Career Questionnaire– Choosing a career questionnaire

Guidance for Choosing a career questionnaire

Instructions career questionnaire

Please read the following instructions carefully.

This document is accompanied by two answers sheets, A and B. When you receive the sheets, you can see that theidentifier, top right, starts with 4 digits (centre code). First write in the spaces following the identifier THE LAST FOURDIGITS and the LETTER of your I.D. card. If this is a NIE card, only use the LAST FOUR DIGITS. Look at the example ofhow you would indicate it with your ID number: 11228304-HEXAMPLE: Centre code 8 3 0 4 H


I.D. or NIE Code

This questionnaire contains 65 questions. Please give well-thought out and sincere answers. Your answers will not begiven to your teachers.

Read each question carefully, and if you want to reply, make a horizontal mark on a chosen option A, B, C, D or E , forthe corresponding question on the answer sheet. Only one option should be marked. If you want to cancel the optionmake a mark below in the "cancel" row and mark your desired option again. You can cancel and change twice. Thereare 7 open questions: 5 are answered at the bottom of answer sheet A, for questions (18, 21, 59, 60 and 61) and 2 onanswer sheet B (64 and 65).

Once again, many thanks.




(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A Arts and Social Sciences.

B Natural and Health Science.

C Technology.

D Arts.

E ......

2 Sex

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A Male

B Female

3Year of Birth

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A 1992

B 1991

C 1990

D 1989

E Before 1989


4 Father’s qualifications

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A No qualifications

B Primary education

C Vocational training

D Bachelor

E University education

5 Mother’s qualifications

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A No qualifications

B Primary education

C Vocational training

D Bachelor

E University education

6 Father’s occupation

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A Unemployed

B Unskilled jobs (e.g. workman, street sweeper, etc.).

C Semi-skilled jobs (e.g. mechanic, hairdresser, electrical fitter, etc.).

D Higher skilled jobs (e.g. lawyer, doctor, etc.).

E Business man (small-medium-large companies).

7 Mother’s occupation

(Mark one option on the answer sheet A)

A Unemployed

B Unskilled jobs (e.g. construction employee, street sweeper, etc.).

C Semi-skilled jobs (e.g. mechanic, hairdresser, electrical fitter, etc.).

D Higher skilled jobs (e.g. lawyer, doctors, etc.).

E Business woman (small-medium-large companies)

8Are your parents retired?

(Mark one option on answer sheet A).

A My father

B My mother

C Both

D Neither

9Do you have older brothers or sisters who are studying or have

studied at the University?

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A Yes

B No


10Once you finish your last year at high school, what do you

think you will do? (Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on

answer sheet A)

A Training Course

B University Studies

C Get a job

D I am undecided

11 Who has influenced your previous decision? Leave blank if none ofthe following people have influenced you.

(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option, the most influential for you on answer

sheet A).

A Parents

B Brothers and sisters

C Friends

D Teachers

E Career councillor

12 If you chose any of the above options, state the degree to which thatperson has influenced you.

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A 1 (minimum: very little influence)

B 2

C 3

D 4

E 5 (maximum: Determined my decision)

13 What has influenced you on your earlier decision? Leave blank if none

of the following proposed options has influenced you.

(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option, the most relevant for you, on

answer sheet A)

A Information, talks ... on the career prospects of the studies.

B The careers guidance councillor and / or tests that you have been given.

C Your personal interest for a particular profession.

D A TV series, a film, the media, etc.

E Others.

14 If you chose any of the above options, state the degree to which it

has influenced you (Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A 1 (minimum: very little influence)

B 2

C 3

D 4

E 5 (maximum: Determined my decision)

15 Have you changed your opinion about this decision throughout

the year?

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A Yes

B No

16 Who has given you information about the courses to choose at


(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

A Career guidance councillor

B Course tutor

C Teachers

D Centre management

E I have not received information

17 Did you think this was enough information?

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A 1 (poor)

B 2

C 3

D 4

E 5 (more than enough)

18 Indicate in order of priority, the three university degreesyou’d like to do, Regardless of whether you have notcurrently decided to study at university.

(Careful, this question should be answered at the bottom of answer sheetA)

19 Regarding the option you have chosen in the first place, indicate whichof the following statements comes closest to what you think:

(Careful, mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on the top of answer sheet A

and on the correct question number)

A This is the only university qualification that would satisfy me.

B It is among several that could satisfy me.

C I am not sure if I will be satisfied with the university degree I have

chosen in first place.

20 Has the fact that some degrees can not be studied in the Region whereyou live, influenced your decision?

(Mark the option on answer sheet A)

A Yes

B No

21 If you answered "yes" indicate what you would have liked to study.

(Careful, answer this question at the bottom of answer sheet A )

22 The degree you would like to study is that which would enable you

work in the same job as ... (Careful, mark ONE and ONLY ONE option

on the bottom part of answer sheet A on the correct question number).

A Your father

B Your mother

C Other relatives

D Friends

E No one you know

23 Does the choice of your degree coincide with what your parents

want you to do? (Mark the option on the answer sheet)

A Yes

B No

24 If you answered NO, indicate which of these options comes close

to your situation. (Mark the option on answer sheet A)

A I sense that my parents would like me to do something else, but they have

never meddled in this issue.

B My parents have told me they would like to do something else, but

finally accepted my decision.

C My parents have told me they would like me to do something else, and

we're still negotiating on the issue.

D My parents did not accept my decision at all, but I shall do what I


E My parents did not accept my decision at all and I am compelled

to do what they want.


25 Mark the reason why you would choose your profession:

(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

A To be able to reach positions of responsibility (promotion).

B Have a high income.

C To have enough free time for other things.

D To have more job opportunities.

E To be able to contribute to improving society and helping others.

26 M a r k t h e r e a s o n w h y y o u are going to study your university degree:

(Mark a ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

A Because I like the subject matter.

B Because I am good at the subjects that are related to the degree.

C Because I will be able to enjoy the degree.

D Because I will be able to have a good time with my colleagues.

E I have no particular reason.

27 W i t h w h i c h of these statements do you agree with most. My choice will

provide me a job:

(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

A Which is dynamic, interesting, varied.

B With social prestige and admired by others

C With a stable salary.

D Where you can learn continuously.

E Which allows me to be original and creative.

28 I f y o u o p t t o g o t o u n i v e r s ity, do you expect major changes? (Mark

ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

A Yes

B No

29 If you answered Yes, mark the change that may be most relevant

for you:

(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option, the one closest to your

expectations, on answer sheet A)

A That the teachers teach differently.

B That the subjects will be most interesting for me.

C There may be better facilities for training (library, cafeteria, sports


D That I will be able to meet and live with other students, participate in

exchange programs, etc ...

E That I can decide to attend class or not and organize things myself.

30 In your case, which of the following statements comes closer to what

is true for you?

(Mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

A I have wanted to study since I was small.

B I'm considering several possibilities, but I think I have already decided what I want

to study.

C There are so many things to consider when choosing between certain degrees it is

very difficult to make a decision.

D I have never known what I want to study.

PART E – TRANSVERSAL SKILLS (Based on the Tuning project

Read these skills and value their importance in your future degree, knowing that:

A. Highly (9-10)

B. Rather (7-8)

C. Sufficiently (5-6)

D. Somewhat (3-4)

E. Not (1-2)

(For each question mark ONE and ONLY ONE option on answer sheet A)

31 Facility for obtaining key informationfrom a text, and to summarize the mainideas.


32 Ability to put theoretical knowledge intopractice.A B C D E

33Knowing how to plan and manage time. A B C D E

34Having the basic knowledge in order to devotemyself to the profession.A B C D E

35 Being sufficiently proficient in oral and writtencommunication in your mother tongue.A B C D E

36Having suitable language skills in a secondlanguage.A B C D E

37Having basic computer skills. A B C D E

38Having the ability to learn new things. A B C D E

39 Ability to search for and analyzeinformation from different sources.A B C D E

40Ability for criticism and self-criticism. A B C D E

41Facility to adapt to new situations. A B C D E

42Capable of having new ideas. A B C D E

43 Knowing how to solve problems. A B C D E

44Knowing how to make decisions on yourown.A B C D E

45Ability to work as part of a team. A B C D E

46Ability to work with people. A B C D E

47Facility to manage projects, people and ancompanyA B C D E

48Predisposition to communicate properly with non-experts in the field.A B C D E

49Valuing diversity and multiculturalism. A B C D E

50Ability to work in a context outside Spanish. A B C D E

51 Ability to work independently. A B C D E

52Knowing how to design and carry out aproject.A B C D E

53Having Initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit. A B C D E

54Have an ethical commitment to yourwork.A B C D E

55Interest in doing the job as well as possible. A B C D E

56Gearing your work towards effectivelyachieving targets.A B C D E


57 What was your grade point average on finishing ESO (Compulsory

Secondary Education?)

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A Pass

B Good

C Very Good

D Excellent

58 What was your grade point average at the end got of 1st year of noncompulsory

secondary education (Bachelor)?

(Mark one option on answer sheet A)

A I still have some subjects pending

B Pass

C Good

D Very Good

E Excellent

59 Indicate your favourite subject.

(Careful, this question should be answered at the bottom of answer sheet A)

62 What is your average grade point at present in non-compulsory

secondary education (Bachelor)? (Careful, mark ONE and ONLY

ONE option at the top of answer sheet A, on the correct question number.)

A I have a pending assessment

B Pass

C Good

D Very Good

E Excellent

63 Do you think your final average will allow you to choose what you wantto study? (Mark an option on answer sheet A)

A Yes

B No

C I do not know

64 Please specify all the observations you considerappropriate (e.g. about the questionnaire, its content,your situation, your impressions, questions, concerns,etc ...)

(Careful, answer this question on answer sheet B)

60Indicate the subject that you find easiest.

(Careful, this question should be answered at the bottom of answer

sheet A)

61 Indicate the subject that you find most difficult.

(Careful, this question should be answered at the bottom of answer sheet A)

65 If, you finally decide to enrol at the University of, we will bein contact with you again. Please include your address, e-mail andphone number. Thank you (Careful, use answer sheet B).

Authors: Cortés, A., A. Arraiz, F. Sabirón, C. Bueno and A.

Berbegal1. University of ...... 2009.