64 Count, 2 Wall, 1 Tag, 2 Restart
Choreographer NeusLioverasArranz
Music: Rain by Curtis Grimes
Step R, Stomp L, Step back L, Stomp R, Side, Stomp, Side, Scuff
1-2 Step right forward, Stomp left foot forward beside right
3-4 Step left back, stomp right back next to left
5-6 Step right to the right, stomp left to right,
7-8 Step left to the left, scuff right beside left
Vine Right, Point, Rolling vine Left, Stomp
9-10 Step right to the right, step left to the right crossing behind right foot
11-12 Step right to the right, point left toe next to right foot
13-14Step left heel down and turning 1/4 turn to the left, step right forward ½ turn to the left
15-16Step left back turning 1/4 turn to the left, stomp right beside left foot
Flick slap, Stomp, Kick left, Step left, Kick right, step right, Flick slap, Scuff
17-18Flick right up next to left leg and touch the right heel with right hand, stomp right place
19-20 Kick left, step left forward
21-22 Kick right, step right forward
23-24Flick left up beside right and touch the left heel with the left hand, scuff left
Heel tap, Toe tap, ¼ turn heel tap, Hook, Lock step, Stomp
25-26Tap left heel fwd., tap left toe back
27-28¼ turn left tap left heel fwd., hook left back
29-30Step left forward, lock right crossing behind left foot
31-32Step left forward, stomp right
Side rock cross, side rock cross ( going backwards), Step ½ turn
33-34Step right to the right, step left to the left
35-36Step right cross on left, step left to the left
37-38Step right to right, step left crossed over right foot
39-40 Step right forward, ½ turn left
Heel stand Out-Out-In-In, Jazz box
41-42 Step right heel forward diagonally right (open), step left heel forward diagonally to the left (open)
43-44Step right back diagonally left (closed), step left back diagonally right (close)
45-46Step right across in front of left foot, step left back
47-48Step right to the right, step left next to right foot
Vine right, ¼ turn, Stomp, Svivel Toe-Heel-Toe, Stonp
49-50Step right to the right, step left to right across behind right foot
51-52Step right to the right ¼ turn, Stomp left
53-54Left toe toward the left, left heel moves to the left
55-56 Left toe moves the left, stomp right
Side Stomp, Side Stomp, Swivel Toe-Heel-Toe, Stomp
57-58 Step right to the right, stomp left
59-60 Step left to the left, stomp right
61-62Right toe towardthe right, right heel to moves to right
63-64 Right toe moves to the right, stomp left
TAG after 1 Wall. Kick, Stomp, Flick Stomp
1-2 Kick Right fwd, stomp right
3-4 Flick right back, stomp stomp
3 Wall only until 24 count
7 Wall only until 8 Count
Final Dance
9 Wallonly until 56 count and then make ½ turn right stomp right