Chapter 6
- Louis XIII
- Louis XIV
- Louis XV
- Cardinal Richelieu
- Cardinal Mazarin
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert
- Frederick III
- Frederick William I
- Frederick William the Great Elector
- Philip IV
- Peter the Great
- Leopold I
- Jacques Bossuet
- Ivan the Terrible
- Charles VI of Austria
- Prince Eugene of Savoy
- Anne of Austria
- Jean-Baptiste Moliére
- Poussin
- Jean Racine
Identify the authors and philosophies behind the following texts or events:
- Instrument of Government
- Treaty of Pyrenees
3.Great Northern War
- Peace of Karlowitz
- Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
- War of Spanish Succession
- War of the League of Augsburg
- Treaty of Utrecht
- Table of Ranks
- Pragmatic Sanction
Identify Political Philosophies of the following people:
- Thomas Hobbes
- James I
- Cardinal Richelieu
- John Locke
- Louis XIV
- Cardinal Mazarin
- James II
- William and Mary
- Oliver Cromwell
- Louis XIII
Identify the following concepts or events:
- Absolutism
- “divine right” monarchy
- Hohenzollern
- Intendants
- Versailles
- Fronde
- Estates General
- Totalitarianism
- French Classicism
- Paulette
- Peace of Utrecht
- Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
- Sovereign
- “one king, one law, one faith”
- Junkers
- “L’état c’est moi”
- “windows to the west”
- Time of Troubles
- Boyars
- Taille
Match the following event with the correct date:
1.Table of Ranks 1725
- Treaty of Utrecht1648
- Revocation of the Edict of Nantes1709
- Creation of Great Britain1713
- Start of the Fronde1699
- Treaty of Nystadt1707
- Pragmatic Sanction 1685
- Death of Peter the Great1721
- Battle of Poltava1722
- Peace of Karlitz1713
- How the Fronde influence the political decisions of Louis XIV?
- Discuss the role of Richelieu, Mazarin, and Colbert in the development of an absolute state in France.
- Compare and contrast absolutism in eastern and Western Europe.
- How did Peter the Great control the boyars and what affect did those concessions have on Russia’s development as a major European power?
- How did Frederick William the Great Elector build Brandenburg-Prussia into a major power?
- Analyze the role of the monarchy in Austria prior to and after the Pragmatic Sanction.
- What was the primary goal of Peter the Great’s foreign policy and how do he set about achieving that goal?
- How did the French monarch utilize the Palace of Versailles to maintain control over the French nobility?
- Describes the wars of Louis XIV. What was the purpose of those wars and analyze the success or failure of his ventures.
- Why did Peter the Great travel to Europe in 1697 and 1698, and what did he see that influenced the development of Russia?
- What factors led to the rise of Prussia as a major European power?
- Why was Turkey unable to develop at the same rate as other European powers and what did other European nations think of Turkey?
- How was the development of absolutism in Eastern Europe differ from absolutism in France?
- Why did the Eastern European nations maintain the institution of serfdom and how did that policy retard economic development?
- Prussia developed the most militaristic nation in Europe. How and why did they resort to such a policy and which monarchs completely endorsed the militaristic philosophy?
- Why did Louis XIV continually resort to war? Using specific conflicts say how successful was he in pursuing such a policy.
- Compare and contrast the handling of religious issues by the Stuart monarchs James I and Charles I of England and Louis XIV of France.
- Evaluate the reign of Louis XIV of France.
- How absolute were the monarchs of France, Austria, and Russia?
- How were art, architecture, and music used to embellish absolutism?