Progress Report

to the EU Commission on

CEIOPS work in the field of the Solvency II project

(October 2004)


In the context of the development of the new prudential system for the supervision of

insurance undertakings, the so called Solvency II project, the EU Commission has requested technical advice from CEIOPS. This request is in line with the rules making

process which the European Parliament and the Council are adopting under the proposed extension of the “Lamfalussy process” to the insurance sector.

Following the definition of the fundamental principles for the design of the future prudential regime, endorsed at the Insurance Committee meeting in April 2003, and

according to the Road Map (MARKT/2506/04) agreed for carrying out the project, the

EU Commission, on 23 July 2004, addressed to CEIOPS a Framework for Consultation,

which sets policy principles and guidelines for developing advice, and a first “wave” of

specific calls for advice covering the following areas:

1. Internal Control

2. Supervisory Review Process (General)

3. Supervisory Review Process (Quantitative tools)

4. Transparency of Supervisory Action

5. Investment Management Rules

6. Asset-Liability Management

As stated by the EU Commission, the choice of the above areas of work for the first

wave of calls for advice has been selected on pragmatic grounds. They address

primarily, but not exclusively, issues included in the pillar II (i.e. supervisory review

process) of the proposed Solvency II prudential model. At the same time, the

EU Commission announced the issuance at a later stage of two further waves of calls

for advice, covering respectively pillar I issues (i.e. quantitative capital requirements)

and pillar III issues (i.e. disclosure and market discipline).

Technical advice under the first wave of specific calls for advice is expected by

30 June 2005. In the frame of the suggested working method for developing the

project, CEIOPS has been also requested to provide the EU Commission with regular

progress reports on its ongoing work.

This is the first CEIOPS progress report. Following the proposal by the EU Commission

to shape the format of progress reports according to the different situations and

considering the current stage of the project, this report covers the activity put in place

for answering the request for advice, without presenting an interim conclusion.

CEIOPS activity

In view of receiving requests for advice by the Commission and in order to

appropriately cover the whole Solvency II project, CEIOPS established in the spring of

the current year an “ad hoc” organization devoted to the project. The organization

immediately started to work on the basis of the approved general design of the

Solvency II regime.

In setting up the organization and defining the mandate for the preparatory work,

CEIOPS took into consideration the need to ensure an organic and comprehensive

coverage of the overall solvency regime, thus allowing flexibility and effectiveness to

its contributions along the development of the whole project, in relation to its different

steps. To this end, the experts groups in charge of preparing CEIOPS deliberations

have been tailored according to the fundamental lines of the new prudential model

and not to the expected specific calls for advice, nor to the way through which the

future regime will be translated into formal requirements according to the “Lamfalussy


In line with this approach, CEIOPS has created five expert groups. Two groups have

the tasks to conduct preparatory work on pillar I issues respectively for “life” and “non

life” insurance business, in particular providing analysis on capital requirements and

technical provisions. Two further groups were asked to carry out preparatory work

with regard to the areas included respectively in pillar II and pillar III. Besides,

considering the need to assess these issues also under the particular angle of groups

of undertakings, as well as to take into account aspects related to the integration

between financial sectors, another group was asked to analyse, in the frame of the

Solvency II project, the implications for the supervision of groups and cross-sector


As the definition of CEIOPS advice entails carrying out quantitative impact studies

(QIS), it was deemed appropriate to ask the Financial Stability Committee, which has

been established within CEIOPS with the main objective to deal with a macro-prudential surveillance programme based on market indicators, to assist the expert

groups and coordinate their data collection exercises. Indeed, following the invitation

of the EU Commission, CEIOPS´ intention is to start as soon as possible the definition

of data requirements and collecting procedure in order to develop QIS on the basis of

interim conclusions achieved by the other groups.

Given the clear correlation between the areas dealt with by the above groups, a

coordination arrangement has been created for allowing consistency among the

groups’ activity and avoiding overlaps. This is the task of the so called “Advisory

Group”, which consists of the chair of the group, the Secretary General and the chairs

of the “Solvency II” groups and the Financial Stability Committee. The Advisory

Committee reports regularly to the CEIOPS Managing Board.

The participation of Members’ representatives to the groups is not limited. In general,

the country representation within each group covers close to the whole CEIOPS

membership. Each group has fixed a very committing time-schedule for fulfilling its


As a preliminary step, the working plan of the groups provides a thorough exchange

of information and experience between participants in order to achieve a common

background and knowledge and learn from national developments.

The groups’ working method provides also activating regular contacts and informal

collaboration with key stakeholders. The chairs of the groups have been asked to get

inputs and technical suggestions from interested parties in order to enhance, even at

a technical level, awareness of market operators’ views as well as to pave the way for

achieving, as wide as possible, endorsement of CEIOPS´ final deliberations.

With regard to the consultation process, it is worth to underline that CEIOPS, in the

limits of its independence, is also willing to make wide use of the Consultative Panel in

order to get inspiration and test interim conclusions.

Besides, in line with CEIOPS` transparency policy, any submission to the

EU Commission in the frame of the Solvency II project will be subject to a preliminary

consultation process. CEIOPS will call for comments from all interested parties about

draft responses to the calls for advice and will disclose its reflections and resolutions

about these comments.

Building on the preliminary exchange of information and informal consultations, the

groups are presently developing their work under the mandates approved by the

CEIOPS Members’ Meeting.

The group dealing with pillar II issues, in particular, is giving priority to the six issues

included in the first wave of calls for advice, receiving input from the other Solvency II

groups where appropriate. The latter groups, anticipating the definition of further calls

for advice, are working on the basis of the “Framework for consultation on Solvency

II” and of the preparatory work carried out during the first phase of the project.

However, the work plans of the “pillar II group” as well as of the other groups are not

exclusively tailored on the scope and the deadlines provided or to be provided by the

specific calls for advice; they are aimed at producing - adopting a longer term

perspective - a complete and detailed analysis for delivering contribution over the

development of the entire Solvency II project. In this perspective, CEIOPS` activity is

developing along the principles and guidelines stated in the “Framework for

Consultation on Solvency II” issued by the EU Commission.

Indeed, as stated in the cover letter accompanying the first wave of calls for advice,

CEIOPS` technical advice, at this stage, is requested in relation to the preparation of

the Framework Directive on the new prudential regime. In CEIOPS` understanding,

this means that the development of the subsequent implementation measures could

likely request further CEIOPS contributions. Furthermore, in the cover letter it is also

recognized that at this stage CEIOPS` advice is not expected to address all technical

aspects exhaustively and that, Solvency II being a complex project, CEIOPS may in

the future amend or revise advice already given in the light of its work on further


CEIOPS approach in delivering answers

Considering the above, in preparing the answers to the first wave of calls for advice

CEIOPS` work is aimed at defining broad principles on the areas considered, as well

as at identifying, as deeply as possible, the fundamental aspects of the future regime,

but without entering into details which are not yet supported by appropriate analysis

and tests and which could be revised at a later stage, in light of further in depth

studies or as a consequence of the conclusions achieved on other areas.

The advice provided at this stage, however, should be complete enough for giving the

EU Commission sufficient technical input for drafting the proposal for a Framework

Directive, in the terms provided by the “Lamfalussy model”.

Next steps

Using this approach, CEIOPS is committed to meet the deadline of 30 June 2005 for

delivering its advice to the EU Commission on the areas included in the first wave of

calls for advice.

According to this timeframe, draft advices will be tabled for interim approval at the

next CEIOPS Members’ Meeting, in February 2005, and a formal consultation process

will be subsequently opened. The final approval is envisaged at the following

Members’ Meeting, scheduled for June 2005.