Carre, Thomas, Abbot of Furness, nil, , Giggleswick
Carre, James, Abbot of Furness(10s), £20.00, 2, Giggleswick
Carre, Alan, Northumberland, £1.00, , Giggleswick
Gersum 60s paidAdam Carr holds one tenement with the land
to Thomas Lysterappertaining to the same by the lord’s warrant and
renders per annum12s
Gersum 63s paidRoger Carr holds one messuage and certain land
to Richard Greneappertaining to the same by the warrant of the
lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum21s
Gersum 10s
Adam Carre, by the surrender of Richard Newhouse, took one two parcels of meadow next to Huntwhayt Thornes, by warrant, now in the tenure of Isabel Payley, widow, to hold to him, for the term of his life, after the death widowhood of the said Isabel. And he renders annually 6d, and for entry/gersum as appears.
Free tenants
Alan Carre holds one tenement at a rent of 13s 4d
per annum and pays for free rent;2s 3d
The same Alan holds another tenement in the same
at a rent of 5s and pays; 12d
Adam Carre, James Tenaunt, Thomas Brashay and12½d and
Richard Newhouse hold 4 tenements and 3 tofts at a1 lb of
rent in all of 75s. They pay for free rent;cumin
The same Adam holds one tenement at a rent of
14s, and another tenement at a rent of 5s 6d, and
two other tenements at a rent per annum of 18s 4d,
and he pays for free rent for all;2s 7d
Gersum 50sAdam Carre holds by indenture dated 14 April 66 Eliz
Fully paidEliz for the term of 21 years one tenement with thelease for
appurtenances called Graynhouse at a rent per21 years
annum of 12, and two parcels of land below Hunt-
whaite Thornes at a rent of 6d. And they yield per
annum in total, at the feast aforesaid, in total;12s 6d
At willThe same Adam holds at the will of the lord the
sixth part of one acre of land at Daydeall, 4d, one
rood of purpresture land at Broun Wadducars at a
rent of 5d etc. And they yield per annum at the feast
aforesaid, in total;9d
Gersum 63sRoger Carre holds by the lord’s warrant, through2 Edw VI
Fully paidRichard Grene and other commissaries of the lord,
dated 27 April 2 Edward VI, one messuage with
certain land belonging to the same at Grayne house
and one two parcels of land at Huntwhait Thornes
at a rent of 6d. And in total Close house, per annum
at the feast aforesaid;21s
At willThe same Roger holds at the will of the lord the
moiety of a moiety of one rode of land at Segges.
And it yields per annum at the feast of St Michael;1½d
Robert Carr haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotage with the apptnnce theire lait of the tenure of Cristofer Cocket of the Rent of 6d of the Surrendre of the said Cristofer. To have and hold Yelding and paying for his fyne 8s
Adam Carre haith take of the said Commissioners one mess called Grayne house one laythe one other house one garden and four acres and a half of lande and Medow thereunto Lyinge two closes or pcells of ground at huntwhaite of the rent of 12s 6d now in the tenure of the said Adam To have and hold And paying for his fyne £7.10s
Roger Carre son of Adam Carre haith taken of the said Commissioners one half a roode of arrable land lying at Gaytraynes in the feildes of Giglesweke and one other half rode there at Brackenbanke of the rent of 5d And one pcell of ground laitlie improved at Dawdraw in the said fields of Giglesweke of the Rent of 4d Now in the tenure of the said Roger To have and hold And Payinge of his fyne 13s6d
Adam Car son of Roger Car Haith taken of the said Commissioners one Mess one Laythe two houses one other little house 12 acres of land medow and pasture by estimacon with the apptnnce thereunto Lying of the rente of 21s now in the tenure of the said Roger and one parcel of ground laitlie improved at Brakenber close in the fields of Giglesweke by est half a Rood of the rent of 1d Now in the tenure of the said Roger. To have and hold paying for his fyne £20
Provydett that the said Alan shall pmtt the said Roger to occupie the pmsses Duringe his lief And the weyf of the said Roger the thirde pte therof during her widowhoode
1602 free
The widow Carr / 2dFee farm
The widow Carr / 17sThe same widow / 8s 8d
Alan Carr for a tenement at Close House / 21s 1 ½ dAdam Carr for one close at Hunthwaite 3s 11d and for another close under Hunthwaite Thorns 6d / 4s 5d
Robert Carr for a cottage / 6dAdam Carr for a tenement 12s 6d for certain lands in Giggleswick Fields 4s and for certain grounds at Paley Green 5s / 21s 6d
At will
Robert Carr and Robert Kellett for the fulling mill at Thackthwaite Side / 3s 4dSmall improvement
Thomas Carr / 9d1613
…s 5d
no warrant, Adam Carre
son of Thomas, offers for a tenement worth per annum £3 8s over and above £13 5s lent on mortgage
Thomas Carre assigned the moiety to John Burton in mortgage for money, , ,
Free holders there with the rents they pay, payable always at the feast of St Martin the Bishop in winter only.
