Summary of GE Task Force Efforts, Jan 08-May 09
Charge to the General Education Task Force
December 14, 2007
“Critically examine CSUCI’s General Education program in light of the Senate’s recently approved GE outcomes and goals document, and ensure alignment with that document. Examine the GE program in the context of the University’s mission statement, available resources, conceptual and organizational structure and its relationship to the Mission Centers, community college transfer students, and CSU general education requirements. Consider facilitation of graduation by eliminating bottlenecks and other barriers to graduation, and recommend a GE program review and maintenance process.”
Spring 08:
Review of CSU GE Affinity Group meeting (2/28/08)
Review of draft revision of EO 595, mapping of new outcome focus to CSUCI’s GE Goals & Outcomes
Review of existing CSUCI GE policies
Review of CSUCI language concerning learning outcomes, characteristics of CSUCI graduates
Review of GE Goals and Outcomes Senate Policy and alignment with University mission. Approved by GE Committee and then the Senate April 29.
Began examination of the alignment of our current GE pattern with the GE Outcomes and Goals document
Began review of relationship of majors to GE
Began survey of intergrative GE models from other campuses (i.e. PSU)
Began survey of articles chronicling GE reform efforts on other campuses with similar contexts (i.e. state schools, high transfer rate), and AACU website resources.
Began review of literature on assessing GE from outcome perspective, including Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education (
Fall 08:
Meeting with new Provost to review Task Force charge, which she renewed.
Continued review of relationship of majors to GE, in terms of GE courses offered by program, GE courses inside and outside of program required of majors, and double-counting of courses for GE and major
Review of GE Assessment Task Force 05-07 and GE Program Review 06 reports.
Continued survey of GE models (PSU, Dartmouth, Evergreen, Wagner)
Listened to podcasts on GE reforms, outcomes, and assessments
Review of new Executive Order 1033
Began looking at AACU Crossroads project, which includes the Oregon and Wisconsin state college systems and the CSU
Conference call with Director of University Studies at Portland State University
Drafts of what a new GE program might look like
Review program by program of number of lower and upper division courses required, as well as GE courses inside and outside of program required of majors
Spring 09:
Continued review of relationship of majors to GE, in terms of GE courses offered by program, GE courses inside and outside of program required of majors, and double-counting of courses for GE and major
Review of First Year Experience and Second Year Experience Task Force 05 report
Discussion of linking courses, history of that here (i.e. Composition with disciplinary courses) and future plans (i.e. STEM physics/calculus freshman year and bio/math sophomore year integrated courses over two semesters).
Mapping of relationship between GE Goals and Outcomes and existing A-E breadth requirements
Continued drafting of possible GE models incorporating outcomes and breadth
Review of academy model and its possible relationship to new GE
Review of CSU Affinity group discussions on fiscal models for GE
Working with Institutional Research to get information about GE course enrollments
Consideration and further development of “Model C”
Meeting with Provost and Dean about proposed model