Centralia Middle School - General Information

A.S.B. Fees:

  • ASB card$ 20.00
  • School annual$ 30 with ASB $ 25 without
  • School dance admission$ 3 with ASB $ 6 without ($8 at the door)
  • Athletic Fee for students participating in sports $ 30.00 per sport $35.00 for football

(Those who play sports must also have an A.S.B. card

Other Fees:

  • Science Fee - $ 7.00
  • Art Fee -$ 3.00
  • Choir fee - (for cleaning of choir robes)$ 3.00
  • Band fee - $ 40.00 (Free lunch status)

$ 50.00 (Reduced lunch status)

$ 65.00 (Not qualified free or reduced)

  • Orchestra $ 35.00


Breakfast$ 1.60

Reduced Breakfast$ free

Lunch$ 2.60

Reduced Lunches$ .40

Milk$ .40

School Insurance is available, but the cost varies depending on the package chosen.

PrincipalHeidi Bunker

Asst. PrincipalTod Pickett

SecretaryDeana Rueda

SecretaryLinda Smith


CounselorLaura Hoff

Sarah Stone

Custodial StaffAngel Mendoza

Shane Kainz

Jake Conzatti

Centralia Middle School

Bell Schedules

Regular Bell Schedule Wednesday Schedule First Week Bell Schedule

Doors Open7:40Doors Open 7:40Doors Open 7:40

Halls Open7:408:03Halls Open8:20Halls Open7:408:05

1st period8:089:001st period8:25 9:12 1st period8:10 9:25

2nd period9:049:51 2nd period 9:16 10:02 2nd period9:29 10:12

Passing9:519:55 No passing Passing 10:12 10:17

3rd period 9:59 10:46 3rd period 10:06 10:52 3rd period 10:21 11:05

1st lunch 10:46 11:16 1st lunch 10:52 11:22 1st lunch 11:05 11:35

4th period 10:50 11:37 4th period 10:52 11:42 4th period 11:09 11:51

4th period 11:20 12:07 4th period 11:26 12:124th period 11:39 12:21

2nd lunch 11:37 12:07 2nd lunch 11:42 12:122nd lunch 11:5112:21

5th period 12:11 12:58 5th period 12:16 1:025th period 12:25 1:08

6th period 1:021:49 6th period 1:06 1:526th period 1:12 1:54

7th period1:532:40 7th period 1:54 2:407th period1:58 2:40

Conference Bell Schedule Early Release Bell Schedule

Doors Open 7:40Doors Open 7:40

Halls Open7:40 8:05Halls Open7:40 8:05

1st period8:10 8:351st period8:10 8:35

2nd period8:39 9:042nd period8:39 9:04

3rd period9:08 9:333rd period9:08 9:33

5th period9:3710:02 5th period9:3710:02

6th period 10:0610:326th period 10:0610:32

7th period 10:3611:027th period 10:3611:02

1st lunch 11:0211:32 1st lunch 11:0211:32

4-A period 11:0611:364-A period 11:0611:36

2nd lunch 11:3612:062nd lunch 11:3612:06

4-B period 11:3612:204-B period 11:3612:06

Assembly 12:10 12:40




All students will be issued a free student agenda in the fall. This will serve as an organizer, hall pass, and communication tool. If a student loses his or her agenda, they will need to purchase a new one for $5.


Students at Centralia Middle School shall wear clothes that do not distract from the educational process. Clothing needs to be in good taste and not display words or scenes that are not acceptable to community standards, i.e. images or words promoting drugs, the Confederate flag, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, or anything of a sexual nature. Clothing shall also not display inappropriate messages containing ethnic slurs, promoting violence or hate, or inflammatory messages. Sunglasses, gloves, headphones, and hats cannot be worn during the school day and need to be kept in student lockers.

No extremely brief garments such as: halter tops, bare midriffs, tube tops, tank tops, muscleman shirts, dresses with string straps, or plunging necklines (in front, back, or sides) may be worn without other clothing underneath. Straps should be no less than 3 inches wide on the top of the shoulder. Only incidental exposure of a bra should be seen under the arms of sleeveless blouses, tops or dresses. Shorts and skirts must be in the area of the mid-thigh, generally where fingertips come to when a child’s arm is at rest at their side. Additionally, pants with holes in them must not show exposed skin above the fingertips similar to short and skirt length. Pajamas are inappropriate for CMS and will not be allowed. We also ask that students wear appropriate shoes to school. House slippers are not safe and are not to be worn at school.

Sagging pants and pants which are obviously two or three sizes too big are banned. There should be no exposure of underpants above the pants. Items which pose a distraction such as bandannas, rags, and handkerchiefs are banned.

Any clothing or other items recognized as being related to gang attire, as determined by law enforcement and the gang task force, shall not be allowed at CMS. In addition, CMS prohibits the presence of any clothing, jewelry, accessory, notebook, sticker, or drawing which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or any attribute, denotes or encourages membership in gangs and/or which advocates drug use, violence or disruptive behavior.

