APPROVED Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
JULY 26, 2016
1.Call to Order/determination of Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm
Board Members Present:Joe Jackowski, Russell Tanner, John Flaherty and Sue Barrett
Board Members Absent:Jerome Geissler
Also present: Lynn Singleton, Canterwood Resident
Terri Schinkel, Canterwood Resident
Thelma Channon & Peter Wilson - Streets, Sidewalk & Storm Drain Committee
Meleanie Guerrero, Site Manager
2.Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting held June 28, 2016. On a Motion made, seconded and unanimously passed the above Minutes were approved as presented. (Joe Jackowski abstained from voting, as he was not present at the 7/28/16 Board meeting.)
3.Open Forum:
A)Lynn Singleton-Communication and Reporting/Correction Process: Mr. Singleton stated that a system needs to be in place to track the progress of issues/concerns in the community once they have been reported. He presented a sample procedure for the Board to review. He also gave examples of specific safety issues that were ofconcern to him that he had previously reported, but did not know the status of the items since. The Board thanked Mr. Singleton for his presentation and will review further forimplementation.
B)Terri Schinkel-Recap of Parking Lot Sale: Mrs. Schinkel described her experience with this event and offered some suggestions for next year's sale that will be taken into consideration.
- Cars parked in the lot overnight interfered with the set-up for the following morning.
- Some of the booths were attended by non-residents.
- Items were left behind, requiring the volunteers to deal with disposal.
4.Site Managers Report
The Site Managers Report was presented and discussed, with the following actions noted:
B1)Site Manager reviewed the current fines to residents. This report brought up issue of fining for limbing trees. The Board feels there needs to be a new procedure and policy for limbing. ACTION: Russell Tanner will take a look at updating the limbing policy and report back to the Board.
C1)Site Manager reported that the Club is requesting a list of all new Canterwood residents for membership contact purposes. The HOA currently includes a Club Brochure which is provided by Canterwood Membership Director. The Board agreed that the HOA will not give out new resident contact information due to privacy concerns, but will continue to hand out the Club brochure. ACTION: Site Manager will inform Canterwood Club that the HOA will continue to give out brochures to new residents.
5.Actions Taken by the Board via Electronic Means since Last Board Meeting
5A)Asphalt proposal increase by approximately $2500. A Motion was made, seconded and passed to ratify this proposal. Joe Jackowski abstained from voting as he was not involved in this electronic action.
6.President’s Report - No Report
7.Committee Reports/minutes
A)Architectural Control Committee
i.The Committee is recommending that the committees name be changed to the Architectural & Landscape Committee. The Board at this time denies the request due to the fact the CC&R's and Bylaws state the specific name to be the Architectural Control Committee.
ii.Canterwood CC&R's and Washington State RCW's - The Board reviewed a letter from the ACC regarding solar panels and adult family homes. Currently, the HOA does not have a policy regarding AFH's and the older language in the CC&R's on solar panels is not in compliance with current state regulations. However, based on the fact that it takes a 75% approval vote of all lot owners in Canterwood to change language in the CC&R's, the Board will deal with these issues individually as they come up.
iii.The Board reviewed the June and July ACC minutes.
B)Finance - No report
C)Grounds -No report
D)Security - No report
E)Riding Club - No report
F)Ad-Hoc Sub Committee of the Street, Sidewalks & Storm Drain Committee - Thelma Channon presented photos and a list of items that need to be addressed. Thelma stated that there are many areas of overgrowth that are residents responsibilities. The Board will review the list provided by the Sub Committee and if the Board agrees, this would still have to be budgeted for.
G)Technology/Communication Committee -
i.A sample survey regarding vendor access hours was reviewed and discussed. The Board suggested a few updates which John Flaherty will do. On a Motion made, seconded and unanimously passed the Board approved the amended Survey to go out to residents.
ii.It was also noted that the Committee hopes to have the new website up and running soon.
8.Treasurer’s Report
A)Financial Statements:
- The June2016 Financial Statements were reviewed and discussed. John Flaherty reported that the $28K expense will be corrected and charged to the Playground account. It was stated that the Finance Committee will begin the 2017 budgeting process next month.
- Delinquent accounts reviewed, with one account being paid in full.
9.Unfinished Business
A)Recommendations to have ACC Minutes Posted to Canterwood HOA website: The Board has denied this recommendation due to privacy concerns of the residents.
10.New Business
A)Review Cannon Companies Proposal for additional work at 4915 Foxglove Dr: The Board reviewed the proposal submitted. On a Motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the Board moved to approve the additional work to be done. ACTION: Site Manager will contact Cannon Companies to give approval to complete additional work.
B)Canterwood Life - Q&A with ACC article:The Board has requested that all articles relating to the HOA needs Board approval before being sent to print. ACTION: Site Manager will contact magazine editor to inform of this request.
C)Estate Sale Request: A resident is requesting approval to have an Estate sale at her home. The Board approved this request, with the conditions that parking is managed closely, time of entry to be 9am, Security to keep close eye on number of vehicles entering for this sale and that Security give a recap after sale is completed. ACTION: Site Manager will relay all requests to appropriate persons.
D)Div 12, Lot 29 Attorney Letter: The Board requested that the attorney letter be forwarded to the HOA attorney for review and how to reply. ACTION: Site Manager will send file to attorney Mark Roberts for review and response.
Russell Tanner reviewed the Tacoma Power Easement with the Board. It has been requested to have HOA attorney review these documents. ACTION: Site Manager will send documents to attorney Mark Roberts for review and response.
A discussion was had regarding hiring an HOA Handyman. Sue Barrett will review further and gather more information on why we need a Handyman.
11. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 5:30PM
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 23, 2016