Dear Members,

The SAAFoST Meritorious Awards for Journalism for 2012/2013

This is a reminder that SAAFoST offers yearly awards worth R12,000 for good food science journalism.

Members of SAAFoST, as food science and technology professionals and as experts in the field, can play a very important role in determining who receives these awards by selecting and submitting for appraisal, the articles and programmes of 2012 that most impressed them.

Two further rewards of R1,000 each are available to the individuals who submit the winning article or programme by 28 February 2013.

Have a crack!

The Awards were established to recognise any author of articles or programmes whose work contributes towards improving the consumer's understanding of topical and contentious food issues. The work must be objective and factually correct and deal with matters relating to food- particularly food safety, processing and additives.

If you know of an appropriate article or programme published or broadcast in the calendar year 2012, or better still, if you are the author or colleague of an author of either, please take part in the annual SAAFoST Meritorious Award for Journalism competition. Two prizes of R6,000 are available- one for the printed media (newspapers and magazines) and one for theelectronic media (TV, radio). In addition to these prizes, a finder's fee of R1,000-00 is available to the scouts who recognise and nominate a Meritorious Award winner in each category!Should you not be sure of an article or programme's relevance, submit it anyway and let the adjudication panel decide for you.

If you'd rather not complete the application/nomination form at this stage, simply submit the item to the National Secretary for screening and you will be contacted afterwards to fill in the form if the adjudication panel finds the work appropriate. Submit several articles or programmes if you like.

The closing date is Thursday 28 February 2013.

Last year's winners:

The winners of the 2011/12 SAAFoST Meritorious Awards for Journalism were Catherine Boome and Karen Key.

Catherine received the, "printed" media category award for her article titled, "Slicing into the organic debate", that appeared in Business Day, Healthnews, on 20 July 2011.

Karen received the, "electronic" category award for her, "Health Matters" interview on expired food products conducted on SAfm on 29 November 2011.

Both received a certificate and a cash prize and their work was placed on the SAAFoST website.

Nomination form

Refer to the nomination form on the SAAFoST website for full details on the Meritorious Awards and for the procedure to follow in submitting documents and tapes.


Please contact me you have queries or comments.

I look forward to receiving loads of submissions that will be a credit to food science journalism in South Africa and that will do our Award proud.

With thanks & best wishes,


Owen Frisby

Tel/fax: (012) 346 2091

Executive Director:

South African Association for Food Science and Technology