Failure to comply with the dress code will result in parent contact, detention slips, or referrals depending on the circumstances.


Use of the school’s computers and other technological tools is a privilege. A computer-use agreement, signed by the student and a parent, must be on file. The right to use computers and other tools will be revoked if students do not follow the established building policies. Discipline consequences may be given if non-educational items are viewed, downloaded or transferred. This includes, but is not limited to, email, games, images, videos, music/audio, sexually explicit materials, profanity, illegal materials, chat rooms, subscriptions, and the ordering of any item. Additional consequences may be applied if there is a violation of local, state, or federal law. (See the Technology Use Agreement on page 14.)


Students should have all personal portable electronic devices turned off and stored in a locker during the school day. The student phone, located at the ASB window, is a toll free phone for students. The student phone may be used before school, at lunch, and after school. Any student who attempts to use their portable electronic device during the school day will result in the device being confiscated. Excuses such as, “it fell out of my pocket,” “my parent was calling/texting me,” I was turning it off,” “I was just checking the time,” or “I was just putting it away” are not valid excuses. This includes classrooms, hallways, the commons, bathrooms, etc. Headphones must also be stored in lockers.

Consequences/Steps for violations of the school policy:

Step 1: A staff member will take phone and return. Step 2: The device will be turned into the office and can be picked up at the end of the day. Step 3: A parent will need to pick up the phone after school. Step 4 will result in discipline.

School is a place of business and learning where work needs to be done. Students are not allowed to use any electronic device to photograph or record another student on school property at any time without that person’s permission. Students choosing to photograph or record another person on school property without that person’s permission will be subject to discipline and possible suspension.

Any student who takes pictures or videos at school that contain images of unwilling persons, inappropriate matters, or have been taken in inappropriate areas (bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.), and posts those pictures or videos online or makes them public in any way, will be subject to further discipline and may be referred to the Centralia Police Department.


Textbooks are loaned to you on the condition that any loss or damage beyond ordinary wear shall be paid by you before further loans are made. The loss or damage is computed on the basis of the listed prices of books. The books will be charged out to you by the teacher and you are responsible to return them to the issuing teacher.


Students at Centralia Middle School are not allowed to engage in affectionate hugging, kissing, hand-holding, etc. In most cases students will receive warnings first before discipline is administered. Parents will be notified if PDA becomes a recurrent problem.


Physical fitness and the development of muscular movement, self-discipline, and self-understanding, are reached through each individual’s active daily participation in our fitness education program. Parents need to encourage their students to participate at whatever capacity they are able during exercise.

In severe cases of injury or illness, the student should discuss their problem with their instructor and arrange for an alternate activity. Participating in a limited manner is always better than watching inactively from the sidelines.

The standard uniform is sweats or shorts, shirt or T-shirt, socks, and tennis shoes (no black-soled running shoes that can leave marks on the floor may be worn). School dress code applies to P.E. attire too. See the Student Dress Code section for details.


Fitness education is a participation class. Students are highly encouraged to suit up every day and participate unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Refusal to participate and/or properly dress will result in a parent contact and a consequence. Students will need a lock to secure their belongings during class.


Students receive grade reports shortly after the end of each quarter. These reports are mailed home each quarter. Additionally, students receive mid-quarter slips that are to be taken home and reviewed by parents. Grades can be checked on Skyward. Passwords are provided to parents and students during the first week of school. Students and parents are expected to check grades online regularly. Report cards will be held until fines and/or fees are paid at the end of the school year.

SCHEDULE CHANGES (Student and Parent Initiated)

Any changes in your class schedule must be approved by the teachers involved, the counselor, the administration, and the parent. An appointment with the counselor is required to discuss any proposed schedule change. Schedule changes are generally not made after the first week of a semester. Some schedule changes may involve a conference with the administration.


Students should carry books and supplies for a few classes at a time. Students may not take backpacks, other bags, or purses into classrooms.


Bicycles must be locked in the bike racks and WALKED on and off the school campus, including sidewalks and crosswalks.


Fire/evacuation drill activities are very serious. Drills will be held at least once a month. Please read this carefully as the life you save could be your own.

When the fire bell sounds:

  1. All students shall walk quickly and orderly from their rooms to the exit specified.
  2. The teacher will be the last to leave the room and will accompany their class out of the building.
  3. Once outside the building and in line, the teacher will check roll to see that all students are present.
  4. Running and talking are not allowed under any circumstances.
  5. Students will remain in line until they are told to return. Then students will return quietly to class with their teacher.


Students excused during class time must have a designated hall pass (or) a written note signed by the teacher, which may include the student agenda signed by the teacher. The hall pass must be presented at your destination. Students in the halls without their hall pass may receive discipline.


  • Lockers are provided as a privilege. Lockers are district property and may be inspected periodically.
  • When you obtain your locker, learn the combination of the lock, do not tell anyone your combination, and do not leave your locker with the lock set.
  • If your locker doesn’t open, go to the office if time allows, BUT DO NOT BE LATE FOR CLASS. A locker combination that won’t work is not an excuse for tardiness.
  • Do not trade lockers or share lockers. Disciplinary action may occur if there is a failure to comply.

