Ms. Bethany Dudley Ms. Kate Ables
Office Hours: email to schedule appointment Office Hours: email to schedule an appointment
Last Name______First Name______Class Period______
- To learn self-discipline, self-confidence, and dedication through dance using the body as an expressive instrument
- To explore different dance styles and techniques through various exercises in movement
- To develop a dance vocabulary
- To develop various choreographic skills
- To develop kinesthetic awareness
- To develop an understanding of dance history as well as the importance of dance around the world
- Display respect in all actions at all times
- Be on time and be prepared with dress out clothes EVERYDAY
- Absolutely NO food or drink in dance class or in the dance studio
- Stereos, CD’s, and other sound equipment should be used with care (always ask permission to use)
- Restroom is only to be used during dressing out time, not during the class period.
- Work hard and have fun!
- Verbal Warning
- Call/Note Home
- Discipline Referral
- Conference with student, teacher, parent, and principal
- Dismissal from department
REWARDS: ______
- Personal achievement and improvement in class
- Verbal Praise
- Extra Credit
- Call/Note Home
Dressing out: ______
When the tardy bell rings, students should be inside the dance room door. Students will have 10 minutes from the time the bell rings to get dressed out in dancewear. Students WILL NOT be allowed back into the locker room until the end of class. Female and male students should wear all black dancewear. Dancewear can be purchased through the HHS dance department or at any local dancewear store. All attire should fit properly and not be oversized and baggy or too tight. Offensive clothing will not be allowed. Students that do not dress out will still be expected to participate in classroom procedures and activities. Clothing worn to school is not considered dressed out. YOU MUST CHANGE CLOTHES AND WEAR ALL BLACK! Students will have 10 minutes to change back into school clothes at the end of each class. Students are expected to dress out EVERY SINGLE DAY. Once they are dressed back out, they may not leave the dance room until the bell rings. A referral will be issued on the 3rd time a student does not dress out for class.
Tardies: ______
Tardies will not be tolerated. 25 points will be deducted from participation grade every time that a student is tardy to class. This includes being tardy to the dance room from the locker room after the 10 minute dress out period. Ten minutes after the bell rings, you must be in your attendance block in you assigned seat. If the student is in the dance room but not in their attendance block, they are still considered tardy for grading purposes.
Jewelry: ______
No jewelry is allowed with the exception of small stud earrings. This is for safety reasons and will be enforced. Please lock jewelry in assigned locker or give to Ms. Dudley/Ms. Ables to lock in the dance office.
Hair: ______
Hair should be worn in a style pulled away from the face as to not distract the dancer. Hats will not be allowed. This means that all hair should be pulled back in a ponytail.
Class Handouts: ______
You will be responsible for keeping up with all dance class handouts and having them with you in class. It is up to each student as to how they keep up with this. You may use a binder, folder, etc.
Lockers: ______
Dance 1, Dance 2, and Pre-Drill classes will be issued a locker in B-Hall, and will be responsible for bringing their dance clothes to class everyday. Dance 3 and Dance 4 classes will be issued a locker in the dance locker room. Hendrickson High School and the Dance Department are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please make sure that all items are locked up and the locker door is fully closed once your items are in the locker. The locker room is not available for access before or after school.
Hendrickson High School Grading Protocols for 2015-2016
Major Grades3 or more per grading period / Minor Grades
6 or more per grading period
Category Weight 70% / Category Weight 30%
Retesting or Redoing
●Students must be allowed to retest/redo assessment grades. They may be allowed to redo practice grades.
●All students shall be allowed to redo major grades (or similar) after completing prerequisite work. The PLC/Department will standardize pre-requisite work.
●Retesting/redoing should be completed within five school days (teacher discretion applies).
●Students only retest once, but teacher discretion applies.
●The higher grade, with a maximum of “70”, will be recorded.
●The level of rigor/challenge must be increased for reassessment. Example: multiple choice becomes short answer response.
●Teachers may substitute a concept-portion on a later assessment for a previously failed grade of the same concept IF the student has completed pre-requisite work.
Late Work
●Students will be afforded opportunity to submit late work for major grades during each grading period.
●Late work submissions must be submitted by the end of each 3 week IPR grading period.
●In the event students are assigned work in the last week of the grading period, students will have 5 school days from the original date of submission to complete the late work assignment.
●Late work submitted will receive the grade obtained if completed in a timely manner, yet no more than a 20% penalty can be applied
●Extra credit assignments are NOT accepted late.
Exceptions to this policy will be the Fall and Spring Dance performances, as well as the makeup assignment for student’s not performing in the show. The performance will not be allowed to be made up. The students that are not eligible or have pre-approval to not participate in the show will have to complete a makeup assignment. They will be given three weeks in class prior to the due date to work on this assignment. This assignment will not be allowed to be turned in late.
Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities may be obtained by the dance teacher. These can be done by any student that has dressed out AND participated every day for those 9 weeks in class. These must be approved by the teacher ahead of time.
Dance Class Stipulations
Daily techniquegrade: ______
Every day a daily technique grade will be taken. Points will be earned or taken away according to the student’s choices. Students are eligible to make a grade of 100 points every day. These daily technique grades will be averaged together to create one major grade for each week of the nine weeks. That means each nine weeks you will have nine major grades based off of your daily technique grade.
