Glenorie Public School



Stage 1


Developed by

Gail Hosford & Linda Bishop

Assessment and Evaluation

Children will be asked to carry out self-evaluation tasks related to their group work and individual efforts during the activities.
Assessment will be carried out by peers for group presentations.
Teacher observations / anecdotal notes will be ongoing throughout the unit. These will concentrate on research skills, group participation, effort, contribution to discussion, problem solving skills, communication skills and achievement of unit outcomes.
During all activities emphasis will be placed on explicit and systematic teaching of literacy components related to activities covered. e.g. report writing, public speaking, journals, recounts etc.


The following pages contain a unit of work for Stage 1. The unit content has been developed from the Board of Studies HSIE K-6 Units of Work titled “TRANSPORT” (pp47-50).

The unit provides opportunities for students to explore transport systems in their local area and focuses on the benefits and responsibilities of transport use.


SSS1.7: / Explains how people and technologies in systems link to provide goods and services to satisfy needs and wants.
ENS1.6: / Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between environments and people

Literacy Links

Create and construct variety of text types:- Recounts, observations, interviews, discussions, consequence charts, diagrams, mapping, presentations, role plays
Reading - Mr Grumpy’s Car and other quality text
Talking & Listening - guest speakers.

Links with other KLAs

Mathematics - mapping keys, legends, time lines, 3D shapes
Creative & Practical Arts - constructing futuristic models
Science & Technology - examines impact of transport systems
PD/H/PE - road safety, pedestrian and bike safety

Values & Attitudes

*Social justice * Ecological Sustainability * Democratic process * Lifelong learning


The following resources are recommended:

  • Board of Studies website ( lists current available resources such as some background information sheets, websites, texts and other material to support this unit.
  • Pictures showing a variety of transport - individual and class size
  • Magazines and brochures
  • Visual text eg. For the Juniors - Wheels, Wings, Transport, Travel Safety
  • RTA Bus Safety - Roads and Traffic Authority
  • Excursion - to local transport depot; using local transport systems.
  • Newspaper extracts - related to problems concerned with transport eg. pollution, noise problems and solutions

Glenorie Public School
What is transport?
Why do we need transport?
What makes a transport system?
How does the transport system help us?
How does transport cause problems for people and environments?
How can we be responsible transport citizens?




Children are able to:

examine the interconnections between technologies, workers, users and environments

describe components of a system designed to meet the needs of people

explain the impact of human activity on the environment

describe how people interact with the environment

observe and gather information about the local environment

investigate the ways in which their lives depend on the natural and built environment

reflect on the environmental changes that have occurred, talk about future consequences and jointly plan possible responsible action

make connections between their needs and wants for goods and services and how these needs and wants are satisfied


Children have developed skills in:

acquiring information from a variety of sources through locating, accessing, selecting and critically evaluating information.

using an inquiry process when participating in meaningful research related to important social and environmental issues. This involves initiating an investigation, gathering, analysing, synthesising, applying information and reflecting on their learning.

social and civic participation that will allow them to accept and fulfil their social responsibilities.


Children have developed:

recognition of the interdependence of people and the environment

a commitment to ecologically sustainable development and lifestyle.

a curiosity and desire to learn about people, their society and.

an understanding of the rules and laws that protect property and people

an appreciation and understanding of responsible and active participation in society as individuals and members of groups. in the lives of individuals and groups



Interconnection of section of society

Roles & responsibilities of workers


modes of transport make life easier and provide for our needs.

the environment is affected when change occurs.

people in our community provide for our needs and wants.

Title of Unit: /





SSS1.7: / Explains how people and technologies in systems link to provide goods and services to satisfy needs and wants.
ENS1.6 : / Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between environments and people
Indicators of Achievement / Teaching / Learning Activities
describes the requirements for different types of transport. / Pose the problem: How would you get koalas from a bushland reserve in Aust. to a zoo in Japan? View a globe and identify the position of Japan and Australia. Jointly construct a flow chart demonstrating the different steps and transport types involved with the transportation of the koalas.
depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet the needs and wants of people. / Brainstorm ways of travel children are familiar with. Look through magazines and brochures to collect ideas and pictures. Make a retrieval chart and label forms of transport. Categorise and sort transport forms eg road, land, sea, air. Locate on map of local area. Choose a category and study visual texts associated with the chosen form of transport. Look at workers, signs, buildings, facilities etc related to the transport mode.
evaluates the results of human activity on environments relevant to them. / Children explain how forms of transport help us. Discuss impact on people’s lives if certain modes of transport were not available. Develop a consequence chart.
describes interactions with the environment that can affect their life or the lives of others. / Local area excursion to observe the transport types in use in their community. Have children complete an oral recount of the excursion. ie. graffiti, road rules. Construct and label a model or diagram of a transport system and explain how components link and interact.
examines the impact of a system on lifestyle and the environment. / List ways transport helps people and ways it causes problems. Discuss the issues that arise. Organise as a chart. (See below)
Look at current news items related to air/noise/water pollution. Collect newspaper references to problems related to transport. View videos related to pollution caused by transport and discuss possible solutions now and in the future.
Transport / Problem / Effects on people / Effects on environment
explains how people help them. / Guest speakers from essential services. Children develop survey questions to ask visiting speakers about their use of transport to help people and to find out more about their work. Write a factual recount based on information gathered from speakers.
outlines social and environmental responsibilities when operating in or using a system. / Have students role play safe bicycle, pedestrian and bus behaviours. Discuss safety rules, road rules, meaning of traffic signs
identifies ways that places in their immediate environment have changed and are continuing to change. / Read “Mr Grumpy’s Car”- John Burningham. Discuss text with students. Observe old photos of the local area – see Jeff Potter at Gosford library. Ask an old resident of the area to talk about changes they have experienced. An excursion to an Aged Care home may be worthwhile here also. Children formulate survey questions to ask old residents. Children may survey grandparents about changes to transport during their life. Look at recent changes to roads/ transport eg bicycle lanes, roundabouts, wombat crossings etc. What are the reasons for the changes?
demonstrates an understanding of the changing transport needs of a person throughout their life. / Construct a timeline showing the different forms of transport used at different times in our capsule, stroller, walker, tricycle, pedal car, bike, scooter, skateboard, bus, car, train, plane, wheelchair etc. Sequence series of cards according to time frame of a person’s life.
identifies ways that places in their immediate environment have changed and are continuing to change. / Discuss transport modes for the future. Design and make, using recycled or new materials, a form of futuristic transport. Take into account how your machine will be powered. Display for peer comment. Give it a name and label its features.
examines environment issues and individual needs related to the development of a transport system. / Have students develop an imaginary landscape and design a town. They can then plan a transport system to support the needs of the community. Discuss factors such as cost, restrictions due totransport types, geographical features, pollution, environmental concerns. Present group ideas to the class with an explanation as to why things have been planned as they have.