North Dakota 4-H - ShopTalk – November 2012


November 2012 No. 435



  • U.S. Department of State Youth Exchange Scholarships for U.S. High School Students
  • ND Youth Matters & Youth Forward
  • 2013 Youth in Action Award!


  • 4honline


  • Ambassador Selections

2013 Extension Youth Conference


  • Citizenship In Action 2013


  • Range Judging
  • Judging Contests – Team Participation


  • “The Magic of 4-H Projects” Volunteer Trainings November 26 & 27, 2012
  • Salute to Excellence 4-H Volunteer Recognition Awards


  • Revolution of Responsibility Raffle raises $36,000!
  • Winner of the ND 4-H Foundation Scout
  • Third time’s a charm!


  • Shooting Sports Meeting
  • Training Requests
  • National Trainer Workshop
  • ND 4-H SSP Report


  • 4honline Training for Agents – Tuesday, November 27 – Bismarck Comfort Inn
  • Youth Development “Brown Bag” Webinar Series


  • 2013 North Dakota 4-H Film Festival
  • 2013 4-H Aerospace Event


  • Western 4-H Camp


Brad Cogdill, Chair


U.S. Department of State Youth Exchange Scholarships for U.S. High School Students

The U.S. Department of State offers merit-based scholarships for high school students to study critical languages overseas for a summer or an academic year. The application deadline is November 1st. For more information visit

These programs are an important part of the U.S. Department of State’s mission to increase mutual understanding and build positive relationships with people around the world. They have asked if 4-H would help promote these opportunities since they have had very few participants from North Dakota.

For more information about the study abroad opportunities, visit

ND Youth Matters & Youth Forward

Check out the North Dakota Youth Forward web-site The purpose of the web-site is to provide a place where state agencies partner to inform parents and middle and high school students. Also check out Youth Matters the electronic newsletter from the group. It features information such as financial aid deadlines, scholarship information, the inside scoop on high demand careers in North Dakota, and new degrees and programs being offered at North Dakota college and universities. Please forward to your family, friends and anyone you think may be interested in building their career path in ND.

2013 4-H Youth in Action Award

National 4-H Council is accepting applications for the annual Youth in Action award, to be presented at the 4-H Legacy Awards Gala in New YorkCity on April 18, 2013. This award recognizes an outstanding young person from your 4-H program who is realizing 4-H's vision for youth drivingpositive change in their communities.

The 4-H Youth in Action award is open to 4-H members and recent alumni ages 16-21. Applicants should have led a project, service or event that identified a problem in their community, included 4-H as part of the solution, and made an impact in resolving the issue.

How to Apply: Please download 2013 Youth In Action Award Guidelinesfor complete details.

Application Deadline: Online applications must be submitted by Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012, at 11:59pm ET. Questions regarding the application process will be accepted until 4 p.m. ET, Nov. 15, 2012.

Questions? We're happy to help! Please email Jennifer Bellamy at



Dean Aakre, 4-H Youth Development Specialist


Thank you for completing your year-end report with 4honline. I did make a few revisions in the final numbers based on other data we have available to us.

Here is a summary of the state report for 2011-12.

5231 youth enrolled in 4-H; 59% female, 41% male

5118 members (4977 youth) of 369 organized community clubs

Most selected project areas of enrolled members: 1) creative arts, 2) food and nutrition, 3) photography, 4) horticulture, 5) woodworking, 6) clothing and sewing, 7) outdoor skills, 8) home environment, 9) beef, 10) horse

1133 enrolled volunteers (80 % female, 20 % male)

23,807 youth participated in Extension programming; 53% female, 47% male

Top reported project (subject) areas of all Extension programming for youth participants: 1) food and nutrition, 2) creative arts, 3) crop production, 4) health, 5) outdoor skills

2972 total volunteers (2812 adult, 160 youth)

Brenda Vertin, Administrative Coordinator

The following information will appear in the Oct-Dec Quarterly Newsletter to encourage families to enroll online and to address some issues we’ve had with parents creating individual profiles when they don’t need to.

