President’s HELLO

Dear Members

Firstly a huge thank you for allowing me to be your President for the coming year, I am so looking forward to it.

I am 49, live in Northampton and am married to Mark, with two daughters Brit, 24 and Eden 21. Mark has an engineering company, Brit is currently working on Big Brother and Eden is in her second year studying history at Nottingham University. They are a great support to me.

I am from ABOTS Tangent, a Tangent formed from a group of friends on Area 48 and Area 4 Ladies Circle exec, who just wanted to continue with the fun and friendship, and so 13 years we began.

I stood from the floor last year, opposed by one lady, and was lucky enough to become Vice President in Bournemouth on Saturday 26 April 2014.

Since then I have had the most fun visiting Tangents all over the country and making many new friends, including those in Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Just to clarify I have only ever claimed for those events that I was officially invited to, as I feel it is so important to be out there and meeting you all, I have done the rest at my own expense.

My first official meeting is a celebration with my own club ABOTS, I wanted number one to be a special event to me, and to them, who will be supporting me heavily throughout the year, and that is much appreciated by myself.

Immediately after Mark and I are travelling to Cyprus for the TCI meeting, and then onward and upwards!!

I have chosen to keep my charity ‘in the family’ this year, and in their 25th year am hoping to raise funds and awareness of Round Table Children’s Wish.

With this in mind I am holding two Charity events, the first being an afternoon tea on Sunday 12 July at The Stratford-upon-Avon Welcombe Hotel (contact ) and the second a Charity Ball on Saturday 21 November at Gaydon motor museum (contact ). I would also like to invite you all to hold your own 25th anniversary afternoon tea for RTCW this summer, and do invite me, I love cream teas!!

I have a ‘calendar girl’, as I am very geographically challenged I need her, and I would love to come and visit you, so if you have anything I could crash coming up, be it a coffee morning, beetle drive, dinner dance or just a meeting, please do contact Carole Harris at

Looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible – your new President Alex Voller xxxx