Catholic Mission Appeal Summary Form

(Please complete at the end of the appeal)

Church Appeal 2017

‘I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:

Parish Name:
Suburb: / Contact Number:
Appeal date: / Completed by:

Was video played? (Please tick): Did you have a speaker? (Please tick):

Yes Yes, name

No No

Please deposit cash, and then make cheque for the total amount out to ‘Catholic Mission’. Please be sure that the amount donated by the donor is marked on their envelope (this is important to ensure each donor is
acknowledged/receipted for their gift). All envelopes with donor details must be forwarded to Catholic Mission. / Total cash amount: / $
Please do not bank the cheques. All cheques are to be left in the appeal envelopes and forwarded to Catholic Mission. All cheques will be processed and receipted by Catholic Mission. / Number of cheques:
Total amount: / $
Please do not process credit card donations. All credit card donations will be processed and receipted by Catholic Mission. / Number of MasterCard/Visa envelopes:
Number of American Express envelopes:
Total credit card amount: / $
Please count how many envelopes have the monthly box completed (regardless of whether they have also made a single donation or not). / Number of envelopes with a Regular Giving commitment:
Total amount given monthly: / $
Cash + cheques + credit cards + regular donations / TOTAL: / $

Please only deposit cash donations and forward all other donations to Catholic Mission for processing, including all envelopes with donor details and a copy of the deposit slip. Catholic Mission will send out acknowledgements and tax-deductible receipts where required.

Please post to your diocesan director.

(You can find their details in the Parish Kit cover letter)

Freecall: 1800 257 2969