Proposal to Submit an NSERC RTI application1
CBU Adjudication of NSERC Research Tools and Instrumentation Grant Proposals
Effective Date: 1/1/2013
Table of Contents
2.Adjudication Process
3.Guiding Priciples
4.Summary of Timelines
Starting with the 2014 competition[*], the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) will be instituting a quota on the number of applications that each university can submit annually to the Research Tools and Instrumentation (RTI) grant program. The quota is proportional to the fraction of the total Discovery Grants that are held at each institution with a minimum quota of two (2) applications per institution[†]. Institutions are responsible to adjudicate the RTI applications from its researchers prior to submission to NSERC.
2.Adjudication Process
Given that for the foreseeable future the CBU quota is likely to be two and the number of possible applications will normally be less than 5, a simple adjudication process will be used to triage the proposals. Researchers who intend to apply for an RTI grant must apply through the Office of Research and Graduate Studies using the application in the attached appendix by July 1. Potential applicants are not required to submit a completed NSERC application at the initial stage; however, proponents can submit completed NSERC form 100 in lieu of the list of funding and publications in the attached form.
The Dean of Research & Graduate Studies and the Dean of Science and Technology will review the proposals and notify, by August 1, the proponents as to whether or not they will be asked to develop full proposals to be submitted to NSERC.
3.Guiding Priciples
The Dean of Research & Graduate Studies and the Dean of Science and Technology will review applications and decide which will be developed into full proposals based on the following principles.
- Potential applicants and co-applicants must currently hold or be applying for an NSERC research grant (e.g., Discovery, Strategic, Research Partnership, Canada Research Chairs) at the time of application.
- Researchers can apply for only one RTI Grant at a time, either as an applicant or a coapplicant, but not as both.
- Proposals from Early Career Researchers (Tenure-track faculty in the first two years of their appointment) will be given priority over proposals from established faculty.
- Proposals with two or more faculty collaborating will be given priority over single investigator proposals.
- All proposals will be reviewed based on the research proposal, the need of equipment, the publication and funding records of the proponent(s), and the potential to train Highly Qualified Personnel.
- The proposals will be reviewed based on NSERC criteria ( and will aim to select the proposals that have the best chance of success in the national competition.
4.Summary of Timelines
- July 1 – proposals submitted (electronically via email) to the Dean of Research & Graduate Studies.
- July – Dean of Research & Graduate Studies and Dean of Science & Technology review proposals. The Deans may request further information from the proponents and/or discuss the proposals with the department chairs and the Vice-President Academic (Provost).
- August 1 – Proponents are notified by Dean of Research & Graduate Studies whether or not they will be asked to submit a full application to NSERC.
- August – October – Selected proponents develop applications using the NSERC online system.
- October 11 – Proponents submit the completed applications to the Research Advancement Officer (RAO).
- October 11 – 25 – RAO reviews applications and secures necessary signatures.
- October 25 – RAO submits applications to NSERC.
Proposal to Submit an NSERC RTI application1
Title:Click here to enter text.Applicant: Click here to enter text. / Status: Choose an item.
Applicant’s Current funding status: Choose an item.Choose an item.
Co-Applicant: Click here to enter text. / Status: Choose an item.
Co-Applicant: Click here to enter text. / Status: Choose an item.
Co-Applicant: Click here to enter text. / Status: Choose an item.
Users: Click here to enter text.
Estimated Cost: Click here to enter text.
Equipment description:Click here to enter text.
Need: Click here to enter text.
Contribution to HQP: Click here to enter text.
- Applicant and Co-Applicants Funding last six years [‡]
- Applicant and Co-Applicants Publications last six years‡
[*] Applications due at NSERC Oct 2013
[†] Under the proposed quota system, institutions with less than ~60 Discovery Grants will have an annual quota of 2 RTI applications.
[‡] Alternatively, the applicant and co-applicant(s) may submit copies of NSERC form 100.