Dear Staff:

All retained tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders who have not passed the Reading and/or Math FCAT are required to take the Spring 2013 FCAT Retake.

Carefully review the charts attached:

SECURITY FCAT Computer-Based-Testing: Provides you with the proctors, hall proctors and testing room numbers.

TEACHER TESTING ASSIGNMENTS (Reading CPT April 8 Session 1): Provides you with room numbers for teachers that will be relocated, coverage for teachers proctoring and other assignments.

TEACHER TESTING ASSIGNMENTS (Reading CPT April 9 Session 2): Provides you with room numbers for teachers that will be relocated, coverage for teachers proctoring and other assignments.

TEACHER TESTING ASSIGNMENTS (Reading Session 1, Math & PERT CPT April 10): Provides you with room numbers for teachers that will be relocated, coverage for teachers proctoring and other assignments

TEACHER TESTING ASSIGNMENTS (Reading Session 2, Math & PERT CPT April 11): Provides you with room numbers for teachers that will be relocated, coverage for teachers proctoring and other assignments

STUDENT ROSTERS: Provides you with the students’ testing dates and room numbers. Make sure to inform the students.

The mandatory training for all proctors, hall proctors and backup proctors will take place on

March 12, 2013 during Faculty Meeting (if you were absent, make sure to contact me)

FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake: Students will be taking computer-based-test only. This test is two sessions administered in two days.

Date / Group / Session
Monday, April 8 “B” day / first group / 1st Session
Tuesday April 9 “A” day / first group / 2nd Session
Wednesday, April 10 “B” day / second group / 1st Session
Thursday, April 11 “A” day / second group / 2nd Session

•Retake Math: These students will be taking the computer-based test only on Wednesday April 10, 2013. This test is only one session administered in one day.

•PERT: These students will be taking the computer-based test on Wednesday April 10, and Thursday April 11, 2013. This test is only one session administered in one day.

Students must wear their photo ID’s and bring #2 pencils to this exam. No pens or highlighters are allowed. No cell phones, digital cameras, or other electronic devices are not permitted during testing.

Bell Schedule for Monday, April 8, “B” Day:

Per. 2 / 7:20 to 8:55
Movement to Testing Rooms / 7:35 to 7:40

Bell Schedule for Tuesday, April 9, “A” Day:

Per. 1 / 7:20 to 8:55
Movement to Testing Rooms / 7:35 to 7:40

Bell Schedule for Wednesday, April 10, “B” Day:

Per. 2 / 7:20 to 8:55
Movement to Testing Rooms / 7:35 to 7:40

Bell Schedule for Thursday, April 11, “A” Day:

Per. 1 / 7:20 to 8:55
Movement to Testing Rooms / 7:35 to 7:40

If you have any questions, please call me at extension 2034. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Ana P. Sevillanos, MS

Testing Chair

SLC Coordinator

Miami Beach Senior High School

2231 Prairie Avenue

Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Ph: 305-532-4515 Ext. 2034

Fax: 305-531-9209