*Dressing out in proper dance attire= 50 points
*Participating in all class activities= + 50 points
100 points for the day
*NOT dressing out in proper dance attire= -50 points
*NOT participating in ALL class activities = -50 points
0 points for the day
Areas where points may be lost:
-Chewing gum- 25 points-Disruptive behavior- 0-50 points
-Hair not pulled back- 25 points-Excessive talking- 0-50 points
-Not dressed in all black- 25 points-Tardy- 25 points
-Not participating- 0-50 points
**At the end of the nine weeks one point will be deducted from the nine weeks AVERAGE for each day the student does not dress out.**
Absence Work
If a student is absent, their daily grade will be a zero. It is their responsibility to see the teacher for missed assignments. This zero can be made up through written work assigned by Ms. Dudley or Ms. Ables. For each day that a student is not physically present in class, they must complete a “Makeup work for Dance Class” paper. The papers will be in the cubbies outside of the dance office at all times. You have until the Friday BEFORE the 9 weeks is over (typically the 8th week) to turn in the makeup work. The exception would be for absences that occur on the last week of the 9 weeks. Those assignments are due the day following the absence. Have extra makeup assignments in your dance binder/folder for this situation.
Written Assignments: ______
Written assignments include journals, worksheets, papers, choreography evaluations and choreography critiques.
Journals: ______
Often students will be given a journal prompt on which to write. Each entry should be at least one page in length. Students may include anything of importance to their dance education and growth, in addition to the prompt given. They must fill all lines on the given assignment in order to receive full credit.
Technique assessments/ Written Exams: ______
Students will be tested on the material covered in class including technique, vocabulary, history, and choreography.
Final: ______
The student’s final grade will be given with a technique exam as well as participation in our WINTER DANCE CONCERTand our SPRING SHOW. Attendance at the dress rehearsals is mandatory! This performance is a part of the final grade and must be completed in order to receive that portion of their final grade. Those students who do not participate in the Winter Dance Concert or the Spring Show will receive a grade of zero for that portion of the final. Please note the dates for these concerts ahead of time and plan accordingly. You have until September3rd / 4th to report any conflicts for the dance shows and rehearsals. Please give these dates to all extracurricular activity sponsors, employers, church, family, friends, etc and let them know NOW that you are required to be at these events. We do check eligibility for these shows. If you are not eligible, you will be assigned a makeup assignment to replace the 5 major grades/ exam grades that are missed. If you are eligible, then you are required to be at the rehearsals and performances unless it was approved by Ms. Dudley or Ms. Ables by September 3rd/4th.
WDC/Spring Show Eligibility: ______
Students must have an 80 or above average in Dance, no discipline referrals, and be passing all their classes for the 1st and 3rd nine week grading periods in order to be eligible to perform in the Winter Dance Concert or Spring Show.
Grading System: ______
Summative Grades:70%
Formative Grades: 30%
***Future participation in the Dance Department requires teacher approval for students interested in continuing on to Dance 2-4***
- Black tank leotard, black jazz pants, and black jazz shoes- May be purchased through the HHS dance department
- Binder or folder to keep up with dance class handouts
The following dates are listed below to provide advanced warning for performance opportunities. Students should make arrangements now to be available for these performance dates. It is not possible to make up a performance such as this. Make arrangements with family and employers now so that problems do not arise later.
- (Tues.) December 8, 2015Tech/Dress RehearsalHendrickson PAC4:15p-???
- (Wed.) December 9, 2015Winter Dance ConcertHendrickson PAC5:00p- call time
7:00p- show time
- (Tues.)April 26, 2016Act I Dress RehearsalHendrickson PAC4:15p-???
- (Wed.)April 27, 2016Act II Dress RehearsalHendrickson PAC4:15p- ???
- (Thurs.)April 28, 2016Full Show RehearsalHendrickson PAC4:15p- ???
- (Fri.)April 29, 2016Spring ShowHendrickson PAC5:00p- call time
7:00p- show time
- (Sat.)April 30, 2016Spring ShowHendrickson PAC5:00p- call time
7:00p- show time
**Your required rehearsal dates will depend on what dances you are in and what act of the show those dances take place. These will be given closer to the show in the Spring semester.
Parent/Student Signature
I have received and read over the Hendrickson High School Dance Department’s Syllabus. I have full understanding of the objectives, rules and expectations, consequences, rewards, class procedures, grading system, supplies needed, and dates to remember. I understand that the student is responsible for earning their grade and will not simply be given a grade. If the student follows the above syllabus, they will be rewarded. If they do not follow the syllabus, they will suffer the consequences. The student has initialed by each section of the syllabus that has been explained to them. Their initials represent their full understanding of each and every policy. This entire syllabus packet will be kept on file with their dance teacher if questions arise throughout the year about policies and procedures.
Student Signature _______Date____________
Parent Signature _________Date______
Phone(home)______(work) ______(cell) ______
Home Address ______City______Zip Code______
Thank you for your parental support! Please call or email any time if you have questions or concerns. Welook forward to meeting you at your student’s fall and spring performances!