/CARE-HHH Network: Annual Report 2007
W. Scandale, and F. Zimmermann, 5 December 2007
In 2007 the networking activity of CARE-HHH continued to focus on the high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC at CERN, the upgrade of the LHC injector complex, and the FAIR project at GSI.
Triggered by the results of the HHH studies obtained since 2004, in 2007 several new working groups were launched inside CERN, dedicated to the design of a PS successor “PS2”, to the enhancement of the SPS, and to the upgrade of the LHC interaction regions, respectively. In parallel, the development of magnet prototypes for the LHC interaction region upgrade was approved as a new infrastructure initiative (CNI) within the European Union’s 7th framework programme. In terms of budget and resources, these greatly expanded studies go far beyond HHH.
In 2007, two main upgrade paths for the LHC, identified at the CARE-HHH-APD LUMI’06 workshop, were confirmed and further elaborated, namely the early separation (ES) scheme, and the large-Piwinski angle (LPA) scheme. The average luminosity reach of either scheme as a function of the IP beta function was computed, demonstrating that the ES option in its original form requires more focusing to be competitive. Various options for luminosity leveling in both approaches were explored. Small-angle crab cavities for the LHC upgrade have received renewed interest, either as a component of the early-separation scheme or as a standalone alternative.
Networking aspects: Major HHH workshops in 2007 (BEAM’07, IR’07, THERMOMAG) were organized to complement the greatly expanded CERN studies on the LHC and LHC injector upgrade by reinforcing contacts with, and providing input and help from, the European partner institutes and the international community, in particular US-LARP. A dedicated HHH mini-workshop on electron-cloud countermeasures, “ECL2”, gave birth to three new electron-cloud suppression schemes and led to the launch of a concrete and active improvement programme for the SPS.
Two specific HHH working groups created in 2005 continued to be active in 2007. The first, addressing issues such as accelerator physics and machine-detector interface aspects related to the upgrade of the LHC Interaction Regions, took a closer look at magnetic elements integrated into the detectors. The second was investigating an appropriate R&D programme for AC superconducting magnets in view of the upgrade of the LHC injector complex and of FAIR at GSI and it developed preliminary super-ferric magnet designs, as a starting point for future optimization.
A networking support to crystal channeling, reflection and collimation began at the end of 2005 and continued all along 2006 and 2007, providing a forum of discussion to which many associated institutes in Russia and US, such as IHEP, PNPI, JINR and FNAL, could contribute. Several mini-workshops on crystal collimation were organized within this activity. Support was provided for the completion of a master thesis. In 2007 HHH also supported participation in beam experiments with crystals at the SPS and the FNAL Tevatron, as well as long-range beam-beam studies with wires at RHIC and the SPS.
Studies on energy deposition from collision debris in the magnets, in collaboration with INFN Milano and US-LARP, and incoherent electron cloud effects, together with GSI, were other key R&D items for HHH in 2007, as was the CERN-GSI collaboration on collective beam phenomena in high-intensity beams.
Deliverables: In the frame of WP1 (AMT) the final version of the web based database for SC Cables and Magnets was released to the public. The number of accesses to this database, mainly from outside CERN, much exceeds any expectation. Automatic tools which can import data from existing databases, e.g., for LHC, Tevatron, RHIC and possibly ITER, to the database core were also developed. Additional simulation tools were included in the accelerator physics code repository of WP3 (APD). A structured list of intensity limitations in the LHC injector chain was also completed in WP3 (APD).
Events:A total of 7 HHH workshops were organized in 2007, two in the frame of WP1 (AMT), one by WP2 (ABI), and four in the frame of WP3 (APD). The interest in HHH events was enormous and participation unexpectedly large. It included not only representatives from several European HHH partner laboratories, but also from Japan, and in particular a strong presence from the US-LARP, and a significant delegation from industrial companies. In addition, a CARE-HHH bilateral GSI-CERN meeting and a Memorial Symposium for Francesco Ruggiero were organized in the frame of WP3 (APD), integrated into one of the APD workshops.
Dissemination and outreach: The intensity of the dissemination effort of HHH information was maintained at a high level similar to 2006. Numerous invited talks were delivered, mostly by the HHH coordinators, which illustrated the HHH activity for various CERN and INFN committees, to the LHC experiments, at universities, as well as at workshops and conferences organized by other institutions. 22 new publications were issued from January through October 2007, most of which are already stored in the CARE database. The HHH web site was continually updated.
