PS 166 PTA General Meeting
June 16th, 2017 at 8:30 AM in the Cafeteria
Approved by unanimous vote at the September 13, 2017 meeting.
- Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 8:40 AM by Nina Collmer. A quorum was established.
- Approval of Minutes
- MOTION to approve the minutes of the General Membership Meeting held on May 18, 2017, with amendment, was made by Nina Collmer. The minutes were unanimously approved.
- Election of SLT Board
- There were five candidates running for the three open positions on SLT:
- Jennifer Jin. Ms. Jin is primarily interested in the position because of her background and interest in science. She has a degree in chemistry and has some teaching experience but the bulk of her experience is in writing curriculum.
- John Lussier. Mr. Lussier would like to use his experience in tech education to help the school./
- Meri Mnatsakanyan. Ms. Mnatsakanyan explained that she has a long history working in education would like to help with school curriculum.
- Sharon Richter. Ms. Richert has a background in public accounting, financial services, and project management. She is currently the Dean of Student Affairs at Columbia Law School, where she helps students achieve academic success.
- Juliet Ross. Ms. Ross is a clinical psychologist professionally. She is interested in a position on SLT because she would like to bring a discussion about diversity to the table (specifically, diversity as it related to students with disabilities).
- Jen Jin, John Lucia, and Juliette Ross were elected to SLT.
- Vote to Approve the 2017-2018 Budget
- Madelyn Storms made a MOTION to approve the 2017-2018 Budget. Lauren Bernstein seconded the motion. The budget was unanimously approved.
- Vote to Appoint Kerri Keiger as the District 3 President’s Council Designee
- Nina Collmer made a MOTION to appoint Kerri Keiger the District 3 President’s Council designee for the 2017-2018 academic year. Pam Korson seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
- CEC3/President’s Council Report
- Kristin Berger, CEC3 Secretary, liaison for PS166 and Chair of the Middle School Committee spoke to the PTA. She explained that the DOE has released its Equity in Excellence policy (diversity policy), which includes three goals and 13 actions. Any changes will not occur until the fall of 2019 (which means it would affect the current third grade classes). A Middle School Diversity Symposium was held on May 11th.
- Standing Reports and Updates
- Principal/Parent Coordinator
- Principal Mastriano presented with the “Principal for a Day,” Adrian Sadelain. They announced that P.S. 166 was A Reward School this year, which is a great honor.
- The school is working on bridging the gap with special needs students.
- The school is also working on changing the science curriculum to conform with the DOE’s new standards, “The Next Generation.” The classroom teachers have been writing the new curriculum, which will be project based.
- The Vice Principal is planning and growing the social studies curriculum.
- Principal Mastriano thanked the PTA presidents and parents for their support.
- Co-Presidents
- Madelyn Storms spoke about the water and mold damage in the building The SCA is scheduled to come to school Tuesday morning to look at the damage.
- The Co-Presidents thanked parents for their support during the year.
- Committees and Events
- Pam Korson spoke about the Parent Buddy Program. Anyone interested in getting involved should contact Pam.
- New Business
- An email with instructions for ordering school supplies has been sent to parents.
- Help is needed for fifth grade graduation next Thursday morning. Fourth grade families are asked to help order and set up food.
- Adjournment
- There being no further business, Nina Collmer adjourned the meeting at 9:52 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Moyle, Recording Secretary