Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice
Frequently Asked Questions - 2014 Semester One Intake
Key Dates
Applications open: Now
Closing date: Monday 28 October 2013, 5:00 pm
Orientation date: Wednesday 15 February 2014 (TBC)
Course commences: Thursday 20 February 2014
Who can apply for the course?
Applicants need to be an employee of the Department of Human Services, a funded family service, Child First or an Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation. You need at least two years experience of working with vulnerable children. However applicants with less than two years’ experience may be considered.
I want to apply for the course but I don’t have formal qualifications. Can I still apply?
Absolutely! The Graduate Certificate course is specifically designed for people working in the Victorian child protection and family services sector (including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations) who hold a degree or equivalent, and have a minimum of two years’ experience in child and family practice. However applicants with less than two years’ experience may be considered.
However, life and work experience will be taken into consideration for applicants with no formal tertiary education. So please make sure you outline all relevant experience in your application form. If you don’t have formal qualifications and have been working for some time in the community sector this is a great opportunity for you and we encourage your application.
Applicants need to be aware the Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice is a post graduate university course and the reading materials, lectures and assessment requirements are of a high academic standard
I am worried that if I don’t have formal qualifications I may not be able to keep up with the work. What assistance is provided to help me?
The course work is designed to challenge students however, if you don’t have a formal qualification, or if it has been some time since you have obtained your qualifications, assistance is provided by La Trobe University. Additional support can be accessed in relation to essay writing, critical thinking and other areas that may be of benefit. There may be some additional practical and academic support for staff from an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation.
For further information please contact:
Diana Claxton, Department of Human Services on (03) 9096 5645 E: .
I have less than two years’ experience in the child and family practice industry - will I be considered?
Applicants who have a minimum of eighteen months working experience with vulnerable children may be considered. In this case, we ask that you submit an application, along with all supporting documentation, including your Manager’s Endorsement – Statement of Support (page 3 of the Supplementary Form).
Are child protection senior practitioners, team managers and practice leaders accepted into the Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice course?
This course is designed as an extension program for experienced practitioners, and would not adequately cater to the needs of a supervisor/leader. Some students are promoted into a supervisory/leadership role whilst doing the course, however we do not accept supervisors/leaders or co-ordinators onto this course, since the Graduate Diploma is designed for that role.
How do I apply?
Complete the following –
· Apply online : http://latrobe-apply.custhelp.com/, complete an online application and you must upload -
o your completed Supplementary Information Form (available from the Department of Human Services internet and http://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/social-work/postgraduate ), and
o your Manager’s Endorsement – Statement of Support (page 3 of the Supplementary Form)
o along with all supporting documentation requested.
When applying:
o You must provide certified copies of your original transcripts – do not send originals.
o You must include evidence of your residency (either certified copy of your Birth Certificate, Passport, Citizenship Certificate or full details of your VISA)
Information about having your documents certified can be found on: http://latrobe.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/25/kw/certified .
If you experience any difficulties with your online application please contact Future Students: 1300 135 045.
When do Applications close?
Applications close Monday 28 October 2013.
I have formal qualifications, however can’t get my academic transcript by the closing date. Can I still apply?
Please apply and commence the process to obtain your academic transcript immediately and note your application accordingly. Once you have received them you have several options, you can either:
· log in to your application account and upload the documents,
· email them to (with the following subject heading - Your name: Additional Documents) or contact Future Students: 1300 135 045
· print off the PDF of your application and attach this to your documents and mail these to:
Future Students
La Trobe University VIC 3086
It’s important to note that any missing documents may result in a conditional offer being made by La Trobe University. Conditional offers cannot be confirmed as an enrolment in the program until all documentation required is received by the University.
What is the cost of the course?
Successful applicants are offered a full scholarship by the Department of Human Services
Are there any additional costs?
Students are required to pay for travel and accommodation (if necessary) to attend the seminars located in Melbourne and to attend Orientation Day (Wednesday 15th February 2014 TBC) at the University. Study materials may be incurred
What arrangements do I need to make with my employer?
Arrangements will need to be made with your employer regarding travel expenses, leave, course attendance and study time.
My supervisor does not support my application, does this matter?
Yes, this does matter. The support of your supervisor is critical to ensuring that you can manage the course requirements as well as your work.
Your Manager is required to complete a Statement of Support (page 3 of the Supplementary Form) and you must upload this signed Statement to your online application (see details above).
I am a supervisor and one of my team wants to enrol in the course, what will this mean for me?
It will mean that you need to support and encourage your staff member through this rich learning experience. They will need your commitment to attend the entire course’s 20 teaching days (see dates below). They may also need some extra time off to complete assignments. The experience of other supervisors is that it is a commitment but it is manageable.
There are now more than 180 graduates from the graduate certificate and diploma programs to prove it is possible to work and successful complete the program.
At the completion of the course you have a staff member with added skill and confidence who can inspire and teach others.
How many days of actual classes are in the course?
There are 20 contact days held in the Melbourne central business district.
What are the teaching dates for the subjects in the course?
