Castlehill and Pittodrie Community Council

Minutes of meeting held 27th July 2013


Mike McConnell (Chair)

William Rae (Vice Chair)

Pat Chilton

Gordon Wilson

Kate Bailey (Secretary)

Pauline Brown

Dale Arey


Findlay Bennet

Jonathan Aitken –Smith (Treasurer)

PC Griffiths (Community Police)


Lidia Evening Express

Minutes for June

There needs to be consistency in the spelling of Allain. The minutes were deemed accurate and proposed for acceptance by Mike and seconded by Pat.

Actions arising.

Pauline contact with sea cadets. No contact made yet so item rolls over to next meeting.

Sea Defenses No action to date,

Action :Kate to draft letter to Council now we have the correct contact.

Planning Training

Saturday 7th September is the date for the training planning.

Action Gordon and Jonathan to attend.

Broadband Only two responses received and Accelerate Aberdeen misunderstood, but say there is capability for higher bandwidth but responsibilities of ISP’s.

Action Mike to follow up with another letter.

Workforce: Mike has written draft letters to various companies in our area

Action Kate to send out when complete

Police Update

Rolled until next meeting

Treasurer’s report

Treasurer sent his apologies so rolled to next meeting.

Notice Board

Dale reported paint had finally been delivered, but he needs access to a long power lead and metal sander. Several suggestions and offers were made including Pat.

Play Park

Some progress has been made just before the start of the trades the swing base and some other preparation work was completed but the children were on holiday and use hampered progress. Pauline raised issue of swing position so close to the slide as an HSE issue.

Scotland in Bloom

Dale reported Fittie will be visited by the judges at 2.00pm on 8th August. Dale will attend,

Action Kate will see if Caroline is available to do the history chat, if not she will attend. Kate to check planters and tidy as necessary.


William reported he had distributed all the posters he had been given.

Action Dale will put one in Hanover community Centre and school when term restarts.

Action Pat will write another letter to First Bus to see if their advertising partners object to us putting posters on the shelters that currently have no advertising.

Planning Applications

Kate reported there was no further news on Amadeus plans and that it had not been on the Planning and development committee agenda so must still be being looked at.

Gordon and Mike reported further on the Douglas hotel and Pinnacle , and there was some confusion about the pinnacle application as it seemed to have been approved some time ago as a separate application but nothing had happened. Action Kate to check with Councillors on following day and find out exact status.

There was some discussion around the subject and it was agreed we should respond by letter saying we were happy something was being done with the site but expressing reservations about the boxy design and hoping a design could be agreed that was more in keeping with Aberdeen and would last for a considerable time.

Action Gordon to draft letter to planning department.

Gospel Hall

Gordon reported difficulty contacting the Common Good fund and finding out what was possible for the future of the Gospel Hall when Joyce Cairns has handed in her notice. Contacts were Richard Fleming and Karen Norville, but we should speak to Joyce (which we already have). It was agreed we should continue to communicate and have our interest noted.


Lidia who lives in our area reported an issue with car races in Fredrick Street car park after midnight usually on Friday nights.. The matter has been reported to the police who say they have to catch the culprits and have not managed to. The CC asked if there were any CCTV cameras that could be used and Lidia reported there were.

Action Issue to be raised at the next meeting with the Community Police

Date of Next meeting

Wednesday 28th August at 6.00 pm Fittie Bar (Lounge bar)