Tripoli Community School District
School Board Meeting
Monday, January 18, 2016
5:30 p.m. – Community Room
Board President Scott Danner called the school board meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. with the following members present: Jamie Dettmer, Laurie Buhrow, Donna Hereid, and Ally Mueller. Also present were Troy Heller, Tracie Fette, Sarah Figanbaum, Amanda Moenk (Tripoli Leader), Marci Titera, Helen Milius, Beth Munk, Andrew Bruns, Kristi Schult, Tony Sneiderman, Amy Bergmann, Dawson Bergmann, Kelli Kauffman and Megan Bruns.
Motion by Dettmer, seconded by Buhrow, to approve the consent agenda as follows: (a) approval of the agenda as presented, (b) approval of the Regular Session, December 21, 2015 Minutes, (c) approval of the monthly financial reports, (d) approval of the monthly bills and (e) there were no Personnel Recommendations. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Heller then introduced Mrs. Marci Titera to review the Clarity Survey updates. She discussed the technology used, the overall scores and how the one-one computers are enhancing the progress of the district. Details to the use of the 4 C’s of teaching, communication, critical thinking, clarity and creativity from the staff. Mr. Heller then introduced Mrs. Schult to update the Board in regards to Prom, April 9th. The Junior & Senior Class voted with the majority in favor of having grand march at the High School, then off to Dubuque via Charter Buses to the Grand Harbor Center where the meal, dance and after Prom will all be located. They will be arrive back at the school around 5:30 am Sunday, April 10. Details are still being completed for this event. Mr. Heller then introduced Tony Sneiderman, Activities Director, to say a big “Thank You” to the Boosters for the purchase of the Conference Banners and all charges associated with the new Football Scoreboard. Next, discussion between the School Board and concerned parents/students, in regards to Middle School Extra Curricular Activities. It was determined after input from all that if Mr. Sneiderman, Activities Director could arrange a Middle School Softball/Baseball Sports schedule this late, that there would be MS Softball & Baseball for summer 2016.
Mr. Heller then reviewed the Board policies that deal with our gym rental. Discussion on whether or not the Board supports the decisions that Mr. Sneiderman, Mr. Gilbert, and I have made with our facility rentals over the years; or if the Board would want us to administer the policy in a different way. The rental page 905 and 905.1R2 was reviewed and the history on the rental in the past 5-10 years. An update with details from other districts and how they currently handle teams wanting to use their facilities (football, soccer, or volleyball). Dunkerton says they must have the majority of the players be Dunkerton students or else they charge (determined by administration) according to Board policy. Sumner and Nashua charge if the traveling team is making a profit (meaning the coach makes a profit), and it is not school affiliated. It appears that West Central and Wapsie are open to anyone utilizing their gym. Other areas of concern are in regards to the balls and equipment, and supervision. In the past 5-10 years, the majority of the teams utilizing our gym have had a school employee who was supervising the practices. These people know how to shutdown things and how to put things away without any training. However, the current situation this year does not have a school employee supervising. The parents involved this year are outstanding and responsible parents, but this is where my concern is and what will happen in the future with other nonemployees. When you review the Board policy, it reads that supervisors and custodial staff should be paid by the school and not by the renters, this is not always the case in the past, s the Boosters have paid the custodial staff directly from their earnings. After discussion it was determined that Mr. Heller and Mr. Sneiderman will handle the equipment and facility rentals.