Out of the lands of John Katterell esq, Anne and Jennett Carr, paid by Thos. Browne, 2s 3d
Out of other the landes of the said Anne and Jennett, 12d
Fine 40s
Robert, Chr. and Allan Carr hold by indenture dated 17 March 3 James of England etc
All that cottage, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, then in the tenure of the said Robert, under the yearly rent of 6d,
And all houses etc, as in the rest of Giggleswick (except etc as in Mr Shute’s and the rest of the leases in Giggleswick),
To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,
Yielding 6d rent at the feasts aforesaid,
With like reservations of suit of court and mill, and with like covenants and conditions as in Mr Shute’s lease and the rest of Giggleswick.
[Note in RH margin:
No Rent for Moores]
[Fine] £66 13s 4d
Thomas Car holds by indenture dated 14 July 3 James of England etc
All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, lying and being in Greynehouse in the parish of Gig. aforesaid, sometimes in the tenure of one Ric. Car, of the annual rent of 12s,
And also certain parcels of land lying dispersed in the common fields of G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 4s,
And certain other parcels of land and ground lying at Paley Green within G. aforesaid, of the yearly rent of 5s, all which last mentioned parcels then were in the tenure of Adam Car,
And all houses etc, Except etc,
To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,
Yielding per annum 21s at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,
And for Moore Rent 5s ½d at Michaelmas only,
With like reservations, covenants and conditions as before.
[Note in RH margin:
And for Moore Rent 5s ½d
Jo. Foster 1d
Ja. Falthrop 2d
Jo: Tho Taylor 1¾d
Adam Carre 4s 6d
Rowland Falthrop 1¾d
[Note in LH margin:
... that there [wa]nteth 1½d that which was the Entry at ... time of the ... made.
... Banckes 12d
... Carre 13s 4d
... Wildman 6s 8d]
Fine £26 13s 4d
Thomas Newhowse and Thomas Car hold by indenture dated 16 July 3 King James of England
All that parcel of waste ground, partly enclosed, commonly called Burwens, containing by estimation 2 acres 3 roods,
Two other parcels of meadow and waste ground, also partly enclosed, called Penderynge and Lamfells, containing by estimation 4 acres 1 rood.
One other parcel of waste ground, partly also enclosed, called Berkettes close, containing by estimation 1 acre
[Note in RH margin
£3 . 13 . 2 ...
[Note in LH margin:
...ot entered in ... book of ... Entries
It is [en]tered in the [bo]ok of grants.]
2 roods,
And one other parcel of waste and wood ground called Brodehead, containing by estimation 4 acres,
All which parcels are lying within the fields of G aforesaid, and thentofore used and accepted for as the several waste ground of the said Earl,
And all ways etc, Except etc,
To hold for 6000 years without etc to them bother the said parcels of ground called Borwens, Penderynge and Lamfells, Berkettes close and Brodehed, and the ways and paths thereof etc for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,
And to hold the parcel of ground called Ayshten Reynes alias Ayshten Backe, and the little peece of land and meadow thereunto adjoining, and the ways and paths thereof etc, to the said Tho. Newhowse only, for the like term, without etc,
The said Newhowse and Car paying for the said first parcels 2s 2d, and the said Newhowse paying yearly for the other parcels 4d, at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,
With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former long leases of Giggleswick.
[Note in RH margin:
2s 2d & 4d
this inde[nture] is granted in Robert Bankes Fee farm book so not here ... be Charged]
[Note in LH margin:
Tho. Carre 13d
Roger Carre 3d
... Bankes 10d]
Jennett Carre by the booke of Entries in the year 1624 holds one close called the Netherfield at Hunthwaite Rent 3s 11d,
One other close under Hunthwaite Thomes Rent 6d,
To have etc.
This was entered in the lease before but crossed out.
