Willowridge Class of 2018 Senior Activities and Package Contract

Only students that are classified as a Senior may purchase a Senior Package and participate in Senior Activities. In order for students to be able to participate in Senior Activities they must maintain good academic standing and good discipline standing. Any student who is referred to DAEP may not be eligible to participate in any Senior Activities. Students who receive 8 or more discipline referrals will not be able to participate in Senior Activities. Willowridge H. S. Administration reserves the right to withdraw students from Senior Activities for any discipline infraction as they see appropriate even if the infraction does not result in DAEP placement. Senior Activities are a privilege and not a right. They can be revoked at the discretion of Willowridge H. S. Administration. Refunds will not be given to students who purchased packages but are withdrawn from Senior Activities due to a discipline infraction.

Any student that does not stay in good academic standing for graduation, may lose Senior Activities at the discretion of Willowridge H. S. Administration or the parent(s), please beware a partial refund may be issued at the discretion of the Senior Coordinator and Willowridge H. S. Administration prior to March 1, 2018 and no refunds will be given on purchased packages after March 1, 2018.

I understand that all moneys owed must be paid by the deadlines set forth by the senior coordinator and that failure to pay will result in the loss of Senior Activities. I understand that all payments will be made online, through the Fort Bend Pay website. I understand that it is my responsibility to communicate financial issues with the Senior Coordinator or Mr. Hayden in a timely manner.

I have read, understand and agree to the terms listed above in order to be able to participate in senior activities and purchase a senior package.


Student SignatureDateParent Signature Date


Student Printed NameParent Printed Name

*MUST Be Completed Electronically via the WHS Senior Website or Hardcopy*

**ALL SENIORS Must have Information Sheet and Contract on File by Friday, September 22nd**

***Please Return Forms to the SENIOR FOLDER in S101***

WHS Senior Website:

Class of 2018 Senior Information Sheet

Directions: Print Neatly So No Errors Are Made To Your Name, On Sizes And You Can Receive Your Items On Time

Last Name: ______First Name: ______

Student ID: ______Counselor’s Name: ______

Email Address: ______@______

English Teacher: ______

LUNCH: 1st Lunch _____ 2nd Lunch _____ 3rd Lunch _____

Progressive Student: Yes ___ or No ___

Prom Ticket: Yes ___ or No ___

Yearbook: Yes ___ or No ___

SIZES: (choose your size wisely, make sure it will fit you appropriately)

ALL T-Shirts (short sleeve & long sleeve) –

Size Options: Small ___ Medium ___ Large ___ XL ___

Extra $3.00 2X ___ 3X ___ 4X ___

Panoramic Polo

Size Options: Small ___ Medium ___ Large ___ XL ___

Extra $3.00 2X ___ 3X ___ 4X ___

Senior Hoodie Jacket

Size Options: Small ___ Medium ___ Large ___ XL ___

Extra $3.00 2X ___ 3X ___ 4X ___

WHS Senior Website: