CDBG Application – Commercial Façade Improvement Program

Town of Barnstable

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

Commercial Façade Improvement Program (CFIP)

Planning and Development Department

367 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Hyannis, MA 02601


Applicant NamePhone Number

Applicant AddressTownSTZip Code

Applicant Email Address

Business Name

Business AddressTownSTZip Code

Business PhoneBusiness

Federal Tax Identification NumberDUNS Number

Nature of BusinessYear EstablishedNumber of Employees

Relationship of Applicant to the storefront being renovated:

Owner / Tenant: Written permission from building owner is required.

Grant Amount Requested:
Application Match:
Total Project Costs:
Proposed Project Activities: / Storefront Improvement / New Sign / New Awning

Brief description of proposed improvements:


Applicant Signature / Date
  1. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (If Applicant is a Tenant)

Property Owner’s Full Name:
Property Owner’s Mailing Address:
Property Owner’s Phone Number:
Property Owner’s Email Address:
  1. PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (If applicant is a tenant)

I am the property owner of the building address noticed in this project application and my address and phone number is noted correctly in this document. I have been informed of the Applicant’s intention to perform improvements described in this application and I hereby authorize the tenant to make the proposed improvements and to apply for a grant to help cover the cost.

Amount of time remaining on lease:
Is there an Option to Renew? / Yes / No
Length of Option?

Property Owner SignatureDate


Deliver, Mail, or Email Completed Application with the following Attachments:

1 / Eligibility Objectives(See page 3 of this document)
2 / Detailed Project Description of proposed storefront improvements
3 / Photographs of the storefront in its current condition, photos of the entire building façade including the buildings on both sides of it. Be sure to capture the areas you are proposing to change. Photos of conditions of blight or deterioration.
4 / Preliminary sketch of the proposed improvements if available
5 / List private funding source(s) to be used to match the grant funds dollar for dollar (ex. Cash, bank loan, etc.)

Note:Application must be signed and dated by the Applicant and Property Owner if different.

To: Kathleen Girouard, Community & Economic Development Coordinator

Planning & Development Dept.

367 Main Street, 3rd floor

Hyannis, MA 02601


Contact:Phone: 508-862-4702, TDD# 508-790-9801


The funds provided for this program are made possible by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program awarded to the Town of Barnstable. The goal of these funds is to primarily benefit low and moderate income Town of Barnstable residents. HUD defines low and moderate income as 80% or less than the area median income for Barnstable Town, MA, MSA as amended annually. The current limits are listed below:

2017 Income Limits by Household Size (effective 6/15/2017)

Household Size / 1 person / 2 persons / 3 persons / 4 persons / 5 persons / 6 persons
Maximum Income / $47,600 / $54,400 / $61,200 / $68,000 / $73,450 / $78,900

To Qualify as an eligible project you need to meet one or more of the following objectives:

Objective 1: / Provide goods and/or services to low and moderate income persons. (Please describe your customer base and how income eligible persons are served below)
Objective 2: / Create or Retain jobs for low and moderate income persons.
(Indicate the number of full time jobs and part time hours that will be created and/or retained for income eligible persons.
# FT Jobs Created: / # FT Jobs Retained:
# PT Hours Created: / # PT Hours Retained:
Objective 3: / Remove conditions of deterioration or blight to the façade or signage
(Provide a brief description below and attach photos of current conditions)

Identify the objective(s) above applicable to your project and provide details below:

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