CARE International Mozambique–Recruitment Process

Home-based Written Assignment


1. Instructions to Candidates

Dear candidate,

Thank you for your application for a position with CARE. This assignment is intended to examine your fit for this post by asking to you demonstrate some of the core competencies that we believe are essential for delivering the role effectively. Please consider each of the four questions below, and provide us with your answer to each. Every question has a number of prompting questions which we advise you to address within the answer you provide (you do not need to answer each sub-question separately, they are simply prompts to guide you in providing your answer). Each answer should be a maximum of 400 words in length. Your full submission should not exceed 2 A4 pages in length. Please use Arial font, size 11.

2. Questions

Question 1 - Work group leadership

When a group of people works closely together, particularly in a team setting, it is inevitable that conflict will arise. Please describe for us a time when you successfully resolved a conflict in a team setting.

What were the circumstances?

What factors led to the conflict?

How did you attempt to resolve this conflict?

What were the results of your actions?

Question 2 – Planning and Organising

Please tell us about a time when you needed to break a large project or major activity into smaller components in order to get it done.

What project/activity were you responsible for?

How did you break it into smaller components?

How did you go about deciding what needed to be done first, second, third etc?

How did things work out?

Question 3 – Providing and implementing solutions

Please describe for us a project/program that you supervised which was behind schedule, over budget, or understaffed.

What was the project/program?

What were the factors creating the situation?

What did you do to correct the situation?

What were the results of your actions?

Question 4 – Embracing and valuing diversity

Please tell us about a time when you have had to intervene when a colleague was displaying inappropriate and discriminatory behaviour.

What were the circumstances?

What actions did you take?

What motivated you to intervene in this way?

What was the outcome of your actions?