Exchanges and educational aspects: One Italian accelerator specialist was hosted by CERN for a total period of about one month with the support of HHH in the frame of WP1 (AMT) to work on energy deposition. The travel of three doctoral students active on HHH issues to BNL and/or FNAL was supported by HHH to participate in beam-beam experiments at RHIC and to collect information for the s.c. database, respectively. One junior scientist from GSI, Germany, was hosted and supported for HHH studies, in the frame of WP3 (APD). Three EU summer students and nine EU doctoral students were active at CERN on issues related to WP1 and 3 (AMT and APD), namely IR upgrade, web databases, beam-beam compensation, new injector synchrotrons, and crystal experiments. The first US-LARP Toohig fellow is being hosted at CERN for a period of one year. Two Russian scientists and two Italian fellows were also hosted at CERN to contribute to the estimation of the ion-crystal interaction. An Italian master student received a partial support for the completion of his master thesis on crystal collimation.
We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 “Structuring the European Research Area” programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395).
Overall CARE-HHH Network activities in 2007 in chronological sequence
- 21 November 2006 (dissemination): Joint PAF/POFPA meeting, about 30 participants.
F.Zimmermann and W. Scandale presentedAccelerators Options for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade: Status after LUMI06.
- 28 November 2006 (dissemination): INFN CSN1 Meeting, Frascati. W. Scandale described theH8-RD22 Experiment to test Crystal Collimation for the LHC.
- 30 November -1 December (ABI):4th CARE-HHH-ABI Workshop onSimulation of BPM Front-End Electronics and Special Mechanical Designs, Lüneburg, Germany;6 CERN participants (total of 27 including 5 from industry). Workshop topics were BPM sensors, electronics, and cold BPMs.
- January – October 2007 (AMT):“OSOM” activity; conceptual design of 2-T pulsed superferric magnets as a follow-up of ECOMAG workshop; also comparison of s.c. and n.c. options for the fast cycling “PS2”.
- 5 January 2007 (dissemination): Accelerator Seminar of KEK, Tsukuba, Japan; 25 experts. F. Zimmermann presented the LHC Status, Commissioning and Upgrade.
- 11 January 2007 (dissemination):1st LHCb Collaboration Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, UK; about 150 particle physicists. F. Zimmermann gave an invited talk on
LHC Upgrade Plan and Ideas - Scenarios and Constraints from the Machine Side
- 18 January 2007 (dissemination): Joint AB & LHC Project Seminar; about 100 accelerator physicists.W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann discussed theBaseline Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade - Summary of the CARE-HHH LHC-LUMI-06 workshop
- 30 January 2007 (dissemination):CERN Magnet Seminar; J.-P. Koutchoukdescribed A Strongly Focused High-Luminosity Insertion for the LHC Upgrade in front of about 50 specialists.
- 29 January – 2 February (AMT): HHH doctoral student E. Laface visited FNAL & BNL for 1 week to coordinate work on s.c. database.
- 13 February 2007 (dissemination):At a joint PAF/POFPA meeting, with about 30 participants, Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade were presented by F. Zimmermann and W. Scandale
- 22-26 February 2007 (AMT): CERN scientist M. La China visited FNAL for three days to present the thermal performance of improved s.c. cables. .
- 1-2 March 2007 (APD):Joint CARE-HHH, CARE-ELAN and EUROTeV Mini-Workshop on E-Cloud Cloud Clearing (ECL2), CERN, Geneva; 35 participants from 16 institutions including 3 from German industry. Discussions and presentations on CERN NEG coating facility, motivation, technological solutions, simulations, beam measurements, and impedance for the PS2, the SPS upgrade, the LHC upgrade, CLIC & the ILC. Novel solutions proposed at ECL2 include enamel based quasi-continuous clearing electrodes, slotted vacuum chambers, and electret inserts.
- 15 March 2007 (dissemination):At an LHC Seminar, with audience of about 50 experts W. Scandale presented the H8-RD22 Experiment to Test Crystal Collimation for the LHC.
