Cascot for EurOccupations
Cascot requires a Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4 or higher.
The latest version can be downloaded for free - SUN Microsystems Java install.
For more information about Java see Java Technology.
You will need authority to install software on your machine.
Activation Key
The username and activation key you will need to unlock the software is
Username : EurOccupations
Note: These details are to be cut and pasted into the "Cascot Key" dialog box that appears when you first start the program.
You will only need to enter these details once.
Download and Installation Instructions
For Microsoft Windows:
In the file package ‘Cascot for EurOccupations’ you will find
or you can download it hereWindows compressed executable installer
This is a compressed (zip) file. You may be prompted where to save this file. If so take note of where you save it.
Once the download is complete open the zip file (
Double click on "CascotInstaller.exe" (within the opened zip file)
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Start Cascot. (This can be done by double clicking on the desktop icon or choosing Start | Programs | Cascot | Cascot.)
Enter the username and activation key, (located above).
For other operating systems:
In the file package you will find cascotinstaller.jar
Download GenericJava installer
This is a Java Jar file. You may be prompted where to save this file. If so take note of where you save it.
Once the download is complete run the installer.
If your system is aware of Java Jar files you should be able to simply double click on the downloaded Jar.
Otherwise you will need to run the program using the command line
"$ java -jar cascotinstaller.jar"
where $ is the prompt of your shell.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
This will install the "Cascot.Jar" and associated files to your specified location.
Start Cascot
Depending on your system you should be able to run the program by double clicking on the installed Cascot.jar
If you can not double click the jar you will need to run the program using the command line
"$ java -jar Cascot.jar"
where $ is the prompt of your shell.
Enter the username and activation key, (located above).
Cascot Tutorial
A tutorial for using Cascot is also in the file package or can be downloaded, Cascot Tutorial.
The files used in the tutorial are also in the file packageor available to downloadtutorial files.
In the file package there is also a general CASCOT demonstration presentation file and two Cascot for EurOccupations presentation files.
Usage of EurOccupations classifications
Take note of the location to which the files EurOccupations (English).classification and EurOccupations (Dutch).classification were extracted from the file package. In order to use the English or the Dutch version of the EurOccupations classification, select from Cascot menus File-Open classification and open the required file from the location where it was extracted.
The Cascot Editor
Cascot Editor is a program that allows the user to create and/or modify electronic classifications for use with Cascot.
It is available for Microsoft Windows using
Cascot Editor Installer
For other operating systems use
Generic Java Editor Installer
If you are using our standard classifications, tested and approved by the IER you do not need to download this.
The use of Cascot Editor is not supported.
If you choose to use the editor you will need to thoroughly test any changes you make to the classification files.
More Information
For more information about Cascot see Cascot Website
If you need help or encounter any problems with the install please first contact your local IT advisor.
If you still have trouble please contact Ritva Ellison.