Davidson School October

Newsletter 2016

Box 699 Davidson, SK S0G 1A0

Phone: 306-567-3216

Fax: 306-567-5481


Jason Low – Principal

Cathy Rettger – Vice Principal

Dates to Note

October 7 SLT Spirit Day – “Denim Day”

October 7 DS Clothing Order Deadline

October 10 Thanksgiving Day – no Classes

October 11 SCC Meeting – 7:00 HS Library

October 14 – 15 Jr Girls Vball Home Tournament

October 16 – 22 Library Week “Explore & Discover”

October 16 – 22 Education Week “Celebrating Today. Preparing for


October 18 School Picture Retakes

October 20 Grade 6 Immunization

October 21 Chicken Caesar or Taco Wrap Hot Lunch

October 26 School Level P.D. Day – No Classes

October 27 Grade 10 P.A.R.T.Y Presentation

October 28 SLT Pumpkin Carving Contest

October 31 SLT Spirit Day – “Costume/Black & Orange Day”

School Clothing Order

Davidson School is pleased once again to be offering Raiders clothing to any students, family or community members interested in purchasing. The order form and price sheet are included with the newsletter, and are also available at the office. The deadline to submit orders to the school office is October 7. Sizing samples will be at the school if you are interested in trying them on before ordering. ***Please note, the junior pants will be supplied by Gildan, not Russell as listed.

School Pictures

Picture Perfect Portraits returns to our school on the morning of Tuesday, October 18, for picture retakes. Please have your child inform his/her classroom teacher prior to the day if he/she will be requiring a retake picture. As well, parents of preschoolers are welcome to bring in their children for photos any time that morning.

Hot Lunch

Davidson School, along with Anne Willner, is pleased to offer students a hot lunch in October. Order forms will be sent home for a lunch of Taco/Chicken Caesar Wraps, which will occur on Friday, October 21. Please remember that milk/juice will no longer be offered at hot lunches – students must supply their own drink.


It’s P.A.R.T.Y. Time! On October 27, 2016, the Grade 10 students from Davidson, Kenaston, Loreburn, and Craik schools will participate in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program in Davidson. We are very grateful for all the community involvement helping to make this day possible.

P.A.R.T.Y. stands for Preventing Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth. Throughout the day, the Grade 10 students will experience what it is like to be in the place of an injury survivor. The day starts with an opening presentation and discussion about smart versus stupid risk. The students then travel to a mock crash scene put on by the local Fire Department, RCMP, and EMS. The students will then proceed to small group presentations where they will hear from each of the following: RCMP, Addictions Services, Rehabilitation, EMS, ER Nurse, and finally the Funeral Home. The day will conclude with an injury survivor speaking about their injury and what life has been like. Lunch will be provided for the students and they will be given a scenario and an injury which they will be required to mimic as they eat their lunch! The day will have a huge impact on students, leaving them thinking about their choices and the risks they are willing to take. If you are interested in volunteering for the day, please contact Liza Dahl, Sun West Addictions Educator, at 306-561-7783.

Please Note

Student Fees

Thank you to parents for being prompt in paying student fees. There are still a number of fees outstanding - please remember to send them to school with your child as soon as possible. Student fee rates are as follows:

Kindergarten to Grade 9 - $10.00; Grade 10 to 12 - $20.00 Maximum cost per Family - $50.00

Yearbook (optional) - $30.00 Lock Deposit - $5.00

Please make cheques payable to Davidson School.

Please indicate on your cheque names of students and the grades they are in.

Forms Information

Also, please make sure that your child’s personal information such as address, phone numbers, health numbers, and billets is updated for our school records. Student information reports have been sent home - please verifiy the information, make any necessary changes, sign, and send back to the school as soon as possible.

Thank you to parents of new DS students who have returned the permission forms for publishing students’ photographs, work, and phone numbers, internet use and community trips. If you have not, please remember to complete the form and return it to the school as soon as possible.

Driver Authorization Forms are required for parents who are driving for sports/school trips – please complete and return to the office as soon as possible. Criminal Record Checks are also required for any drivers or volunteers.


Just a reminder: This year, once again, the newsletter will be sent out to families electronically at the end of each month. If you have not already done so, please call the school office at 306-567-3216 or email Barb at to have your email address added to the list. If you would still like to receive a paper copy, please let us know and one will be sent home with your child. Using email is also a great way to communicate with your child’s teachers – all addresses are .

School Canteens

As we start a busy year of hosting various sports tournaments, it is important to say thank you to the parents and students of Davidson School for the donations of supplies, and for the time spent working in canteens throughout the year. The profits from canteens pay for the costs of referees. We take pride in hosting various events and welcoming people into our school.Thank you for your continued support!

