TOPIC / THEME / CASE STUDYRiver environments / Rising demand for water / China
A dam or reservoir project / The Three Gorges Project
A flood defence scheme / The Yangtze / Three Gorges Project
Hazardous environments / A comparison of the impacts of tropical storms in an LIC and an HIC / Cyclone Nargis, Irrawaddy Delta, Myanmar
Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, USA
Management of one tropical storm in a HIC and one tectonic event in a LIC / Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, USA and
Sichuan earthquake, China
Economic activity and energy / Comparison of changing employment structure of one HIC and one LIC / UK (HIC) and own research for LIC, eg India
Factors affecting the development and location of a high-tech industry / Hong Kong Science Park or Cambridge Science Park
Recent employment changes within an area of a HIC / South Wales (UK)
Urban environments / Land use patterns and distribution of social/ethnic groups in a city / New York, USA.
Shanty town management in a LIC / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Changes in an urban area in a HIC / East London (Olympics)
Stoke-on-Trent (brownfield site)
Fragile environments / An area affected by desertification / The Sahel
A threatened tropical rainforest / The Amazon or Malaysia?
Threats of global warming and climate change in one country / Bangladesh?
Attempts to tackle the problems of global warming and climate change. / Kyoto 1997, Copenhagen 2009, Cancun 2010.