Esther Eayres Chapter DAR
Chapter Report for 2012
1-009 Maine
Phyllis Bishop
Esther Eayres Chapter currently has 32 members. We had two new members and another member who transferred to our Chapter when she moved to Orono. Two members transferred to a chapter in Florida.
Esther Eayres participated in two Nationalization Ceremonies in Bangor. Several Chapter members attended. Sixty three applicants were naturalized. Flag stands, flag codes and flag bookmarks were distributed to the new citizens. Phyllis Bishop has just completed her seventh year of standing with the judges shaking hands with the new citizens and passing out bags with the gifts.
Phyllis Bishop and Judith Ellis rode in the Orono Memorial Day Parade.
Jane Whelden and other chapter members had a booth at Orono Festival Day.
Phyllis Bishop and her husband attended the Tenth Annual Old Town High School Army JROTC Military Ball. Recognizing Cadet Captain Katelin Beers, who will be attending the University of Maine in Augusta to major in Veterinary Technology.
Six Good Citizens came to Orono Methodist Church to read their essays. Cody Wood-Houlton High School, Jocelyn Thomas-Penobscot Valley High School, Matthew Guiod-Mattanwcook Valley High School, Alyssa McLean-Stearns High School. Evan Lane-Old Town High School, Carolyn Tozer-Orono High School. Carolyn was our winner and she went on to be the State Winner. A reception was held to honor these students. Jane Whelden with string and students helping was able to show the students how big the Star-spangled Banner Flag that is in Washington D.C.
Constitution Week was observed at Orono and Old Town Library. Two Proclamations were obtained.
Esther Eayres awarded at $75.00 American History Scholarship to an outstanding Orono Senior. A $75.00 Scholarship to Old Town High School.
Gloria Willey gave a one time Scholarship in Helen King’s name of $500.00 to Orono High School. Gloria is the niece of Helen King.
Donna Hoffman gave a program on Flowers and on the Lay Lights.
Charles Reitze gave a program on the Appalachian Trail, where he maintains three miles of the trail.
Sandra Burke gave a program on the war of 1812. This was so good she will continue this program next year.
Lt. Col Schurank, the new leader at the Old Town JROTC came to tell us about his life and what he had done in the service.
Sonia Mallar and her husband Wayne gave a program on the McCobb Company that they are a part of. Sonia explained how they tent out and cook all the food there over a campfire. She was even showing us some of the clothes that she wears by putting them on over the clothes she was wearing. It was very entertaining.
Phyllis Bishop’s parents are in a small cemetery in Dedham. Her Mother was born on the 4th of July so she has two flags with solar lights by the flags. Phyllis’s great grandson had helped her t end the flowers. Phyllis purchase solar lights and Ayden put solar lights by every Veteran’s gravesite that had an American Flag. He is only 5 and enjoyed this so much.
Peggie Holt gave us a program on a cruise that she took recently. She went from Florida to Halsmoon Cey, Grand Turk, Dominican Republic, Curacaos and Aruba.
Judyth Reitze did a program at the Mormon Church on genealogy about looking up Military records at the Mormon Church.
Phyllis Bishop did a program on the Eagle on the back of a dollar bill.
The members had a program on getting to know each other as we had a pizza party.
Phyllis Bishop gave the chapter members’ veterans a thank you card from the chapter for their service to our country. Fran Mitchell, Linda Poirier and Peggie Michie are our veterans.
Phyllis Bishop carries the cards in her purse and hands them out to veterans that she meets. These men and women are very happy to get these.
This year completes my 6th year of being regent of Esther Eayres Chapter of Orono. I have enjoyed my time being regent but I am ready to pass the information on to the next regent. I am sure that she will do a great job. I wish her well on her journey.