Digital Portfolios for students

Davidson School will not be sending home paper copies of portfolios as we transition students away from paper/binder portfolios and into Digital online portfolios. Kindergarten to Grade 6 are using Seesaw, and grades 7-12 will be using FreshGrade, which will launch in October. Please stay tuned for upcoming information. Teachers will be available to assist you with any questions or to help you get set up.


Thank you to the following parents who have volunteered to help with the fluoride program for Grade 1 – 6 students: Mandy Halvorson, Shauna Thomas, Dusty Manz, Alissa Forman, Deb Cammer, Christy Pasher, Correne Pedersen, Cindy Jaremicki, and Kara Howarth. Special thanks to Mandy for organizing the program this year. If you have any questions or concerns, call the school office at 306-567-3216 and let us know!

Congratulations to all of the students, staff, parents, and community members that participated in the Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 16! A big thank you to the Affinity Credit Union and Davidson Co-op for partnering with us and providing the burgers and drinks for our lunch! Davidson School raised $3200.06 – way to go!!

Davidson School would like to extend a warm welcome to new students Malachi Sharron-Robertson in Kindergarten and Tyrine Desnomie-Creeley in Grade 10. We are glad to have you as part of our school and we welcome you to Davidson!

Thank you to Lori Herauf for the donation of two microwaves to the school, they will be put to good use!

Congratulations to Jordan Matheson for winning the Junior Girls District Golf Championship and to Nolan Allan who won the Junior Boys District Golf Championship in Outlook on September 21. Our junior golf team, which also consisted of Riley Berry, Kade McConnell, Logan Nelson-Schnieder, and Gavin Arend, came in second in the team championship.Way to go everyone!! Congratulations, as well, to our senior golfers, Derek Schmiedge and Hunter Hall, on a job well done at districts in Biggar.

Thanks to parents and family members who attended our Meet the Staff barbecue on September 29! Course Outlines have been distributed to students so be sure to ask for them! If you would like an additional copy, ask your child’s teacher or contact the school office.

School Community Council

The Davidson School Community Council held the first meeting of the year on Sept.12. We discussed some upcoming school events and had an update on the scholarships awarded to the 2016 graduates. We look forward to looking at our school goals and priorities for the year at our next meeting on Oct.11.

Laura Willner, Secretary

Student Leadership Conference

On Wednesday, September 21, Breanna Shaw, Chase Lyn Dean, and I travelled to Maple Creek for the Saskatchewan Student Leadership Conference. Our sessions were very interactive and educational, and we listened to some cool speakers, such as Adam Kreek, Olympian rower, and Tenille Arts, singer-songwriter. It was a very fun experience and we learned some great ideas for our school dances and events. A big thank you to Ms. Kirtzinger, who accompanied us on the 3-day conference!

~ submitted by Sarah Allan

Counselor Quotes October, 2016

“Worrying does not take away tomorrows troubles, it takes away today’s peace.”

Anxiety is another word for worries, fears, being really shy and being scared or frightened. It is a natural emotion that helps us to survive. We can’t live without it! Anxiety is the emotion that helps to protect us in dangerous situations and if we didn’t have any anxiety at all we might get seriously hurt. But, sometimes children can get scared when there’s really no need to be afraid. Some kids worry so much or get so scared that it makes them miss out on things they would really enjoy doing.

Kids who worry a lot often get help from parents, teachers, school counselors and psychologists. Each year many kids learn new skills to help them cope with their worry and anxious feelings, and if they practice them enough, they start to worry less and are able to do things that used to be quite difficult. Sometimes anxiety can even be useful. Athletes and actors usually feel anxious before they perform. They use the anxiety to “rev up” so they can do their best. Anxiety can also give you motivation…such as studying for an exam.

There are three parts to anxiety – your body, your thoughts and your actions. In your body you may find your heart beats faster, your muscles become tense, your breathing gets faster, you may start to cry. Your thoughts become uncontrollable with negative thinking and you start looking for danger and have scary thoughts like ‘something bad might happen.” Sometimes anxiety may begin as a worrisome thought which cannot be ignored. Your actions will change and anxiety causes you to want to run away or sometimes it will make you want to lash out at others. You may want to stay away from the thing that makes you anxious which sometimes means you miss out on doing things that could be fun.

Some people get more anxious than others and for these people it can help to learn to worry a little…or a lot… less. It is important for kids who have high anxiety to get help because it can cause other problems. Working with anxious children takes time and it is important that parents communicate often with their children and others, such as counselors, who are working to help alleviate the worry and anxiety in these children. If you have a child who is anxious or worries a lot, please contact the school or me directly and we can work together to help your anxious child. Childhood anxiety is common and seems to be affecting more and more children every year. Do not hesitate to seek support and know that you are definitely NOT ALONE.

Sue Mills – Sun West School Division

Child and Youth Counselor

(email – ) (cell) 306-567-8562