Why I Am A
“Sabbath-keeping” Christian
A 4-part presentation by Dr. Dan Jarrard. Because Dan grew up in and was a minister in a “Sunday-keeping” Christian church for 18 year, many have asked since he became a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian: “Why do you now go to church on Saturday? What caused you to make the change?”
This Seminar is a result of his answering that question: “Why,” and will be of assistance to you in sharing with your family and friends … as Dan takes a non-critical and non-judgmental approach in answering this question.
Session 1. The Sabbath: Kept In The Beginning
Session 2. The Sabbath: Kept By Jesus
Session 3. The Sabbath: Kept By The Apostles
Session 4. The Sabbath: Kept By The Early Church
The Seminar is available on DVD and CD
For information visit:
Or call: 252-292-2936
Why I Am A
“Sabbath-keeping” Christian
A 4-part presentation by Dr. Dan Jarrard. Because Dan grew up in and was a minister in a “Sunday-keeping” Christian church for 18 year, many have asked since he became a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian: “Why do you now go to church on Saturday? What caused you to make the change?”
This Seminar is a result of his answering that question: “Why,” and will be of assistance to you in sharing with your family and friends … as Dan takes a non-critical and non-judgmental approach in answering this question.
Session 1. The Sabbath: Kept In The Beginning
Session 2. The Sabbath: Kept By Jesus
Session 3. The Sabbath: Kept By The Apostles
Session 4. The Sabbath: Kept By The Early Church
The Seminar is available on DVD and CD
For information visit:
Or call: 252-292-2936