- 19 March 2007 (dissemination):at a common ATLAS & CMS Electronics Workshop at CERN, with about 230 participants, W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann reviewed the
Upgrade Scenarios,
- 21 March 2007 (dissemination):First SPS Upgrade Meeting, CERN, about 15 participants. F. Zimmermann surveyed Possible Solutions for the Electron Cloud Problem.
- 22-23 March 2007 (APD):CARE-HHH mini-Workshop on Crystal Channeling for LargeColliders:Machine and Physics Applications (CC-2007), CERN, 45 participants, co-sponsored by INTAS. Discussions included a review of experimental results, crystal production, application to LHC collimation system, assessment of new crystals through experiments at SPS and Tevatron , use of crystals for diffractive physics. 2007 SPS experimental goals: For 2007, seven weeks of SPS runs were allocated to the collaboration. The following goals were defined: test of multi-strip crystals; checking the effect on ions; verifying their fragmentation and electromagnetic dissociation inside the crystal, testing the effectiveness of crystal collimation for ILC
- 26-30 March, 2-5 May, and 4-7 September 2007 (AMT):Visits to CERN by F. Broggi in the frame of a HHH collaboration on simulating heat deposition in future IR magnets.
- 30 March 2007 (dissemination): About 50 specialists listened while E. Todesco, J.-P. Koutchouk, L. Rossi described theParametric Studies for a Phase-One LHC Upgrade Based on Nb-Ti at a CERN Magnet Seminar.
- 30 March 2007 (APD): Crab Waist Meeting, Frascati, about 20 accelerator physicists and particle physicists, including two CERN participants. Discussions on using crab waists at an LHC upgrade, collaboration and partners.
- 10 April 2007 (dissemination):At a special PAF meeting with 7 participants, the
Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, were discussed by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann
- 13 April 2007 (coordination):For the Mid-Term Review in Brussels the
HHH-Network Mid-Term Review: 2004-2006/07 Achievements and Status, was prepared by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann, and presented by R. Aleksan.
- 17 April 2007 (coordination): aT the CARE Steering and Dissemination Board Meeting, LPNHE, Paris, News from HHH (1st Quarterly Status Report 2007), were reported by F. Zimmermann
- 18-20 April 2007 (coordination):US-LARP collaboration meeting,FNAL, USA, 77 participants, including 7 from CERN. Discussion on current challenges and difficulties, new task proposals, technical and financial planning for FY08 and FY09, potential U.S. contributions to a "full upgrade" of the IRs in about 2015, LARP R&D strategy. HHH presentations included “LHC Upgrade R&D at CERN” by L. Rossi, and “The CERN view on Accelerator Physics R&D” by O. Bruning
- 30 April 2007 (dissemination):At an ALICE Seminar, CERN, about 30 particle physicists followed a presentation on the H8-RD22 Experiment: Progress on Ion Beam Focusing with Bent Crystals by W. Scandale
- 20-26 May 2007 (dissemination):At the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2007 (HCP2007),Isola d’Elba, Italy, with about 150 particle physicists, W. Scandale presented
Scenarios for sLHC and vLHC(slides).
- 1 June 2007 (dissemination):During an SPS Chamber Upgrade Meeting, CERN, the
Scenarios for the LHC Upgrade and Consequences for the SPS were reviewedby F. Zimmermann and W. Scandale.
- 11-22 June 2007 (APD): HHH students U. Dorda and G. Sterbini visited BNL for two weeks to participate in wire beam-beam experiments at RHIC.
- 25-29 June 2007 (dissemination):Contribution of 9 talks and papers to PAC'07, Albuquerque, USA, including an invited overview presentation by F. Zimmermann on "LHC Upgrade Scenarios" and a contributed oral presentation by W. Scandale on "Observation of Proton Reflection on Bent Silicon Crystals at the CERN SPS”.
- 27 June 2007 (dissemination):At the IoP Half-day Meeting on Super-LHC,Liverpool 27 June 2007, J.-P. Koutchouk discussed the LHC Accelerator Upgrade.
