ANGELO QUEIROLO3005 River Lakes Drive

PresidentWhitefish, Montana 59937

Web- site: CapitolSports.orgPhone: (916) 541-7829


August 06, 2017

Dear Softball Manager:

Capitol Sports Association (CSA) will be offering the following USA Softball Girls Fast Pitch Falltournaments in 2017. Please refer below for additional information. The tournament location, date, classification, entry fee, and entry deadline are as follows:

Fairfield, Vacaville, CA / Sept. 16-17 / JO “B” 8-10-12-14
JO “C” 10-12 / $490
$450 / Sept 12
Golden Eagle Little League Complex Sparks, Nevada / Sept 16-17 / JO “A” 10-12-14-16-18
5 game Guarantee
Short Fences / $510 / Sept. 12
Davis, Vacaville, CA / Sept 23-24 / JO “A” 10-12-14-16-18
JO “B” 8-10-12-14- 16/18
JO “C” 10-12 / $490
$450 / Sept 19
South Lake Tahoe, CA / September 30-October 1 / JO “B”10-12
Open 12-14-16/18 / $505 / Sept
Golden Eagle Regional Complex,Sparks, Nevada / Oct 07-08 / JO Open 10-12-14-16-18
5 game Guarantee
Short Fences / $510 / Oct. 02
Davis , CA / Oct. 07-08 / JO “A” 10-12-14-16-18
JO “B” 10-12-14-16/18
JO C 10-12
5 game Guarantee / $510 / Oct. 02
Chico, CA / Oct. 21-22 / 12-14-16/18 Open / $490 / Oct
Davis , CA / Nov. 04-05 / JO “A” 10-12-14-16-18
JO “B” 8-10-12-14- 16/18
JO “C” 10-12
5 game Guarantee / $510
$455 / Oct 31

Unless indicated otherwise in the tour classification, each team is guaranteed four games. CSA reserves the right to combine age groups regardless of classification to ensure a tournament takes place. If you plan to participate in one or more of these events, we encourage you to enter your team as soon as possible as these events are growing in popularity and the spots available are limited.

If a team is participating in an USASoftball tournament, they must be properly registered with the organization. It is your responsibility to have proof of registration of all players, and coaches including insurance with the USASoftball at the tournament site. Failure to have this information available upon request can result in the team not being permitted to participate and forfeiture of the entry fee for the event

Please be advised of the following policy regarding refunds. A $35.00 administrative charge per team will be charged on all refunds. A team will receive a refund if they withdraw from the tournament prior to the entry deadline date. No refund will be given to a team if they withdrawal on or after the deadline date unless a team is found to take their place. If a tournament is canceled or halted due to inclement weather, the team will receive a credit to a future CSA activity.

The winner and second place in each tournament will receive a team trophy plus 14 individual awards.

Teams participating shall fill out the attached roster. Make personal checks or money orders payable to CSA. Based on when you mail info, the following addresses are to be used

Prior to and including September 25, 2017 - Mail to CSA 3005 River Lakes Drive, Whitefish, Montana 59937

After September 25, 2017 Mail to CSA, 11430 North 78th Street, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260.

For teams requiring hotel accommodations, please refer to our web site –

- for possible options.

We will try to have the tournament brackets and other applicable information emailed and online no later than the Wednesday morning prior to the event. If you have not received the information by Wednesday evening of the week of the tournament, please call that night between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM for the game time.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 916-541-7829 any evening after 7:00 PM.

Thank You,