How to Create a Boy Scout Shadow Box

Items needed:

  • 12” x 16 a 3D display or shadow box (available at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s)
  • 12” x 16” piece of sturdy cardboard
  • carpet tape (two-sided sticky white woven tape, Duck Brand makes it)
  • Duck tape
  • hot glue gun & glue sticks
  • seam ripper
  • iron
  • spray starch
  • scissors
  • yardstick
  • window cleaner
  • newspaper
  • small piece of poster board
  1. Collect everything you want to put in the box. If you have to, go to the scout shop and buy replacement items for years past or worn out items.
  2. Cover your work area with newspaper. Cut the cardboard to a size that will fit inside of the box. Make sure the fit is not too loose or too tight. You must allow enough room for the shirt and the scarves to be wrapped over the cardboard.
  3. Trim any loose ends from the patches on your scout shirt. Cut the back of your scout shirt out, just inside all of the seams.
  4. Drape the shirt over the cardboard and cut off excess, leaving about 3 inches beyond the cardboard all the way around. Starch and iron it. Lay it over the cardboard, fold it and tape it to the back using the Duck tape, making sure the front side is smooth and tight.
  5. Decide how you want the scarves positioned and cut them down leaving a generous amount to tape down on the back of the cardboard. Starch and iron these. One at a time, lay them on the cardboard, fold it and tape it to the back with the Duck tape, making sure the front side is smooth. If you want, you can add carpet tape to the back of the part of the scarf that hangs on the front. This will keep it flat and in place. Repeat this for all 3 scarves separately.
  6. Cut the left pocket off the shirt, leaving a little excess to fold over; iron down flat and tape the back of the pocket down with duck tape. It was also suggested that the pocket can be draped over some poster board and taped to it. Once done, only the pocket should show; no excess material. Put carpet tape on the back of the pocket and place it on the cardboard where you want it.
  7. Take out all of your awards and items to put in the box. Position them on the newly covered cardboard. Play around with it until you like the arrangement; this is important! Begin hot gluing each item down separately using the glue gun. Squeeze the glue onto the cardboard and then place the item in the glue. Remove any glue strings. Allow a few minutes to dry. It was also suggested that the carpet tape can be used on the larger patches instead of the glue. Either works fine. Just remember, nothing is permanent. It can always be changed later.
  8. Use the window cleaner to clean the glass part of your box, inside and out. Place the completed cardboard into the box, close it up, show it off and hang it up!

Congratulations, you did it!