Locker combinations are changed each year. They are not to be shared with other students. Students are responsible for cleanliness of lockers. Items placed on the inside of the doors must be appropriate and fastened with tape. Advertisements related to alcohol and tobacco or pornographic materials are not permitted. Periodic locker inspections will be held.

How to open lockers:

Turn your lock to the right several times and stop on the first number of your combination. Turn it to the left past your first number and stop on your second number. Turn right and stop on your third number. Now OPEN! IF YOU HAVE LOCKER PROBLEMS, CHECK WITH THE CUSTODIAN, SECURITY GUARD, (or) MAIN OFFICE.


Students staying for after school activities should make arrangements for transportation in advance. Unless it is an emergency, we request students not be asked to come to the phone during class time. Messages will be sent to the student.


There will be a morning break to allow students to get a quick snack and go to the bathroom. Use this time wisely.

Teachers will not issue hall passes to pick up materials or run errands that can be taken care of during break or lunch time.


  • Food may only be eaten in the commons area.
  • No cuts are allowed in lunch line.
  • Students may not save seats for other students.
  • Keep hands, feet, and food to yourself.
  • Have your ASB card or PIN number ready.
  • Money may be deposited to your account at the food service office.
  • Leave books and supplies in your locker prior to going to the cafeteria.
  • Refrain from loud talking or screaming while eating.
  • All students must sit at tables the first 20 minutes of lunch.
  • Staff will excuse students by table.
  • Leave your table neat and clean. Place all wastepaper and scraps in the proper receptacles.
  • If you drop or spill food, please clean up. Get the assistance of the custodian if necessary.
  • Disregard of cafeteria regulations may lead to denial of cafeteria privileges.
  • When you are finished eating your lunch, you are allowed to remain in the lunchroom or go to the library.


Centralia Middle School provides a reduced price and free lunch program for students who qualify. Applications are available in the office, and anyone who may be eligible is encouraged to apply. This information is kept confidential. Students will not be allowed to charge more than 2 lunches, after that they will get an emergency meal. If it continues to be an issue, parents will be contacted.


  • School is dismissed at 2:40 p.m. each day. Following dismissal, all hallways are to be cleared by 2:50 p.m. unless a student is involved in a school-supervised activity or working with a teacher.
  • Students riding a bus must remain in a single line until on their bus. Students will not be allowed to board a bus until all students have formed a single line. No ‘cutting’ in line or reserving a place in line is allowed.
  • Students returning to school for school related activities such as home sports games or a concert will be allowed to enter the area 15 minutes prior to the start time of event.

Once students arrive on campus, they are expected to remain on campus. After school if students leave campus, they may not come back on campus to ride the bus home.

Loitering: Students are expected to leave school property within 20 minutes after school dismissal. Students staying after school for assistance from a teacher or participation in a school activity must remain supervised by the teacher or group leader. Otherwise, we ask students to leave school property due to safety concerns and a lack of direct supervision.


  • Students walk to and from assemblies with their teacher.
  • Walk to the assemblies promptly when your teacher tells you to.
  • Follow your teacher and sit in the section assigned to your class.
  • Fill every seat - do not try to save a space for a friend.
  • Please be quiet when entering the gym or commons and pay courteous attention to the speaker.
  • When the speaker picks up the microphone everyone should be respectful and quiet.
  • Do not shout or whistle when showing appreciation for performances; clapping is the acceptable way.
  • Stay until information is given for returning to class.
  • Walk promptly and quietly back to class.


ASB is an organization through which students express their opinions, assist in the administration of the school, and participate in the management of school enterprises. ASB promotes leadership, initiative, and self-control among its members. The function of the ASB is to promote student activities and provide fund-raising opportunities to support these activities.


Centralia Middle School offers an excellent athletic program for its students. We are very proud of our teams and the fine sportsmanship they demonstrate. If you are planning to participate in athletics, you must complete the following requirements:

  1. Fill out an athletic clearance form, turn in a physical form from a doctor, and sign the athletic handbook.
  2. Purchase an ASB card and pay the athletic fee.
  3. Maintain eligibility requirements as stated in the athletic code.
  4. Student and parent signatures on the athletic handbook denote an agreement to follow and abide by the athletic code.
  5. Students who are absent, or who have ISS or OSS, are not allowed to attend practice, or participate in games, matches, or meets on the day of the occurrence.
  6. Coaches will be informed regarding absences, tardies/sweeps, solutions, ISS/OSS for the purpose of coaching interventions. Coaching interventions may include loss of participation in games, practices, matches, or meets.

Each participating student must sign an Athletic Code agreement and must follow the rules of this code, both at school and at home. A student who breaks one or more of the rules may be suspended from the sport in which he or she is participating for the remainder of the sports season. Sports in the Centralia School District are governed by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) rules. Complete details regarding these rules are available in our school office.


Cross Country, Football, Girls’ SoccerAugust - October