From: Ben DuPré <>
Subject: Senate Personhood bill SB301 should be up for vote next week!
Organization: Foundation for Moral Law



May17, 2011

It looks like we could have a vote on SB301 in the full Senate as early as one week from today! The Alabama Senate reconvenes on Tuesday, May 24. Senator Scott Beason, Chair of the Rules Committee, has told some pro-life leaders that the pro-life bills are going to be put up for a vote probably on May 24, and I believe SB301 will be among them.

Senator Williams supports personhood for all! Despite pressure from in-vitro clinics and others, our Senate sponsor Phil Williams has announced that he will not compromise, amend, or even allow amendments to SB301! Personhood

will begin where human life begins! He even stated his support in a Gadsden Times article published yesterday:

“Williams said another bill he’s sponsoring called the 'personhood bill' says life begins at the moment of fertilization. 'It sets the standard for every other pro-life bill to come,' he said. Williams said there’s been opposition, even from conservative groups, but he isn’t going to amend the legislation and vows that it will be voted on."

Thank you, Senator Williams! His strong stance means the operative language will proceed as follows:

The term "persons" as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization or the functional equivalent thereof.

Click here to read the Senate Personhood Bill, SB301.

And then to the House. Remember, too, that we have the promise of our House sponsor, Rep. John Merrill, that if SB301 passes in its pure form out of the Senate then he will fight for it as is in the House, without any amendments or compromises.

The "political stars" may be aligning for a vote on the bill, but this hardly means we are assured that the bill will pass either the Senate or the House.

ACTION: That means this next week is criticalto our efforts to contact our Senators and Representatives and ask them to support SB301 and protect human life from the moment of fertilization.

  • Start with your own Senator by following this link, , and putting in your Zip Code on the left under "Find Your Legislator."ASKtheSenators to vote for SB301 and give equal protection to all human life from the moment of conception.

This is the home-stretch for this legislative session! There are only a half-dozen legislative days left. We have got to make these last two weeks count and our voices heard. As Senator Williams said in another article, MAKE NOISE!

Over ten thousand voiceless victims in Alabama per year are counting on us!

Alabama, letus dare defend the rights of ALL our unborn children!

God bless you,

Ben DuPré

Personhood Alabama

c/o Foundation for Moral Law

P.O. Box 4086
Montgomery, AL 36103-4086

Phone: (334) 262-1245

Fax: (334) 262-1708

Personhood Alabama, a joint project of Personhood USA and the Foundation for Moral Law, seeks to provide equal protection to unborn children by defining them as persons under the laws of Alabama