A. See Division I and Section 16010.
B. Substitutions of products proposed to be equal to those specified herein will be considered only when the following requirements have been met:
1. A complete list of such substituted products, with drawings and data sheets, shall be submitted to and approved by the architect and/or consulting engineer, not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to scheduled date of opening of bids.
2. It shall conform to the standards herein and the manufacturer must supply proof of having produced similar equipment for at least ten years with a written history of system now rendering satisfactory service provided. Supplier of this equipment must also have had service and sales of the same or similar equipment for the past four (4) years. Substitute equipment and its capabilities must be a standard part of that systems current product line and must meet or exceed the capabilities of the equipment specified. Contractors are cautioned to conform to this specification so that the system provided will insure future options and priorities of the owner with regard to the systems use. If the alternate system fails to provide all the requirements specified in this document, the Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the removal and replacement of said equipment.
3. The Contractor shall submit a pointbypoint statement of compliance for All Sections.
4. Where the proposed system does not comply with the paragraph as written, but the Contractor feels it will accomplish the intent of the paragraph in a manner different from that described, a full description of the intent perceived by the Contractor shall be provided as well as a full description of how its proposal will meet its perceived intent.
5. Where a full description is not provided, it shall be assumed that the proposed system does not comply with the paragraph in question.
6. Any submission which does not include a pointbypoint statement of compliance as described herein shall be disqualified.
C. Provide a complete, carbon monoxide detection System including all necessary appurtenances needed to perform the operations of the entire systems specified.
D. Approved Manufacturers:
E. For the basis of establishing a criteria for the required equipment, the specifications refer to Macurco model numbers.
F. Final acceptance of the Carbon Monoxide System shall be conducted by the Contractor as directed by the Architect's Representatives. The Contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, instrumentation and communication equipment and shall include the cost of final acceptance testing in the base contract. These final acceptance tests shall generally consist of the following:
1. The System shall be tested concurrently with other systems to demonstrate alarm initiation, signal transmission, alarm display and communications capabilities.
A. The Contractor shall include in the base contract all costs required to train the Owners' operating and maintenance personnel in the use and maintenance of systems provided under this Division of the specifications
A. The work under this division of the specification shall consist of, but shall not be limited to, the installation of the following systems:
1. Carbon Monoxide Detectors Control Panel (Fire Alarm Control panel with interface devices as required.)
B. Furnish and install all equipment, wiring, conduit, standard and special wall boxes and cabinets to make a complete and functioning system as hereinafter specified and shown on the plans. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide all equipment and materials compatible to the system supplied. All equipment shall be located as shown on the drawings. Any equipment not specifically mentioned in this specification or not shown on the drawings, but required for the operation of a completely functional system shall be furnished and installed. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate and oversee all Division 16 subcontractors to insure interfacing between trades is accomplished in a timely and professional manner. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to work with other trades in a timely and professional manner to insure proper installation of the herein specified systems.
A. Furnish and install carbon monoxide detectors as shown on the project drawings. The detectors shall be monitored by interface devices on the fire alarm addressable loop and shall indicate the location of the carbon monoxide detector and shall clearly indicate the nature of the alarm as being carbon monoxide detection. Upon an alarm from a carbon monoxide detector an alarm shall be sounded on the dedicated carbon monoxide signal circuits and shall sound bells as the audible alarm. The bells shall be provided with engraved labels with not less than 1 inch letters indicating Carbon Monoxide Alarm. The alarm shall be different and distinct from the fire alarm audible and visible devices.
A. The System shall consist of the basic system components listed herein plus any required auxiliary components required to provide a complete system function as specified in this section of the specification.
A. The Carbon Monoxide Detector shall be Macurco model CM-15A with SPDT
alarm relay for interface to fire alarm addressable loop. The unit shall operate on 24VDC power and shall be suitable for flush or surface mount. All units shall be individually calibrated. The detectors shall be listed to UL standard 2075 and shall be tested to the UL standard 2034 for sensitivity requirements. The detector shall alarm at multiple levels of exposure to carbon monoxide based on time-weighted averages of the gas present. The detectors shall mount to a single gang box and shall be provided with the following operation indicators.
Green LED indicating normal operation
Amber LED indicating trouble with the device.
Red LED indicating Carbon Monoxide has been detected.
B. POWER SUPPLY/BATTERY BACKUP shall be provided from the Fire Alarm
Control Panel.
C. The carbon monoxide alarm device shall be Wheelock Model MT-12/24 multitone device. Set audible tone to bell. Provide with engraved sign to indicate carbon monoxide alarm.
A. This Contractor shall furnish and install all wiring, conduit, junction boxes and outlet boxes required for the installation of a complete system. All wiring shall be installed in metallic conduit, shall be color coded throughout and shall test free and clear of opens, grounds and shorts between conductors. All wiring shall be in conformance with the National Electric Code.
A. The manufacturer shall provide supervision of the project during installation, supervision of final connections and testing of all devices, demonstrate system operation following checkout in the presence of the Architect, Engineer and Owner, and shall after completion of the project and acceptance by the same, provide any service incidental to the proper performance of the system during the guarantee period.
A. After all work herein specified has been completed, the contractor shall guarantee his work to be free from defects for a period of one year. Such defects shall apply to faulty materials or workmanship. In the event of the development of said defects, the contractor shall remedy the failure at his own expense within a reasonable time after notice. System equipment shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer for one year.
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