Mr. Heller then reviewed the updated reduction spreadsheet for 2016. We are currently talking with Starmont about sharing a superintendent position. Also may know that I have also offered up our newly created (TLC grant monies) Curriculum Coordinator person for one day per week of sharing to our surrounding neighbors. With this, I have had two districts that have shown interest. We are currently at 15 operational sharing monies or $96,000 (gross) monies for the next three years. We can create a total of 21 operational sharing monies however, this state policy may end in 2019. Naturally we all know that in this gross figure, there is currently an expense of about $30,000. As for the two current adventures that we are looking at, a superintendent receives 8 operational sharing monies or $51,200; and a curriculum director receives 3 operational sharing monies or $20,000. I’m reviewing all angles because we will not know what will be worked out in the final phase. We could end up anywhere from 10 to 21 operational sharing monies by the start of the next school year. On another note, in December, the Board approved our TLC positions. The two positions that we will need new hires for are Mrs. Wurzer’s and Mrs. Cheever’s positions. Their new positions will be paid with our $138,000 new monies that we get from the state starting July 1. The monies will come in one sum this year; but next year, it will be rolled into our Aid and Levy Worksheet We will be saving approximately at least $35,000 for the 2016-2017 school year. This is only a sure thing for one year because the TLC positions are only one-year positions. With the possibility of earning new sharing monies, I would recommend that we bring back the MS sports and EWALU for the summer and fall of 2016, at what we currently had them at in 2014-2015. It was determined that EWALU will be approved for 2 days for 2016-17 and Mr. Sneiderman will work as previously stated on a summer schedule for MS Baseball and Softball. Also, with our budget, it is predicted that we are going to lose about 20 students next year, and our enrollment will steadily decline over the next several years. Our deficit is a net 23 students Open Enrolled Out or $145,000. However, with last year’s reductions and the operational sharing monies, I think we can hold our own.
Mr. Heller then reviewed the three options and asked if the Board had a preference to which one should be utilized for the 2016-17 school year. The Calendar Committee members which are Kara Marsh, Shannon Wurzer, Kristie Schult, Katie Urbanek, Sarah Figanbaum, Karen Neuendorf, Beth Mugan, and Mr. Heller can determine the best option and present it for approval at February Board Meeting.
A motion by Dettmer, seconded by Mueller, to approve the changes in red as submitted for the 2016-2017 Student Course Handbook. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Buhrow, seconded by Hereid, to approve the Superintendent Evaluation Materials/Items as submitted; Sharing Budget Reduction Information (September & January), PPEL/SILO (every month), Impact List Info/Emails, Troy’s Calendar/Community Club events and a Review of Superintendent Goals. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Heller then reviewed the current PPEL/SILO documents and updated the Board as to summer or future updates/projects. The bus should be delivered in March.
Mr. Heller then reviewed the 2 bids that Rod Wolfensperger was able to solicit for our HS boiler system. A motion by Dettmer, seconded by Mueller, to approve the submitted bid by Plumb Tech Inc. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Heller updated the Board that health insurance cost are to be expected on Friday, January 15, 2016. More updates as they transpire.
A motion by Buhrow, seconded by Mueller, to approve the second reading of the following Board Policies 203, 404.1R, 405.2, 705.1, 708, and 904.1. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Dettmer, seconded by Hereid, to the review and approve the 505.6 Early Graduation for Sarah Glidewell on the condition that she completes all of her required credits and classes. Motion carried unanimously.
Sarah Figanbaum, gave her Elementary Principal report as follows:
a. PBIS – would like to thank Karter Schult for speaking to the elementary
b. DHS – surprise inspection was conducted and all went well. The official license should forth coming.
c. Anonymous donor of a Buddy Bench was given to the elementary. We are very thankful
d. Donor Grants are being purchased, the wiggle chair and the Lego kits
e. 4th grade is conducting IMPACT, MAP and reading standards.
Mr. Heller gave his superintendent/principal’s report as follows:
a. TLC – July 1st
b. Tripoli Invite – great turnout
c. Feb. ISFLC/Des Moines/AEA Budget
d. 4th Grade Letter (attached)
e. Signs in Gym (email)
f. Sharing - Starmont, Denver, and Wapsie
g. PBIS (Celebration) – excellent job
h. 8th Grade Parent Meeting is/was tonight at 5:30 pm
i. Vacation-March (19-27) (21-23)
j. Facility List (roof updates)
k. Bus Email/Pictures
l. Foundation-January 25th
m. PE Waiver (8)
n. Activity Account
The next regular school board meeting has been set for Monday, February 15, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 5:30 pm in the MS/HS Community Room.
A motion by Buhrow, seconded by Mueller to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Scott Danner Tracie Fette
Board President Business Manager/Board Secretary