Innovation Description (Application)
Before applying, please read the Showcase Guidelines carefully.
Your application consists of multiple parts:
- Online E-form: Basic information for competition administration –click here to complete and attach completed Team Information Spreadsheet (see 2. Below).
- Team Information: List of project team members and organizations –click here to download Excel spreadsheetnow. Complete and save as unlocked Excel file named “SHOW-Surname-TEAM” (Surname refers to the Project Leader’s surname.) DO NOT CHANGE formatting of this document. Attach this document to online e-form before submitting.
- Innovation Description (Application): Detailed information about the innovation and its impact. Email to with Impact Testimonials (optional).
- Impact Testimonials (optional): To further demonstrate impact, you may provide a single document (unlocked PDF), which, for example, may contain quotes, brief articles testimonials from people who have benefited from your innovation. Videos are welcome, however please only send the links to the video. This document will be submitted by email (see instructions below).
Completing this document
Save as an unlocked Word file named “SHOW-Surname-APP.doc” (Surname refers to the Project Leader’s surname.) DO NOT CHANGE formatting of this document.
Your organization
Name of organizationWebsite / Twitter handle / @
Provide a brief overview of your organization, including mandate, number of staff, services provided, and size of population served. (200 words maximum)
Your innovation
Why did you create this innovation? What drove the change? (100 words maximum)
What are the primary objective and the primary impact of this innovation? (100 words maximum)
What is the setting for the innovation (select all that apply)
Remote / Retirement/Assisted Living Residence
Indigenous / Home Care Services
Inner City / Primary Care
Hospital (Acute Care) / Palliative Care
Hospital (Community or Rehabilitation) / Hospice
Other – please specify
Describe the key elements of the innovation. How does it work? (250 words maximum)
If evaluated, describe how the innovation is demonstrably better than other alternatives/prior models? (250 words maximum)
If evaluation has yet to be completed, what is your plan (include indicators, methods)? (250 words maximum)
What are the results of the innovation thus far? Describe the evidence of improvement in outcomes (e.g. health, patient/provider/caregiver experience, cost). (250 words maximum)
How have patients/citizens been involved/or will be engaged in the innovation (e.g. design, implementation, evaluation)? (150 words maximum)
What elements/aspects of this innovation make it suitable to be successfully spread to other sites/jurisdictions/practices? (200 words maximum)
List all units, organizations that have adapted and implemented the innovation and how long these sites have demonstrated positive performance/impact.
Unit/Region/Organization / How long has the site demonstrated positive performance/impact?