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NSSP approved by Delegated District Traffic Sign Sponsor,______, on ______.
Section 12-3.11. Use on all Senate Bill 1 (SB1) projectsfor HM (Highway Maintenance) and SHOPP projects using SB1 funding.
Updated draft provided by Don Howe 02-23-18 to SB1 Project Funding Identification (C47C(CA)) signs.
Change to paragraph 1 added on 02-15-18, and website added on 02-23-18.
DO NOT USE 01-20-17 SSP 12-3.11, it is an obsolete version reverting back to the 2010s.
NSSP identifies header numbering consistent with SSP to be updated, until Traffic Ops issues an RSS correction/SSP correction and/or other 12-3.11B(5) & 12-3.11C(3) updates.
Clarification added to instructions for pars. 1, 4, 6, and 7. Paragraph 8 deleted.
Replace Reserved in section 12-3.11B(5) with:
1. Use if details for construction Project Funding Identification signs are not shown.For specific Standard language, see and followappropriate sign designation C47C(CA) sign specification.
A construction Project Funding Identification (C47C(CA))sign must comply with the detailsspecifications for Project Funding Identification signs in section 6F.109(CA) of the California MUTCD andshown onat the Department's Traffic Operations website:
The sign must be a wood-post sign complying with section 82-3.
The sign panels must be framed, single-sheet aluminum panels complying with section 82-2.
4. Use Type XI retroreflective sheeting for rigid substrate construction area signs.
The background on the sign must be Type IIXIretroreflective sheeting. The Type IIXIretroreflective sheeting must be on the Authorized Material List for signing and delineation materials.
The legend must be retroreflective except fornonreflective black letters and numerals. The blue and fluorescent orangemust matchthe FHWA’s color specifications available at the FHWA’s MUTCD website.PR color no. 3 on FHWA's Color Tolerance Chart. The orange must match PR color no. 6 on FHWA's Color Tolerance Chart
6. State or federal funding agency pictograph(s) may be added to balance overall presentation for up to four funding partner agencies in addition to SB1 logo. Up to four additional funding agency pictographs may be added to the sign for projects with local funds to recognize city, county, regional municipal planning organizations as funding partners identified by the project manager. Pictographs must be smaller than the SB1 logo (not any taller than twice the maximum capital letter height displayed on the sign), and the SB1 logo must be the prominent, central graphic on the sign.
Do not add information to the construction project funding sign unless authorized.
Replace Reserved in section 12-3.11C(3) with:
7. Insert the quantity and type of construction project funding signs on the project. Insert Type 1 for conventional highways and Type 2 for freeways and expressways.For size, insert48 by 30 inch for single-post for local roadway signs,96 by 60 inch for multilane highways and 144 by 90 inch for freeways and expressways.Per Specification Style Guide, edit as quantity and size –For example:“2 (quantity) 96 by 60 inch (size) construction project funding…" etc. Edit as necessary to include required bothsizes.
Install _(quantity)Type__(size)construction project funding identificationsigns as shown on the plansat the locationdetermined by the Engineerwithin 5 working days of contract approvalbefore starting major work activities visible to highway users.
Dispose of construction project funding identificationsigns upon completion of the project if authorized.