Carnival Working Group 21st July 2011

Carnival Working Group
21st July 2011 at 7.30pm
Present: / Councillors:
Members: / A.S Swain
E Costello
Mrs R Harris-Small
M Hunting
R Shimmin
D.T Hill
Cllr R.D Hines
Cllr A.L Roberts
Mrs L.M Walmsley
Sarah Gelsthorp / (Chairman)
(Promotions and Communications Officer)
Apologies were accepted from Cllrs J.Patterson-Waterston and P Williams.
CWG 237
Cllr Mrs R Harris-Small confirmed that she had sent her apologies for this meeting.
Resolved: / To confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2011
Members were invited to give their views on the Carnival.
Emails sent into the Council were circulated for members to view, giving a very positive response to the day. The Police had sent in very complimentary comments about the procession and its organisation and the Safety Advisory Group confirmed that there was no need to attend anymore meetings. The Houghton Regis W.I had asked to be sited in the Pavilion again at the 2012 event and the general consensus was that this had been the most successful Carnival to date.
These comments were echoed by members who felt that there had been a real sense of community spirit and teamwork and it was agreed that a ‘winning formula’ had been created and that the fundamentals of the event should remain the same.
Members were told of only one issue regarding one group of participants who were upset that they had not won a procession prize. They had raised constructive comments but this was not as such connected to the event but more the fact that they had participated in far larger Carnivals and had therefore different expectations.
Members suggested that in future any comments should be put in writing to be considered at the committee.
It was also requested that all food outlets be asked to advertise children’s food portions at a reduced cost.
Suggested: / To note the report
Members were reminded that the St Vincent’s Trophy and the Olive Burgess Shield are awarded for the individual and for the organisation that has provided the most assistance on or before the day, respectively.
The list of those who assisted with the day was provided for members to view.
It was suggested that this year twoSt Vincent’s Trophies be awarded and that these go to Tim Garside for providing the PA System and Julie Tindall who had helped out extensively throughout the day.
In addition, Members suggested that the Olive Burgess Shield be awarded to the Dunstable Army Cadets who assisted throughout the whole day and kept the Village Green tidy.
Suggested: / 1)To award twoSt Vincent’s Trophies to Tim Garside and Julie Tindall.
2)To award the Olive Burgess Shield to the Dunstable Army Cadets.
It was suggested that the Carnival be held on Saturday 7th July 2012.
Suggested: / To hold the 2012 Carnival on Saturday 7thJuly 2012.
CWG249 / PITCH FEES 2012
Members were asked to consider the fees for 2012.
  • Fairground £70.00 per ride
  • Food outlets £100.00 per outlet
  • Ice Cream Vans £80.00 per van
  • Candy Floss £60.00 per outlet
  • Commercial Stalls £35.00 per stall
  • Stall holders (individuals) £12.50 per stall **
(plus £5.00 total if insurance required)
  • Registered Charities £8.50 per stall **
(plus £5.00 total if insurance required)
** Stall holders received a 50% reduction on the cost of subsequent stalls.
It was agreed to keep the fees the same for 2012 due to the current economic situation but to look to increase them within the next couple of years.
Suggested: / To keep the fees unchanged for 2012.
Members were requested to consider the Carnival Theme for 2012.
Suggestions included:
  • 2012 Olympics
  • The Diamond Jubilee
  • JurassicPark
  • Treasure Island
  • Noah’s Ark
Any other suggestions regarding the Carnival theme were welcomed and members discussed the merits for each theme. It was suggested that most Carnivals would have either the Olympics or the Jubilee as a theme and the 2012 Carnival should be ‘Treasure Island’.
Suggested: / For the 2012 theme of the Carnival to be ‘Treasure island’.
The prizes for the Carnival Procession competition were currently as follows:
  • 1st Prize - £300 cash and a small trophy plus the Yvonne Corkerton Trophy (replica)
  • 2nd Prize - £150 cash plus a small trophy.
  • All other entrants – third prize of a certificate from the Town Mayor.
Members were reminded that this was last reviewed in 2007. Any other suggestions regarding the Carnival Prizes were welcome.
Suggested: / To keep the prize structure unchanged for 2012
Suggested: / That the next meeting would take place be on Wednesday 21st September 2012.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.55pm
Dated thisday of2010