Cedar Creek Community SchoolPTO Minutes May 1st 2017

Attendees: LuAnn Herzog, Julie Kellerman (staff), Nicole Wiener, Sara Stream, Jen Zulkosky, Andrea Schoenrock, On Moore, Micky Moore, Sara Lindquist, Kelly Schmidt, Bethany Rice (staff)

Meeting called to order at 6:21pm

Approval of April Minutes: Approved

Officers' Reports:

·  President’s Report, we received a thank you card from Mrs. Tonsanger's class for the money we provided. They bought books, games and supplies.

Treasurers Report -Sara

·  Deposits - $1000.00 for silent auction basket and check of $3235.30 for box tops.

·  Kindness retreat T shirts $495.80, MCA snacks $803.00, $250.00 to safety patrol, $200 in gift cards for STEM volunteers with $75 in supplies.

·  Classroom/school funds request

·  $150.00 for the super saint bracelet bands PBIS.

·  Mrs. Kellerman is requesting $160 for rolling shelfs with drawers to keep intervention supplies for all kindergarten classrooms, motion approved.

Committee Reports

·  Carnival Recap, there is plenty of left over prizes for next year, $2000 in cash prizes for raffles went over well. The Raffle brought in $9439.00, food and games bought in $8941.80, silent auction $3795.00. Profit to date is $ 13,350.15. Ideas for next year include doing a first aid station, adding a baby changing station, putting out more folding chairs for parents to sit and bringing down the ticket cost of the cotton candy and pine wood derby race. We need a walkie for the registration table. Proposed carnival time of for 10:30-2:30pm next year.

·  Teacher/Staff Appreciation – The PTO is doing treats, lunch, gum, brownie mix, snacks.

·  Bus Appreciation, we will be dropping off apples, bananas, oranges and juice.


·  Andrea had a meeting with Mr. Hahn about restructuring the playground. We will put 5K towards the playground to be used for playground enhancements.


·  2017-2018 Sub-Committee. Janelle would like to pass the torch as volunteer coordinator and then step up as STEM committee chair. Will pass committee list around.

Fall Preparation:

·  Open house - Val, Andrea and Rachel.

·  Spirit Wear, EZ tee’s.

·  Walk-a-thon, hats, water bottles, $4K budget to work with.

·  2017-2018 Budget Review/Approval

·  2017-2018 Calendar Review/Approval. Spirt wear will be during fall conferences and in conjunction with homecoming, the walkathon will be on October 6th with the rain day being the following weekend. The 2018 carnival will be held on April 7th. Dance Jan 19th, box tops contest in January.

Meeting adjourned 8:02pm