MUAP 131v, 132v, 231v, 232v, 331v, 332v, 431v, 432v
Instructors: Mrs. Brenda Lang, Mrs. Katie Read, Mr. Scott Wyatt
Catalog Description and Rationale for the Course
The heart of any music degree program is applied music studies, where a student takes private lessons from an experienced instructor. Cincinnati Christian University offers private applied instruction in piano, voice, guitar, brass instruments, percussion, and composition. Applied lessons in other instruments may be arranged through special agreement with an off-campus instructor. Students are assigned to teachers based on their level and ability, and on the teacher’s availability. No audit status is permitted. There is no refund of instruction fee after classes begin. Students enrolled in applied lessons on a major level are required to attend a weekly studio class that correlates with their private instruction. Studios provide group instruction to supplement the private lessons. Major and minor level applied lessons require a board exam at the end of each semester (except semesters in which students perform a recital). Elector or Worship instruction requires recital participation at the end of each semester.
Applied Minor Instruction (1 hour)
“A thirty minute lesson each week, with a minimum requirement of weekly practice.”
The purpose of this course is to establish a sound vocal technique, a complete understanding of the singing voice, and awareness of vocal literature from all historical periods. Although the standard vocal literature will be the main emphasis, contemporary Christian songs and hymn arrangements may also be studied.
Course Objectives
The student who successfully completes requirements for these courses should be able to:
1. Demonstrate increased understanding of proper breathing, breath control and support in his/her singing.
2. Demonstrate correct formation of vowels, enunciation of consonants, jaw opening, and tongue placement.
3. Demonstrate increased freedom of tone production, employing an open throat and lifted palate in singing.
4. Demonstrate an increased evenness of tone quality throughout low, middle, and upper ranges of the voice.
5. Demonstrate an increased understanding of proper placement of tone in his/her singing.
6. Sing expressively, demonstrating increased understanding of various styles of sacred and secular solo singing.
7. Have a basic understanding of healthy singing. (More guidelines can be found in the SCORE under “Care for Voice”)
Outline of Course Content and Organization of the Material
1. Lessons will be given on a weekly basis and will be 30 minutes in length.
2. Voice students will be required to attend five recitals/concerts in the fall and ten recitals/concerts in the spring.
3. Repertoire will be chosen according to each student's needs and goals.
Major Learning Experiences and Course Procedures
1. Attendance at weekly lesson and studio class. Each student will have 14 lessons per semester, unless illness or unusual circumstances on the part of the professor or student exists. In the case of illness, the student will inform the professor as early as possible if he/she must miss a lesson. The professor is not obligated to give make-up lessons. In the event of illness, a nurse's excuse must be presented to the professor. The student will personally contact the professor or music secretary. On the third absence a student will be dropped from the course with an FA.
2. Attendance of five fall and ten spring recitals or concerts.
3. Each voice student must secure a paid accompanist for the semester at the student’s expense. A staff accompanist may be available for the student at the following rates:
Half-hour lessons----$140 for lesson & board
A student accompanist should be compensated at a mutually agreed upon amount. All agreements must be settled by the semester recital or boards. (A reasonable rate suggestion would be $10.00 per half-hour session spent in lesson and/or rehearsal and an additional $25 for the recital or board). These fees are paid directly by the student to the accompanist.
All students will also be expected to personally pay a pianist for the following requests:
1. Rehearsal time--$15 per hour
2. Recording of an practice disk--$50
3. Board only fee—when the pianist did not play during the semester lessons--$25. This fee includes the pianist’s preparation time, one rehearsal with the student and the board or elector/worship recital.
Major Requirements and Assignments
1. Students must record the number of hours spent per week in practice. A student is required to practice a minimum of 42 hours (3 weekly) to receive one hour credit for the course. These hours each week should include technical exercises and repertoire practice. The student will turn in their record of hours practiced at the end of each semester.
2. Sing two boards during the year, one each semester.
3. The student will study 5 songs each semester with 3 songs being required to be memorized for each board. These songs will be selected by the applied professor.
4. Students may be asked to complete reading assignments if the instructor feels it is necessary.
Grading Policy and Procedures
Grading is based on the following criteria:
1. Practice hours. If the student's recorded practice hours are fewer than 42 pass/fail
for the semester, the student will fail the course.
2. Weekly lesson grades: includes preparation of weekly assignments, attitude, 55%
improvements, and practice
3. Practice hours will be graded in the following way: 10%
3 hours weekly (42 total) = C
4 hours weekly (56 total) = B
5 hours weekly (70 total) = A
4. Recital/Concert Attendance 10%
5. Boards: based on memory, presentation, and interpretation 25%
Total 100%