The new 4-H year is underway and enrollment is taking place with 4honline (use the link from If you are re-enrolling online, you already have a profile. If you do not know your password, select "I forgot my password" and a temporary password will be sent to you from 4honiline. You must use the email address the county office used to establish your account. Youth members and adult volunteers must have a profile.
Parents should not create an individual profile unless they are registered and approvedvolunteers. If you have questions, contact your county extension office.

Sharon Query, 4-H Youth Specialist

Ambassador Selections

The North Dakota 4-H Ambassadors will be holding Selections on January 12th in the Morton County Courthouse in Mandan. If you have any young people who are qualified to apply to be a 4-H Ambassador, please encourage them to do so. They must be between the age of 16 and 22 by January 12 and be interested in making a commitment to the 4-H program. The fillable application is located on the Center for 4-H Youth Development website. They must complete the application and have three references, one being from a County Extension Staff. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or 701.231.5923. Applications are due December 15, 2012 to the Center for 4-H Youth Development.

2013 Extension Youth Conference

EYC 2013 will be held June 17 – 20 on the NDSU campus – start recruiting!! Watch for PR and registration information to help spread the word to young people in your county.


Karla Meikle, Morton County Extension Agent

Citizenship In Action 2013

Join us at the 5th Annual Citizenship in Action Event February 17th & 18th, 2013. Sunday’s events will include the electoral process, running for office and opportunities to network with other youth from around North Dakota. Monday’s events will focus on how the state legislative process works and give you a chance to mingle with representatives and senators from your district.

The cost for the event is $55.00. The event will start with registration at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck at 12:00pm on Sunday, February 17th and conclude at the Capitol on Monday afternoon February 18th.

We are asking each county attending to have a tabletop display centered on “Join the Revolution of Responsibility” that showcases North Dakota 4-H members’ service learning projects.The display will be part of the 4-H Showcase that takes place from 11AM to 1PM in the Great Hall of the Capitol building.


Dean Aakre, 4-H Youth Development Specialist

Range Judging

The range judging event was held in Gackle, September 21-22. Teams from Oliver County placed first in both the junior and senior divisions. Jacob Lardy, Cass County received the top hand award for the highest individual score in the contest.

Judging Contests – Team Participation

Several rules for county participation in judging contests are under review. Potential changes in the makeup of teams were presented during the 4-H and Animal Science training at Western 4-H Camp in early September. Staff are asked to provide Brad Cogdill with thoughts regarding these guidelines and possible adjustments: Comments appreciated before October 31.

1)A county can enter any number of participants in the state 4-H judging contests. That is unchanged except in the consumer choices contest where one team of five is currently permitted in each of the junior and senior divisions.

2)Teams are limited to a maximum of five members. However, counties may enter more than one team. Currently, there is no maximum for a team, but counties can only enter one team.

3)Only the top three scores count for the team score. That is not a change.

4)Counties will not combine to make a team. All contestants must be enrolled in the county they represent. Currently, up to three counties could join to make a team provided that none of the counties had more than two participants.

5)If a county or a team has less than three members, they will compete as individuals and are eligible for all individual awards. That is not a change.

6)Age divisions – Junior is 8 to 13 at the beginning of the 4-H year – September 1.

Senior is 14 to 18 at the beginning of the 4-H year – September 1. However, 13 year old members who turn 14 before January 1 are eligible for national contests and therefore may choose to judge in the senior division. The only change here is that 13 year old members who do not turn 14 until after January 1 must judge as a junior.


Rachelle Vettern, Leadership/Volunteer Development Specialist


“The Magic of 4-H Projects” Volunteer Trainings November 26 & 27, 2012

The ND 4-H Volunteer Project Trainings are fast approaching. Attending one of these events is a great way for your teen and adult volunteers to gather new 4-H project ideas. Please encourage your 4-H volunteers to attend one of the trainings scheduled for this fall. 4-H volunteers are welcome to attend either location. Each location needs 15 volunteers registered to host the event, so please encourage early registration. Dates for these trainings are:

Dickinson, ND

Monday, November 26, 2012

5:30-8:30 pm MT

Training Location:

Dickinson Elks Club

501 Elks Drive

Washburn, ND

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5:30-8:30 pm CST

Training Location:

Washburn Public School

713 7th St.