[Note in RH margin:
4s 5d
For moore farme R[ent] 11½d
paid by Mr Hen. Wiglesworth]
[Note in LH margin:
Mr Shute 6d
Henry Wiglesworth 3s 11d]
Christopher Kellett and Alan Carr do hold a fulling mill at Thackthwayte side for there two lives and the longer liver 99 years if they two or either of them so long live.
[Note in LH margin:
Allan Carr 20d]
Out of the Book of Survey for the Counterparts made
by Mr. Heeles about the year 1611
Christopher Wylson parcels of a tenement granted as the former for 6000 years for the yearly rent of 9s 8½d
[Note in LH margin:
... Bankes & Mr ...stead 8s 8d ... but not to be ... ged here because ... entered after on ...
Mr Robert Bankes yet 11½d being the remainder must stand here still]
Allan Carr a tenement for the like term rented at 21s 1½d
[Note in RH margin:
Moore Rent 2s 4d now paid by Mistress Banks, Thomas Armitstead]
[Note in LH margin:
... counterparts ...theis 5 cannot ... found
The rents of the freeholders in Giggleswick
According to my rentroll made in the year 1603
queryMr Darsey, 18d
examinedChristopher Shute, Clerk, and his fellows, 1 lb of pepper
examinedWilliam Browne, 4s 4d
examinedRichard Breyshawe, Oliver Newhouse and Thomas Carr, 12½d and a pound of cumin
examinedChristopher Browne of Cockshott for his Free Rent in Giggleswick, 2s 3d
examinedHugh Stackhowse, 3d
afterwards The tenants of Stackhowse, 18d
examinedThomas Breyshawe for land late Halls, 7½d
examinedWilliam Armytsteade, 16d
examinedThe widow Preston, 12d
examinedWilliam Newhouse, 12d
examinedThe widow Carr, 2½d
examinedHenry Roome, 5½d
queryRoome & Bells, 17d
Stayneforde in Giggleswick free rents there0 . 16 . 0
examinedAnthonye Watson gent, 10s 6d
examinedJohn Lawson, 2s 7½d
examinedThomas Armysteade & Richard Paley, 2s 7½d
examined[blank] Atkynson & the widowe Paley, 2s 7½d
examinedLawrence Swayneson, 2s 7½d
1 . 1 . 0
Total1 . 17 . 0
[Page 27]
Giggleswick - Tenants at will
examinedJohn Catterall esquire the third of Rathmell mill, 6s 8d
examinedElizabeth Knell, widow, an house improved 4d
examinedGeorge Lawson, a parcel of ground in the field, 9d
examinedHenry Roome 2 parcels in the field, 6d
examinedAdam Preston, one parcel there, 4½d
paidJohn Banckes, 2 parcels there, late Brownes, 9d
...Ric. Hall, two parcels, 11d
examinedRichard Armisteed, 4 parcels. 13½d
... is paidRobert Kellett, two parcels, 22d
... Knelles
Oliver Newhouse, one parcel, 4d
Thomas Newhowse, 2 parcels, 8d
examinedThomas Carr, one parcel, 9d
examinedJohn Lyndsey Junior an Improvement, 2d
...... Armitsteed and improvement, 2d
...The wife of Hugh Preston for parcels improved, 13d
examinedO. Browne an improvement, 2½d
examinedRichard Paley an improvement, 6d
...Wm. Lawson and Improvement, 7d
The tenants of Stackhowse for the Howrydding, 18d
19s 2½d
[Page 28]
... date the tenth day of October ... James
All that close of ground called Netherfield lying at Hunthwayte of the ancient yearly rent of 3s 11d,
And one other close of ground lying under Huntthwayte of the ancient yearly rent of 6d, in G. aforesaid ......
And all ways etc, Except etc,
To hold for 6000 years,
Yielding 3s 5d at the feasts aforesaid equally,
Suit of court and other etc.
[Note in RH margin:
4s 5d
And for Moore R[ent] 13d]
[Note in LH margin:
... wants ... of the moore.]
[Fine] £84
Allan Carr holds by indenture date 8 October 2 James
All that croft, farm and tenement, with the appurtenances, lying at the houses, of the ancient yearly rent of 21s 1½d,
And one parcel of ground of the yearly rent of 1½d,
All in G aforesaid,
And all houses etc, Except etc,
To have for 6000 years,
Yielding etc as before,
Suit of court and other etc.
[Note in RH margin:
21s 1½d
And for Moore Rent 5s ½d]