Capital Resource Conservation and Development Area Council

2017 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Cropland

Roadside Crop Residue Survey

GPS Assistant

Project Overview:

Capital Resource Conservation and Development Area Council (Capital RC&D), a regional non-profit organization seeks three or moreGPS assistantsto accompany county survey teams and enter and manage data for the 2017Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Watershed,Roadside Crop Residue/Cover CropTransect Survey. The survey will be conducted in 14counties in the Chesapeake Bay watershed in Pennsylvania with a focus on the western and central counties.The results of this survey will be used by the PA Department of Environmental Protection and be included in the Conservation Technology Information Center’s Tillage/Crop Residue Database.

GPSassistant duties and responsibilities:

The GPS assistant will be assigned to approximately four (or more) counties within the Chesapeake Bay watershed in Pennsylvania. The assistant will work as a member of theSurvey Teamconsisting of a conservation district representative and aSurvey Technician. The GPS Assistant’s role is to accompany the team in the field, guide the driver to observation GPS waypointsand enterdata. Each county survey will take betweentwo and three full days to complete. The data will be reviewed, evaluated, and submitted to the PA Department of Environmental Protection.

Survey GPS assistant work schedule:

This is a short term position, working on average, 24hours per week for approximatelysixweeks. Work hours and days will vary depending on dates of field work. Field work dates will be determined based on planting dates/weather conditions. A training session will occur in early May and the timeframe for field collection is May 24, 2017 to June 30, 2017.

Survey GPS assistant required skills and knowledge:

  • Must be familiar with data entry procedures;
  • Must be able to read maps and willing to be instructed on use of the software, ArcMap;
  • Perform work with attention to detail;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team, independently, and with direct supervision; and
  • Must possess a valid driver’s license and have use of a motor vehicle.

Survey GPS assistant Compensation:

The schedule of work will be coordinated through Capital RC&D, located in Carlisle, PA. The assistant will receive $10/hour plus mileage which is reimbursed at the federal personal vehicle mileage rate.

Interested candidates should contact Susan Richards by March 31, 2017:

Susan Richards, Executive Director

Capital RC&D Area Council

401 East Louther Street, Suite 307

Carlisle, PA 17013

Phone: 717-241-4361