- 2-4 July 2007 (APD):US-LARP and HHH Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation,SLAC, USA, 35 participants, including 6 from CERN. The following HHH presentations were given among others:
-Beam-Beam Effects for LHC and LHC Upgrade Scenarios, F. Zimmermann
-Open Issues from the SPS Long-Range Experiments, F. Zimmermann
-Head-On Compensation in LHC, W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann
-Beam-Beam Aspect of a Possible Early-Separation Scheme, J.-P. Koutchouk
-Technological Issues of Wire Compensators, U. Dorda
- 5 July 2007 (dissemination):In an Accelerator Seminar at SLAC, about 30 participants closely followed W. Scandale’s Observation of Proton Reflection on Bent Silicon Crystals at the CERN SPS.
- 24 July 2007 (dissemination): Meeting on Machine-Experiment Interface Issues for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, CERN. The LHC Machine Upgrade Parameters were described by F. Zimmermann andW. Scandale.
- 12 September 2007 (coordination): At the CARE Steering and Dissemination Board Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, theNews from HHH (2nd Quarterly Status Report 2007), were transmitted by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann.
- 16-18 September 2007 (dissemination):The 3rd National Accelerator Congress (UPHUK3), Bodrum, Turkey, had about 70 participants including two from CERN, and with presentations onR&D for Future Accelerators byF. Zimmermannm andPhysics at the Next Colliders by A. de Roeck.
- 25-29 September (APD): G. Franchetti from GSI visited CERN in the frame of the HHH collaboration on incoherent electron-cloud effects in the LHC and its injectors, and greatly deepened the understanding of beam-electron interaction in a dipole magnetic field.
- October 2007 (APD): CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on LHC Injectors Upgrade and LHC Beam Parameters Upgrade including Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium andCERN-GSI Meeting (BEAM'07), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, with 88 participants including 46 from CERN. The workshop focused on PS2, SPS enhancements plus GSI upgrades, and beam parameters upgrade scenarios; e.g. bunch spacing, operation with large Piwinski angle, luminosity performance, respectively.
- 29-31 October 2007 (dissemination): Annual CARE Meeting CARE’07, CERN, about 110 accelerator experts. HHH highlight presentations on Active Techniques to Mitigate the Electron-Cloud Effects in Proton Machines , and Improved Thermal Removal from the Nb-Ti SC Cablewere delivered by F. Zimmermann and D. Tommasini, respectively.
- 30 October 2007 (coordination):CARE Governing Board Meeting, CERN, about 20 participants.
CERN-HHH presentation:
Preliminary 2008 Work Program and Budget, W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann
- 7-9 November 2007 (APD):CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on Interaction Regions for theLHC Upgrade (IR'07), INFN Frascati, Italy, 39 registered participants, about half of which from CERN. Discussions on new low-beta quadrupoles, detector-integrated dipoles and quadrupoles, crab cavities, wire compensation, design of the new DAFNE IR.
- 19-20 November 2007 (AMT):CARE-HHH-AMT Workshop on Heat Generation &Transfer in Superconducting Magnets (THERMOMAG), Paris, 2 days, about 30 presentations with 1/3 of the speakers from CERN. Discussions on minimizing and evacuating the heat in the next generation of superconducting magnets for high intensity particle accelerators. The workshop will identify the state of the art in (1) cooling techniques (fluids and regimes), (2) heat transfer mechanisms, (3) modeling of heat transfer from coils to cooling system, (4) heat transfer experiments; it will also identify a common set of thermal design criteria.
- 11-13 December 2007 (ABI): CARE-HHH-ABI annual workshop onSchottky, Tune and Chromaticity Diagnostic (withreal time feedback).Chamonix, France. Topics: pertinent detailed technology issues; specifications for upcoming new hadron facilities; concrete work packages for the coming year in order to meet objectives.
