Present:David Owen, Diana Owen, Peter Dungate, Eric Curtis, John White

Apologies:Mark Roberts, Vincent McDonagh, Dave Ward, Peveril Carver

The Meeting commenced at 7.40pm and the Minutes of 17 March, 2014were agreed.

Proposed: Peter DungateSeconded: David Owen

Diana Owen went through the Matters Arising and summarised what had been

Previously discussed.


Climbing Frame – to be repaired.JW/Committee


Diana Owen reported that there had been two break-in incidents at the Cricket Pavilion. The first incident the two girls had been caught red-handed and a short discussion took place regarding the Committee’s views on what action should be followed up with the Police, and it was agreed that the Police should be asked to issue a Formal Caution. DFO

The Chairman was awaiting the return of the keys from the Plumber to be able to request the Police to make an inspection of the Kitchen to see if any evidence could be retrieved. Unfortunately there were no witnesses, but the full repair may end up being an insurance claim.

The Chairman also reported that Mr Dave Ward had sadly been diagnosed and was undergoing treatment for bowel cancer. The Committee expressed their concerns and wished Mr Ward a speedy recovery.

Finally the Chairman asked the Committee to spread the word and make as many villagers aware of problems with youths taunting and harming the horses in the new paddocks behind Manor Park and that the matter would brought to the attention of the Parish Council at the next meeting with a suggestion of installing CCTV cameras at the Pavilion and on the Manor Park footpath.

The paperwork would be submitted to see if Funds would be forthcoming from the Housing Bonus Scheme to replace the rocket. DFO/DJO


David Owen reported that the grass-cutting invoices continued to be paid.

We had received an Invoice from the Plumber for the new boiler which would be passed to the Parish Council for settlement once all the paperwork had been received and the Chairman understood it would be paid in full by the PC as the precept requested had been retained in the PC bank account.


Mr Dungate gave a summary of the monies that will become available from the Elmers Charity and one of the suggestions to be put forward to the Trustees is that they might be able to make a contribution towards to the replacement of the rocket in the Children’s Play Area.


Eric Curtis reported that the Club had been approached to host the U16 County Game under lights, which will be held this Wednesday. The First Team lost against Windsor but had won against Bletchley.

Eric also reported that he had had a visit from Keith Kent (Groundsman at Twickenham) who had come back to him with positive feedback and suggestions of how to improve the playing area and he was also complimentary about what had already been achieved. Eric had used the additional monies allocated by the Club to sandslit the pitches to assist with the drainage.

Eric also mentioned that with the new housing project on the Moreton Road the Rugby Club were in discussion with erecting a 10m high fence to be put up between the Field and the houses but as yet it had not been agreed which side of the hedge and ditch.


The Club was having difficulty getting enough volunteers together for a Working Party but hoped to be able to come up with a new date as the September date had been cancelled. The Single Wicket Game unfortunately also had to be cancelled.


No Report.


The Committee ran through the separate Agenda and made the following comments regarding the Bonfire evening arrangements:

The Committee would ask the Scout Organisation please to refrain from using the event to collect for other charitable events, as the Scouts are already using the event to raise funds for the Scout Movement and the monies collected on the Field are to help offset the cost of the fireworks and it is the only fund raising event run by the Playing Field Committee.

The Scouts would be asked whether they would be prepared to make a Guy for the bonfire.

The Brownies would also be approached with regard tomaking a Guy.

Over and above the format ran last year, an entry would be sent to the Parish Magazine to advertise the event, as well as on the Village Website.

Chris King would be approached to see if he would be prepared to act as First Response Officer for the night in Dave Ward’s absence.

See attached for other actions to be taken and Officers responsible.


John White confirmed that the Parish Council now had a PO Box Number so the artwork would be done and signs made up to be distributed in respect of dog fouling.

John White will provide Eric Curtis with the approved artwork and Eric will get signs made up for the Rugby Club.

John White had mentioned earlier in the Meeting that a defibrilator had been donated to the Village and would be probably placed in the Porch of the Village Hall. John White also confirmed that there were two additional machines available at the two Nursing Homes in the Village and there is one on the wall of the Community Centre in Buckingham.

There being no other Business, the Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

The next Meeting is the Finance Meeting on Monday, 17 November 2014 at 7.30pm.