Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne


CHHS Guidelines and Procedures for Reappointment of Tenure-Track Faculty

The College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) will review the progress of tenure-track faculty with each reappointment after the initial reappointment and including the 3-year review. It is recommended faculty follow the IPFW Promotion and Tenure Senate Document 99-1, Guidelines for Reappointment Review OAA Memorandum 04-3 and, the CHHS Guidelines and Procedures for Reappointment of Tenure-Track faculty.

This process assists faculty in documenting progress toward meeting the promotion and tenure criteria and progress for reappointment.

The CHHS promotion and Tenure Committee will use the Department and College Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Guidelines for all reviews.

Faculty Reappointment Materials

For the review, the following will be required:

1. Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) appropriate for discipline.

2. Reappointment Dossier [Annual Faculty Reviews (AFRs)] since initial appointment or last reappointment.

3. Supportive materials as described in the CHHS Appointment and Reappointment Criteria.

4. Previous reappointment form with all comments from chair, dean and VCAA.

5. IPFW Reappointment Form, with signatures.

6. Written recommendation from the program director, department coordinator or chair.

Reappointment Committee Process and Procedures

1. The initial reappointment of tenure-track faculty for all departments will be completed by the department chair or associate dean and dean. The CHHS Promotion and Tenure committee will evaluate the faculty at the 3rd year review and any additional years requested by faculty member.

2. The dean will provide committee members copies of the faculty’s reappointment materials.

3. Committee members will be notified of the date, time, and location of the initial committee meeting. The dean will be responsible for coordinating and initiating the first committee meeting.

4. Committee members are responsible for thoroughly reviewing the faculty’s reappointment materials prior to attending the initial committee meeting.

5. The committee chairperson will be responsible for:

a. coordinating the review, discussion, and recommendation;

b. scheduling additional meeting(s), if necessary.

6. All proceedings will remain confidential.

7. Within two weeks, a written recommendation will be made to the Dean of the CHHS, with copies forwarded to the program director, department coordinator or chair, and candidate. The letter will include:

a. date(s) when committee met;

b. recommendations of the committee to address

performance/productivity in teaching, research/scholarly activity and service.

c. names of the committee members.

Reappointment Timetable

No. / Year at IPFW / Reappointment for / Chair receives request / Faculty officially notified
1 / 1 / 2nd year / November / February
2 / 2 / 3rd year / September / November
3 / 2 / 4th year / February / May
4 / 3 / 5th year / February / May
5 / 4 / 6th year / February / May
6 / 5 / 7th year / February / May

Revised May 6, 2009

Approved August 28, 2009

Approved, May 13, 2015