Each location will offer 4-H project related workshops based on feedback from last year’s 4-H volunteer training evaluations and 4-H staff input. The project areas covered this year will include: 4-H Entomology Trunks & Activities, Giving 4-H Livestock Reasons, Engaging Older Youth in County 4-H Programs, New Ideas for 4-H Family and Consumer Science Projects, and 4-HOnline.

The registration cost for the training will be $3 per person. This training is sponsored by a grant from Monsanto and National 4-H Council. Locations were chosen based on Extension agent request and willingness to host these events and interest expressed by local 4-H volunteers. We hope to see your 4-H volunteers at one of these locations. Promotional brochures for each location can be downloaded under “The Magic of 4-H Projects” at:

If you are interested in hosting one of these events in your county next year please contact me.

Thank you in advance for sharing this information with your teen and adult 4-H volunteers.

Salute to Excellence 4-H Volunteer Recognition Awards

I am pleased to announce the opening of the nomination period for the 2013 National 4-H Salute to Excellence (STE) Awards. Nominations will be accepted October 11 through November 1, 2012 for the 4-H Volunteer of the Year (less than 10 years of service) and the Outstanding Lifetime 4-H Volunteer (10 years or more). The complete award information can be accessed on the ND 4-H Web site at:

Volunteers are the heart of the 4-H program, providing those positive youth development experiences. Salute to Excellence is a great way to show support and gratitude for their dedication. I hope you will take the time to nominate the most deserving 4-H volunteers from your 4-H Program.

In 2012 the ND 4-H nominees were recognized during the 4-H Foundation Recognition event at the ND State Fair. Veronica Davis, from Foster County was recognized for the Outstanding Lifetime 4-H Volunteer. Karen Weber, from Richland County was recognized for 4-H Volunteer of the Year. My thanks go out to the Extension staff in both Foster and Richland Counties for taking the time to recognize these very special volunteers and to put together these nominations. Both Veronica and Karen brought their families to this recognition event and were so honored to receive these awards.

Nominations are due November 1, 2012 to the NDSU Center for 4-H Youth Development.We then submit the applications to National 4-H Council where an independent panel of youth and adults will review the nominations and choose the top volunteer in each category from each of the four regions in the nation. From those eight awardees, the top two winners are selected to receive the national awards.

The regional awardees will each receive $200 to be donated to any 4-H program of their choice and a plaque. The national winners will each receive $1,000 award to gift and a trip (expenses paid) to Galaxy 2013 for their recognition at the Awards ceremony. Thank you for taking the time to submit these applications.

Please e-mail the resume and the letters of recommendation for your nominees to me at and copy Brenda Vertin, . I look forward to receiving your applications.


Mylie Lavold, ND 4-H Foundation Development Director

Revolution of Responsibility Raffle raises $36,000!

Nineteen counties participated in the 2011-2012 raffle sponsored by the Case IH Roughrider dealer group. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, 3,658 tickets were sold!!! That is a slight increase over last year’s sales of 3,613. Ransom County had top sales this year with 486 tickets sold, earning them $2,430.

Five counties made the goal of selling $2,000 or more and earned 50% of their sales! Two counties sold $1,500 - $1,990 earning 40%, six counties sold $1,000 - $1,490 earning 30%, and 4 counties sold $500 - $990 earning 20%. A total of $13,419 went directly back to participating counties!