EU contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395 / CARE-Report-XX-XXX-HHH
Table 1: Overview of meetings, workshops and events (co-)organized by the HHH Network or with HHH contributions in 2007
HHH Activity2007 / January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / DecemberActivity yearly and/ or steering meeting / 17-178 CARE S&DB meeting / 12 CARE S&DB meeting / 29-31 meeting
Meeting/Workshop WP1 AMT / 30 talk AT/MAS CERN / 30 talk AT/MAS CERN / 19-20 workshop THERMOMAG (F)
Meeting/Workshop WP2 ABI / 11.-13.12. workshop ABI (F)
Meeting/Workshop WP3 APD / 18 talk AB & LHC Seminar / 1-2 mini-workshop
ECL2, CERN (CH); joint with ELAN; 15 talk LHC Seminar ; 22-23 workshop CC-2007 (CH); 30 meeting crab waist (I) ; / 30 talkAlice seminar / 1-5workshopBEAM’07 (CH) / 7-9 workshop IR’07 (I)
Workshop with other CARE activities and/or LHC experiments / 11 work-shop LHC b upgrade (UK) / 19 ATLAS& CMS electronics upgrade workshop / 27 meeting IoP SuperLHC (UK) / 1 workshop ATLAS upgrade
Working groups
SPSU / 1 meetingLUMIUP / LU-MEI / joint PAF/POFPA / 13
meetingPAF/POFPA / 10 special PAF meeting / 23 meeting LU-MEI
Conferences & workshops
HCP2007 / 20-26conf.
US-LARP / 18-20 collab.meeting / 2-4 workshop bb-comp. / 25-27 col. meeting
PAC2007 / 25-29 conference invited talks
UPHUK3 / 16-18conf.
inv. talk
EU contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395 / CARE-Report-07-008-HHH
Table 2: List of meetings, workshops and events (co-)organized by the HHH Network or with HHH contributions during 2007
Date / Title/subject / location / Main organizer / Number of participants / Comments and Web site5 Jan / Accelerator Seminar / KEK (J) / KEK accelerator seminar coordinator / About 25 / LHC Status, Commissioning and Upgrade
11 Jan / LHCb Upgrade workshop / Edinburgh (UK) / LHCb collaboration / About 150 /
18 Jan / AB & LHC Project Seminar / CERN (CH) / AB & LHC seminar coordinators / About 100 / Baseline Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade - Summary of the CARE-HHH LHC-LUMI-06 workshop
29 Jan-2 Feb / Visit of HHH doctoral student E. Laface to FNAL & BNL / FNAL & BNL (USA) / HHH-AMT coordinators / 1 / Coordination of work on s.c. database
30 Jan / AT/MAS Seminar / CERN (CH) / AT-MAS seminar coordinator / About 50 / A Strongly Focused High-Luminosity Insertion for the LHC Upgrade
13 Feb / PAF/POFPA Meeting / CERN (CH) / Chairmen of PAF and POFPA / About 30 / Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade 13.02.2007 - Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade - Zimmermann & Scandale.ppt
22-26 Feb / Visit of HHH scientist La China to FNAL / FNAL (USA) / HHH-AMT coordinators / 1 / Presentation and discussions on thermal performance of improved s.c. cables.
1-2 Mar / ECL2 workshop / CERN (CH) / HHH, ELAN and EUROTeV coordinators / 35 / Joint CARE-HHH, CARE-ELAN and EUROTeV Mini-Workshop on E-Cloud Cloud Clearing (ECL2)
15 Mar / LHC Seminar / CERN (CH) / LHC seminar coordinator / About 50 / H8-RD22 Experiment to Test Crystal Collimation for the LHC,
19 Mar / ATLAS & CMS Electronics workshop / CERN (CH) / ATLAS and CMS workshop organizers / About 230 /
21 Mar / SPS Upgrade meeting / CERN (CH) / SPSU coordinator / About 15 / Possible Solutions for the Electron Cloud Problem
22-23 Mar / CC-2007 workshop / CERN (CH) / HHH coordinators / About 45 / CARE-HHH mini-Workshop on Crystal Channeling for LargeColliders:Machine and Physics Applications (CC-2007)
26-30 Mar / Visit to CERN of F. Broggi (INFN Milano) / CERN (CH) / HHH-AMT coordinators / 1 / Simulating heat deposition in future IR magnets
30 Mar / AT/MAS Seminar / CERN (CH) / AT-MAS seminar coordinator / About 50 / Parametric Studies for a Phase-One LHC Upgrade Based on Nb-Ti,
30 Mar / Crab waist meeting / INFN-LNF (I) / INFN & HHH-APD coordinators / About 20 / Use of crab waists for the LHC upgrade
