CCNSolutions: Words of Wisdom, 4—Random Acts of GenerosityPage 1



Words of Wisdom, 4:

Random Acts of Generosity


Dr. John Townsend


Best-selling co-author of Boundaries series,
author of How People Grow

I. Generosity

Generosity can be spontaneous and impulsive

Think: When were you abundantly generous to another?

Generosity: Basically unconflicted love and care

People who give and love expansively receive expansively

II. The purposes of generosity

- Generosity is the foundation of life and growth

When I’m strong, I want to give; when I’m weak, I need to receive

Early Christians messed up the paradigm: they took care of everyone

- Generosity is the highest level of relational development

It feels good to give from my overflow

Why generosity feels so good

We bring someone life when they feel dead inside

III. How to get generous

- Being given to by someone else, generously

The Hebrew word for weaning: ‘to be dealt bountifully with’

If you struggle with stinginess, maybe it’s because you never received

You may have to go back and revisit the season of “I need”

- Developing a sense of ownership—responsibility toward the world

“With great power comes great responsibility”: it’s the same with generosity

- Personal experiences with live people

Go where the needs are: eyeball-to-eyeball connection

IV. Two kinds of generosity

1. Impulsive generosity, day by day

Be aware of “God moments”

2. Mission generosity

How much of my life will I commit to giving?

Put the heart first, not the CPA

V. Relational generosity

Giving people you care about time and focus

“Random acts of calling”

VI. Obstacles to generosity

- People are afraid they can’t hang onto themselves

What cures this: Boundary work

- People don’t trust love

What cures this: Work on trust

- Selfishness: sometimes they just don’t know that world

What cures this: Get out there

VII. Skills

- Learn to ask wholeheartedly, for you

- Begin to experience gratitude

- Learn to evaluate your resources

- Outside of your comfort zone but within the line of taking responsibility for yourself

Those who have a lot and give it end up receiving more

Next week on Solutions:

Words of Wisdom, 5: “Twinge of Envy”


Leadership Beyond Reason
by Dr. John Townsend

Ignite Men’s Ministry

Leadership coaching

by Malcolm Gladwell

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CCNSolutions: Words of Wisdom, 4—Random Acts of GenerosityPage 1

Dr. John Townsend

Cloud-Townsend Resources

18092 Sky Park South, Suite A

Irvine, CA 92614

Phone: 800-676-4673


Church Communication Network

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Phone: 800-321-6781

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