There are four subjects in the course. The classes are usually held in blocks of two days between 9.30 am & 4.30 pm.
Classes will be held at the Royal College of Surgeons, 250 – 290 Spring Street, Melbourne.
(Directly opposite the Lonsdale Street entrance of Parliament railway station).
The dates for the first Subject (SWP5TPC: Working with children and families: Theory and Practice) are:
Thursday 20 February and Friday 21 February 2014
Thursday 6 March and Friday 7 March 2014
Friday 28 March 2014
The dates for the second Subject (SWP5RCF: Relationship based practice with children and families) are:
Thursday 1 May and Friday 2 May 2014
Thursday 15 May and Friday 16 May 2014
Friday 30 May 2014
The dates for the third Subject (SWP5CPD: Collaborative practice, decision making and best interests) are:
Thursday 31 July and Friday 1 August 2014
Thursday 14 August and Friday 15 August 2014
Friday 29 August 2014
The dates for the fourth Subject (SWP5RPS: Reflective practice; use of self and self-care) are:
Thursday 2 October and Friday 3 October 2014
Thursday 16 October and Friday 17 October 2014
Friday 31 October 2014
Am I required to attend all the scheduled classes and where are the classes located? Am I required to attend La Trobe University?
Yes, you will need to attend all classes including Orientation Day.
Orientation Day will take place on Wednesday 15 February 2014 time TBC at La Trobe University Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus.
The course commences on Thursday 20 February 2014 at the Royal College of Surgeons, 250-290 Spring Street Melbourne.
I am keen to book leave what are the dates I need to be aware of?
You will need to schedule your leave arrangements with semester dates in mind, please refer to the key dates available from the La Trobe University website; www.latrobe.edu.au/calendar .
Assessments are usually due 2-3 weeks after the conclusion of the subject. Assessment completion will involve students undertaking both individual private study and some group work tasks outside of teaching hours.
Where can I find course specific information regarding the Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice program?
Refer to the La Trobe University Course finder- http://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/social-work/postgraduate
If you would like additional information regarding the course structure including subject content please refer to La Trobe University Handbook from the following website:
Who delivers the courses?
The Department funds La Trobe University Department of Social Work and Social Policy to deliver the course in conjunction with a consortium of partners – the University of Melbourne, The Bouverie Centre, Berry Street/Take Two and the Victorian Child Care Agency. The quality of the teaching is exceptionally high. The curriculum has been designed to address the capabilities required for child protection practitioners and the content is entirely relevant to the Victorian child and family services sector.
Can I apply for study leave?
If you are a DHS employee, the contact days will be considered DHS funded training course days. If you would like to take additional time for assessments, you will need to negotiate with your local supervisor/manager for study leave. If you work for a family service, Child First or Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation, you will need to ensure that your organisation will support you taking the time to attend this course.
If I live in regional Victoria, is there travel, accommodation and meal allowance?
Each DHS location or family service, Child First or Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation, should support your travel, accommodation and meal allowance. For DHS locations, the course is considered in the same manner as any DHS funded training.
Do I receive a formal qualification from La Trobe University?
Yes. You will be a student of La Trobe University for the duration of the course. Completing all course requirements will qualify you for admission to the award of the Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice at La Trobe University.
When will I hear if I have been successful?
Selection will commence after the closing date of 28 October 2013 and we expect that applicants will be advised of the outcome from mid to late November 2013 via your online application.
What happens after I apply?
Your application will be assessed and all applicants (successful or unsuccessful) will be notified via your online application.
All successful applicants will be made an offer via your online application by La Trobe University for the Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice.
All successful applicants will then need to respond to this offer via your online application to let La Trobe University know if you will be accepting or declining the offer.
If you have any missing documentation, you will receive a conditional offer and once your papers are received your enrolment will proceed.
If I am successful and I have accepted my offer, when will I receive my Enrolment advice?
We anticipate that enrolment information will be provided to you in December 2013. Please follow the instructions to secure your place in the program.
You will also receive information about the Orientation Day program.
Once you are enrolled, all communication to you from the University will be to your student email account.
What happens on Orientation Day at La Trobe University?
At Orientation, there will be sessions to help you get started, meet key staff and have an introduction to the course. Use the La Trobe Learning Management System (LMS), using the Library, obtain your Student ID card and meet your fellow students.
How do I get to the campus?
Visit: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/about/maps for travel information to the Melbourne (Bundoora) campus.
When does the course commence?
The course commences on Thursday 20 February 2014 at the city location.
Who do I talk to if I want additional information?
For initial course enquiries, please contact:
Department of Human Services
Diana Claxton, People and Culture Branch, (03) 9096 5645 or email
For administrative queries, please contact:
La Trobe University
Jeanette Wilkins, Student Services Officer, Faculty of Health Sciences (03) 9479 5610 or email
Or alternatively contact Future Students T: 1300 135 045 W: http://latrobe.custhelp.com/app/ask
Read our Graduate profile -Lorraine O’Reilly – Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Practice 2011
Visit: www.latrobe.edu.au/health/study/student-graduate-profiles