10 Apr / Special PAF meeting / CERN (CH) / PAF chairman / 7 / Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, 10.04.2007 - Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade - Zimmermann & Scandale.ppt
17-18 Apr / CARE Steering and Dissemination Board / LPNHE Paris (F) / CARE coordinators / About 10 / Meeting agenda and minutes ,
18-20 Apr / US-LARP collaboration mtg. / FNAL (USA) / US-LARP coordinators / 77 / Current challenges and difficulties, new task proposals, technical and financial planning for FY08 and FY09, potential U.S. contributions to a "full upgrade" of the IRs in about 2015, LARP R&D strategy ;
30 Apr / ALICE seminar / CERN (CH) / ALICE seminar coordinator / About 30 / H8-RD22 Experiment: Progress on Ion Beam Focusing with Bent Crystals,
2-5 May / Visit to CERN of F. Broggi (INFN Milano) / CERN (CH) / HHH-AMT coordinators / 1 / Simulating heat deposition in future IR magnets
20-26 May / HCP2007 / Isola d’Elba (I) / HCP2007 organizers / About 150 / Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2007
1 Jun / SPS Upgrade Meeting / CERN (CH) / SPSU coordinator / About 10 / Scenarios for the LHC Upgrade and Consequences for the SPS ,
for LHC Upgrade and Consequences for SPS - Zimmermann.ppt
11-22 Jun / HHH students U. Dorda & G. Sterbini visiting BNL / BNL (USA) / HHH-APD coordinators / 2 / Wire beam-beam experiments at RHIC
25-29 Jun / PAC’07 / Albuquerque (USA) / IEEE and APS-DPB / About 1800 / 2 talks and seven HHH papers; conference web site
27 Jun / IoP Meeting / LiverpoolU. (UK) / IoPmeeting organizers / 43 / IoP Half-day Meeting on Super-LHC
2-4 Jul / US-LARP & HHH mini-workshop BeamBeam’07 / SLAC
(USA) / US-LARP & HHH coordinators / 35 / US-LARP and HHH Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Compensation,
5 Jul / SLAC Accelerator Seminar / SLAC (USA) / SLAC seminar coordinator / About 30 / Observation of Proton Reflection on Bent Silicon Crystals at the CERN SPS,
23 Jul / SLHC MEI Meeting / CERN (CH) / SLHC-MEI coordinator / About 30 / 4th LHC Upgrade Machine-Experiment Interface Meeting;
4-7 Sep / Visit to CERN of F. Broggi (INFN Milano) / CERN (CH) / HHH-AMT coordinators / 1 / Simulating heat deposition in future IR magnets
12 Sep / CARE Steering and Dissemination Board / CERN (CH) / CARE coordinators / About 10 / Meeting agenda and minutes ,
16-18 Sep / UPHUK3 / Bodrum (T) / UPHUK organizers / About 70 / 3rd National Accelerator Congress (UPHUK3),
25-29 Sep / Visit to CERN of G. Franchetti (GSI) / CERN (CH) / HHH-APD coordinators / 1 / Studies of incoherent electron-cloud effects in the LHC and beam-electron interaction in a dipole magnetic field
1-5 Oct / BEAM’07 workshop / CERN (CH) / HHH-APD coordinators / 88 / CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on LHC Injectors Upgrade and LHC Beam Parameters Upgrade including Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium andCERN-GSI Meeting (BEAM'07), ,
29-31 Oct / CARE’07 / CERN (CH) / CARE coordinators / About 110 / Annual CARE Meeting CARE’07
7-9 Nov / IR’07 workshop / INFN-LNF (I) / HHH-APD coordinators / 39 / Discussions on new low-beta quadrupoles, detector-integrated dipoles and quadrupoles, crab cavities, wire compensation, design of the new DAFNE IR.
CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on Interaction Regions for theLHC Upgrade (IR'07),
19-20 Nov / THERMOMAG / Paris (F) / HHH-AMT coordinators / About 30 / CARE-HHH-AMT Workshop on Heat Generation &Transfer in Superconducting Magnets (THERMOMAG),
11-13 Dec / HHH-ABI annual workshop / Chamonix (F) / HHH-ABI coordinators / 28 / CARE-HHH-ABI annual workshop onCARE-HHH-ABI annual workshop on Schottky, Tune and Chromaticity Diagnostic (with real time feedback)
EU contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395 / CARE-Report-07-008-HHH
Table 3: List of talks to workshops and conferences made by HHH members and which are about (or include) activities carried within HHH