Sales breakdown by county

Barnes (426) Burleigh (100) Cass (202) Dickey (145) Foster (100) Grand Forks (114) Kidder (333) McIntosh (128) McKenzie (152) Mercer (42) Morton (473) Ramsey (61) Ransom (486) Rolette (152) Sargent (70) Stark/Billings (60) Stutsman (80) Ward (33) Williams (100) 4-H Foundation (401)

Top Youth Sales and Prizes

  • Alisha Letzring180MortonPrize: $200
  • Lucas Subart 96KidderPrize: $150
  • Connor McGregor 80 Morton Prize: $100
  • Brady Carlson 72 Ransom Prize: $75
  • Sara Hatlewick 70 Stutsman Prize: $50

This year’s winner was Ryan Leimkuhl from Aberdeen South Dakota! He purchased the ticket at the McIntosh County Extension Office in Ashley.

Third time’s a charm!

Thanks to Case IH and the Roughrider dealer group donating another Case IH Scout, we are excited to announce the 2012-2013 Raffle. If your county has not participated in the past, here is your chance! Let’s make 4,000 our 2013 goal! Look for official news releases and participant information soon.

Thanks to each county, club, family and individual who sold tickets and helped promote 4-H across the state! The foundation is proud to be your partner.


Adrian Biewer, 4-H Youth Development Specialist


Shooting Sports

State Program Meeting is December 1 in Jamestown.

Training Requests

Training requests for archery, air rifle, and shotgun are coming in every day. The training dates on weekends are taken until after the first of the year. We have gone to two evening trainings per discipline in a site to add more opportunity, but even that has gotten difficult to manage. This is a great situation and we hope to add another 100 instructors again this coming year.

National Trainer Workshop

We are in dire need of trainers for shotgun, muzzleloader, and rifle. Please inform your veteran volunteers of the opportunity to become a state trainer. Our training requests are out-pacing our trainer availability. The workshop is usually one week in May. We pay all the costs. If you have an interested volunteer, please have them contact me at 701-231-6184.

ND 4-H SSP Report

The shooting sports yearly report has been emailed out. The report is to be filled out on attendance for events that are one hour or longer in length. We are recording attendance because it reflects the volume of activities. If you have a league with 4 hour long activities and a youth attends all four, the attendance is recorded as a 4. We also ask for the numbers of activity hours, the discipline, and volunteer hours. This report is very important as it is responsible for getting the SSP program and may be important in getting some major camp funding. Please complete this by October 19.


Sharon Query, 4-H Youth Specialist

4honline Training for Agents – Tuesday, November 27 – Bismarck Comfort Inn

A 4honline training for agents has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 27 at the Bismarck Comfort Inn from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Bring your laptop and come ready to learn ……

We will also discuss the new look of the 4-H Project Guide, the consolidation of project resources into a more manageable list of projects, and invite your suggestions to make the exhibit list more consistent among projects.

More details to follow, but save the date!

Youth Development “Brown Bag” Webinar Series

A flyer describing the Youth Development “Brown Bag” Webinar Series that NDSU and University of Minnesota Extension are sponsoring in 2012-13 is enclosed. Please consider “attending” one or all of these webinars and help to promote them in your community with professionals with whom you work.


Linda Hauge, 4-H Youth Development Specialist


2013 North Dakota 4-H Film Festival

The 2013 North Dakota 4-H Film Festival is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 21 at the North Dakota State Fair in Minot. 4-H members ages 11 and over are encouraged to create and submit a video. Teams of one – four members may submit a film, but at least one of the team members must be a current 4-H member. Films can be one - ten minutes in length.

There are five categories for the 2013 4-H Film Festival:

  • Narrative
  • Animation
  • Documentary
  • 4-H Promotional
  • Voice of 4-H History

The top three entries in each category will be invited to showcase their video at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 21 at the North Dakota state fair in Minot. A $100 cash prize will be awarded to the top entry in each division and a $100 cash prize will be given as the People’s Choice award.

Details, registration forms and more information will soon be available on the 4-H web site.

2013 4-H Aerospace Event

The ND 4-H Foundation, UND Department of Aerospace Science along with NDSU Extension – Center for 4-H Youth Development will once again be sponsoring the 4-H Aerospace Event which is scheduled for April 28-29, 2013 at UND School of Aerospace in Grand Forks. This program is open to youth ages 12-15 who are interested in learning more about the field of aerospace science. Youth must be accompanied by a chaperone.