committee for reconsideration, but the Sports Council may subsequently accept, reject or alter the reconsidered recommendation of the Awards Committee.

37. Colours - Nominations

The President of Sports Council shall, before the first day of October each year, call nominations for Colours awards. Nominations shall only be on the official form available at the UWA Recreation and Fitness Centre reception and shall be signed by the President and Secretary of the Club or team. Nominations may also be made by the UWA Sports Board, from time to time, by a motion they have endorsed. The Committee, having considered the nomination of the various clubs, shall in the month of October in each year, and at such other times as the committee deems fit, submit to the Sports Council their recommendation for the award of Blues and Half Blues.

38. Colours Awards - Standard of Merit
In making their recommendations, the Awards Committee shall as far as possible set up a standard of merit to be attained by each nominee, having regard to the minimum standard as set out by each club in the Blues Regulations.