
Yampa Valley Recycles

April 2, 2015

12-1 Rm 113

I.  Introductions

Cari, Sarah, Heather, Catherine, Ashley, Craig, Emilie

II.  Approval of March Minutes

Minutes approved

III.  New Business

A.  Paint Care

Gave a brief overview of the Paint Care program. Discussed having both Paint Care and Curbside (RCEH) participate during the October event so all materials can be accepted. Have a separate Paint Care collection event after sufficient education and outreach.

B.  Clean Up Day ~ May 16

City is co-sponsoring the event. They are assisting in locating the most family friendly pick up spots as well as contributing in kind donations as prizes at the BBQ. Will offer recycle bags for those who want them. Might need additional help to pick up bags not on CDOT route. City and County will have dumpsters available in town for convenience of disposing bags. YVSC will reach out to High School groups and CMC students to encourage participation.

C.  Grant for Recycle Containers

Sarah submitted the Keep America Beautiful Grant for recycle containers to be used at large scale community events. Will hear by April 17th.

D.  Park Containers

Parks and Rec is waiting for approval from City Council to purchase 28 trash/ recycle bear proof containers for our parks. Hope to have them installed by this summerJ

IV.  Updates

A.  Stagecoach Recycling

Online survey YVSC created will go out this week to Stagecoach residents. Will determine next step after reviewing responses. Twin Enviro is offering curbside recycling in the area.

B.  Feasibility Study

The next step is to see what the capacity is at Twin be a possible regional hub. Twin might know by May 1st if they get the grant for the MRF. Then review the data from the survey to determine the best fit for regionalizing recycling. A professor at CSU will speak at the August Talking Green on the economic impacts of recycling.

C.  Routt County Fair

There will be an ad in the Fair Book. Hope to have the 4-her’s run/man Zero Waste for the BBQ.

D.  2015 Guideline in Spanish

Thanks to the Emerald School for translating the guide. Will be printed next week. Put in News in Brief where additional copies are located around town.

E.  Plastic Bag

Vail passed the bag fee. Catherine and Craig will possibly sell bags on Earth Day at City Market.

F.  Casey’s Pond recycling

Not excited about recycling. YVR and YVSC offered to help with getting recycling up and running. Will visit with Casey’s and Aces High to sort out the logistics.

G.  Rail car at Mine for glass transportation

Will still investigate when we hear from Twin about the MRF and space available for collection of materials.

V.  Open Discussion

Ask City Council to increase # of chickens allowed per family from 5-10. Excellent way for families to compost their food waste. Check on what other city ordinances allow for # of chickens.

Next Meeting May 7, 2015 12:00-1:00 PM Centennial Hall Rm 113.