ENG III Research Methods
Instructor: Ms. Chew


Pender Early College Learning Outcomes:
The seminar will address the following learning outcomes:
- Written Communication
- Professional Skills
- Technology Literacy
- Collaboration
Course Objectives:
This part of ENG III is designed to support the research paper, which must be completed in order for graduation from PECHS.
Please note: Your research paper will be written in and out of class. The mandatory class time will serve as an opportunity for you to learn skills needed for research writing as well as to receive help on your paper. You will be responsible for responding to electronic assignments posted on Edmodo. If an assignment is received late, 5 % of the total value will be subtracted from your final grade each day it is late. Each and every assignment related to the paper must be completed in order to pass this class. I will not take the next step of the paper writing process until all previous steps have been completed. This will result in a 5% deduction of your grade each day.

Attendance Policy:
Weekly attendance is an expectation. In order to complete this course successfully, you should be at all scheduled classes. 21st Century Skills include participation, attendance, and time management as large factors. You are allotted one lesson absence and one research tutorial absence. If you have any more absences than allowed, you will fail the course. It will be up to the instructor to decide what constitutes an emergency; however, we all know these things happen.
Expectations for Scheduled Assignments:
You must attend class and come prepared with assignments as indicated on the attached timeline. Anything not turned in by its due date will result in points off of your final grade. As always, no excuses will be taken for late, sloppy, or missing work. We will be doing the bulk of our work through Edmodo, so you need to make sure your responses and attachments actually send, as a blank submission will be counted as missing.

Grading: This seminar will closely follow the timeline I have created. Each due date is specifically marked on your syllabus and is worth a specific point amount.

* I will not grade or accept any assignment before the previous is submitted and approved.

Students who fail this class will be required to re-take Junior Seminar next year.

Plagiarism: While we continue to learn about citation practices, please note that any plagiarism, intended or unintended, will result in immediate office referral and possible failure of the course.

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to exact or close copying of language. It also exists wherever one borrowed another’s work without giving them credit for their ideas (citation). The definition is actually broader than this though; dishonesty intended to make shortcuts such as submitting past work is grounds for expulsion from most universities: “In its most egregious form, plagiarism is an act of willful dishonesty intended to deceive the audience” (Jacksonville State University). It will also result in a failing grade in this class.

This class is different! Review the following protocol carefully and ask questions if you are concerned or unclear about any of the following:

- Check your edmodo each week for grading, assignment fixes, and new assignments. This is my primary way of getting in touch with the junior class as a whole and individually. If you do not check your e-mail and educational networks, now is the time to get used to this necessary professional skill.
- Be prepared for each class! If you have nothing to work from, I/we cannot help you.
- Follow deadlines carefully, and the process will move smoothly. If you take another look at our syllabus, your success is based around handing in every assignment, as they will all affect your final semester grade majorly.

Assignment / Due Date / Need to Submit
Choosing a Topic Handout/Topic and 5 Questions / Group 1= 8/19
Group 2= 8/20 / On Edmodo
TPEQEA: How to Design an Effective Thesis Statement / Group 1= 8/26
Group 2= 8/27 / On Edmodo
Evaluation of Sources Assignment / Group 1= 9/2
Group 2= 9/3 / On Edmodo
Annotated Bibliography First Source / Group 1= 9/9
Group 2= 9/10 / Printed and On Edmodo
Introduction and Bibliography / Group 1= 10/7
Group 2= 10/8 / Anno Bib- Printed and On Edmodo
Intro- Printed
Final, Edited Draft of Intro / Both Groups= 10/10 / On Edmodo
Outline / Group 1= 10/21
Group 2= 10/22 / Printed and On Edmodo
Two Page Draft (use at least 2 direct quotes) / Group 1= 10/21
Group 2= 10/22 / Printed and On Edmodo
Need to have a ROCKING first draft / Group 1= 11/13
Group 2= 11/14 / Printed and On Edmodo
Final Research Paper / Both Groups= 12/2 / Printed and Attached to the Rubric and Edited First Draft

Assignments’ Worth:

Assignment / Everything before your final essay grade counts as a homework assignment.
Topic and What You Want to Find Out / 2 points
Thesis / 5 points
Evaluation of Sources / 3 points
Annotated Bibliography / 20 points
Outline / 5 points
Introduction / 5 points
Wonderful First Draft / 10 points
Peer Editing / 5 points
Final Draft (Editing counts for 10 points of final paper grade)
Remember, a piece of writing is never finished, it can always be greater!) / 40 points
21st Century Work Skills / 10 points- This grade is left up the educator’s discretion when looking holistically at your professional skills, written communication, collaboration, technology literacy, and professional skills throughout the class.
Total Points: / 110 points