CAPE ICT Multimedia Essentials Assignments

  1. Sign into Launchpad using the Icons Students folder from your computer’s desktop.
  2. Select the ICT Online icon. Take the 20 question Intermediate Multimedia Essentials exam.
  3. Go to and register. Use your student number as your user name and your birthdate as your password. Use your school Gmail address where it asks for ‘email address.’ Your school Gmail address is
  4. Use Google Chrome to search out an image you associate with your chosen character from the class novel. The image does not have to be of a person, but could be some symbol or object that you associate with the character. Copy the URL for that image and then use “open image from URL” at to paste that URL.
  5. Back at the website, take some time to investigating the options available for use. I have attached a list of graphics software terms and their definitions and a labelled copy of the left side toolbar for reference purposes.
  6. You need to do the following to the image you chose:
  • Save it to your student drive BEFORE you do any editing
  • Remember, the ‘Undo’ option is available in the “Edit” drop down menu in the top toolbar
  • Using the ‘Image’ drop down menu, crop your image
  • Using the ‘Adjustment’ drop down menu

Adjust brightness and contrast

Adjust hue and saturation

Adjust color balance

Adjust exposure

Choose any other options in this menu that you wish, if any

  • Using the ‘Filter’ drop down menu, choose one or more filters to apply
  • Using the ‘Toolbar’ located on left side of screen to do things like this:

Use the marquee and/or lasso to choose a part of your image and change something there using the ‘Adjustment’ option from the top tool bar

Use the pencil or paint brush to add words to the image

Use the color replace tool to change the color in some part of the image

Use the smudge tool to smudge part of the image

You are welcome to do additional editing

  1. Save your edited image to your school student folder. Don’t forget to name it something appropriate.
  2. Go to, click ‘Sign In’ and log into Google Drive using the following:


Password: The same one students use to logon to the school computers and Launchpad.

  1. Click on this image located in upper right of the screen: . Then select the yellow ‘Slides’ icon.
  2. Click ‘Start a New Presentation.’ You will be creating a minimum of a 6 slide presentation explaining how the author of the class novel used direct and indirect characterization to portray the character you have chosen. Remember, direct characterization is when the author comes right out and says something about the personality or appearance of a character. Indirect characterization is when the author requires the reader to infer something about a character based on what a character says, does, thinks, and/or how others react to that character. You will need to quote evidence from the text for each trait you identify for your chosen character. For the direct characterization slide (1 minimum), you must quote something from the novel where the author explicitly describes a character, such as they are loving or gentle. For the indirect characterization slides (3 minimum), you must identify at least one character trait that you inferred from what a character did, said, and thought, and provide evidence from the novel to support your inference. For example, ‘I know that the character is sweet because in the novel, it states “John bought a dozen roses for his teacher” and buying flowers for someone is a really nice thing to do.’
  3. I have attached a list of terms from Google Slides for reference purposes.
  4. You need to do the following in your presentation:

In upper left, title your presentation like this: Period # First Last Name.

Apply a layout of your choice using the ‘Slide’ drop down menu

Choose a theme for the presentation using the ‘Slide’ drop down menu

On slide 1, give your presentation a title, such as “Characterization of (insert character name) in The Lottery Rose.

On slide 2, insert the image (using the ‘Insert’ drop down menu) you edited and saved from and explain how the image relates to the character.

On slide 3, give it the title of ‘Direct Characterization’ and then give one example from the book (using an actual quotation), then explain how the quote is an example of direct characterization. See teacher example if necessary.

On slide 4, give it the title of ‘Indirect Characterization’ and then give one example of the character’s speech (using an actual quotation), then explain what that speech reveals about the character. See teacher example if necessary.

On slide 5, give it the title of ‘Indirect Characterization’ and then give one example of the character’s actions (using an actual quotation), then explain what that reveals about the character.

On slide 6, give it the title of ‘Indirect Characterization’ and then give one example of the character’s thoughts (using an actual quotation), then explain what those thoughts reveal about the character.

Add a transition/animation to each slide (you can do each the same or do a different transition for each slide) using the ‘Slide’ drop down menu.

Add a gif if you want – directions are on the teacher example.

As long as you meet the above requirements, you can add any additional slides you wish to your presentation along with any other things you wish to insert from the ‘Insert’ drop down menu, formatting from ‘Format’ drop down menu, etc…. THIS IS AN OPTIONAL STEP!!!

Share your presentation with your instructor by clicking the blue Share button (upper right side of your screen) and then typing in your teacher’s email address. (Ms. Finnin’s email address is ).

  1. Sign into Launchpad using the Icons Students folder from your computer’s desktop.
  2. Select the ICT Online icon. Take the Advanced Multimedia Essentials Practice exam (unless your instructor said you were ready to take the summative exam and earn your digital certificate).

Graphics Software Terms

1.The History panel records user operations and can be used to reverse changes made to an image.

2.The Navigatorpanel is used to pan an image and also to zoom in and out.

3.The Optionsbar displays options available for the selected tool.

4.The All Pixels and Show All options are available in the View menu.

5.The Lasso, Marquee and Magic Wand tools are examples of Selectiontools.

6.The Brightness & Contrast and Hue & Saturation controls are examples of adjustments.

7.The Waterswirl and Vignette options are examples of filters.

8.Layersallow the separation of elements contained in a design.

9.The color picker tool is used to set the border color of a drawing tool.

10.The Free Transform tools is used to resize and rotatean image or selection.

Google Slides Terms

1.The slide thumbnail panel is used to select a slide in a presentation.

2.Presentation software is used to produce interactive slide shows to enhance the presentation of information to an audience.

3.Multimedia, such as images and videos, can be inserted in a presentation.

4.Themes apply backgrounds, font styles and font colors to all slides.

5.The default slide size for presentations is widescreen16:9, which supports most new televisions and computer screens.

6.Pressing the home key on the keyboard moves you to the first slide in a presentation.

7.The page setup options are available from the file menu.

8.To select multiple contiguous (touching) slides, click on the first slide, then press the shiftkey and click on the last slide.

9.To select multiple non-contiguous slides (slides that are not touching), hold down the ctrlkey as you click the desired slides.

10.The slide backgroundis the area of the slide behind the placeholders, headings, text and other content.

Reviewing the Pixlr Editor Toolbar

Color Picker __13____Brush ___18___

Burn __24____Red Eye Reduction ___11___

Drawing __21____Set Main Color ___15___

Color Replace __7____Spot Heal ___25___

Zoom __28___Bloat ___12___

Paint Bucket ___19___Marquee ___2___

Sponge __23____Sharpen ___22___

Crop __1____Type ___27___

Lasso __17____Gradient ___6___

Dodge __10____Blur ___8___

Pinch ___26___Eraser ___5___

Pencil ___4___Magic Wand ___3___

Clone Stamp ___20___Hand ___14___

Smudge ___9___Move ___16___